here what you need to do ; rename it ; delete all the line of the pak name. the pak name should be like this ; ( .pak ), or you can name it ''ledgegrabbing.pak'' . i am using this name and it works like a charm. now.. you're good to go. PS ; i am curently using more then 50 mods for stalker 2 from NEXUSmods. i just wanted to thank the modder and others for the hard work. apreciate it. truly. keep up the great work.
Pirated the game because I'm in a very poor monetary situation right now. Other mods work fine, except this one doesn't seem to. Version 1.1.1. Anybody know anything about this? And before you give me flak for pirating the game; I'm not choosing a game over food and electricity, thanks. I still deserve to be entertained.
Confirming it doesn't work with the new patch, can't jump on a ledge at eye height (or is it weapon height? roughly reticle height when looking horizontally) neither with nor without any of the mod variants.
Here is a potential solution for the latest issue with this mod and patch 1.1.4.
Go to your ~mods folder, look for this Ledge Grab mod and delete the folder: Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3
It should work fine after that.
Now, if you have another mod whose pak has an ObjPrototypes.cfg therein, like Desolation, then you can take the following steps to add the settings to that same type cfg from Ledge Grab into the one in Dessolation
You will need this this pak tool to open up the pak file for this mode and make the changes that you need. StalkerPak Tool:
1. Backup the mod whose pak has this type of cfg, ObjPrototypes.cfg.
2. Download:, then save it somewhere else other than your game file. Save it in your documents under its own folder or wherever you can find it easy because you will need it.
3. Create a copy of this Ledge mod in the newly created StalkerPak Tool folder, then grab the pak Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3.pak from Ledge Grab mod and drop into the StalkerPakTool v4.bat in the StalkerPak Tool folder. This will extract the pak into a new folder by the name Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3, which should appear in the same StalkerPak Tool folder.
4. Open the Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3 folder and navigate to and then open the ObjPrototypes.cfg
8. On the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg repeat step #5, which should take you to the same spot as the ObjPrototypes.cfg from the Ledge Grab.
9. Change the values for vault on the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg as seen on step #5. You can either change them one by one or you can copy and paste from step #5 here or from the Ledge Grab's ObjPrototypes.cfg from earlier.
10. Save and close the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg.
11. Go to your StalkerPak Tool folder and grab and drop the folder ZZZZ_Desolation_P into the StalkerPakTool v4.bat. This should repack that folder into the pak by the same name, overwriting the ZZZZ_Desolation_P.pak from earlier inside the StalkerPak Tool folder.
12. Drag, drop, and overwrite the ZZZZ_Desolation_P.pak in your Desolation's folder in ~mods.
If you are running Nexus Vortex , then make sure to deploy your mods, and even use the Mod merger in Vortex one more time if you have other mods on your ~mods folder just to ensure there are no other conflicting mods and merge as needed.
If it stops working even with the _p added try moving it to the bottom of your folder by adding enough z's to the beginning of file name so its the last file. That will put it last in the load order.
with the latest update, I found a comment here, credits to that dude. It works by adding "_P" before .pak and just start the game right now and it works.
here what you need to do ;
rename it ;
delete all the line of the pak name.
the pak name should be like this ; ( .pak ), or you can name it ''ledgegrabbing.pak'' . i am using this name and it works like a charm. now.. you're good to go.
PS ; i am curently using more then 50 mods for stalker 2 from NEXUSmods.
i just wanted to thank the modder and others for the hard work. apreciate it. truly. keep up the great work.
Go to your ~mods folder, look for this Ledge Grab mod and delete the folder: Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3
It should work fine after that.
Now, if you have another mod whose pak has an ObjPrototypes.cfg therein, like Desolation, then you can take the following steps to add the settings to that same type cfg from Ledge Grab into the one in Dessolation
You will need this this pak tool to open up the pak file for this mode and make the changes that you need.
StalkerPak Tool:
1. Backup the mod whose pak has this type of cfg, ObjPrototypes.cfg.
2. Download:, then save it somewhere else other than your game file. Save it in your documents under its own folder or wherever you can find it easy because you will need it.
3. Create a copy of this Ledge mod in the newly created StalkerPak Tool folder, then grab the pak Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3.pak from Ledge Grab mod and drop into the StalkerPakTool v4.bat in the StalkerPak Tool folder. This will extract the pak into a new folder by the name Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3, which should appear in the same StalkerPak Tool folder.
4. Open the Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3 folder and navigate to and then open the ObjPrototypes.cfg
Kennymylenny's_Ledge_Grabbing_(Lower) V1.3\Stalker2\Content\GameLite\GameData
5. In ObjPrototypes.cfg, use CTRL + F, then type "vault" and click find twice, which should take you to this part of the cfg:
VaultingParams : struct.begin
MaxAngle = 125
MaxTestDistance = 125
StartDistance = 20
HeightBetweenObjects = 123
WidthBetweenObjects = 60
VaultOverMaxDepth = 25
// offset from obstacle behind character when landing after vault over action
VaultOverLandOffset = 100
MinObstacleHeight = 85
MaxObstacleHeight = 250
IsAllowed = true
// Minimum forward input that allows vaulting [0, 1]
MinForwardAxisInputValue = 0.0
StartWithSprintPressed = false
FrontSearchRadiusModifier = 2
DepthTraceRadiusModifier = 0.9
WindowBackTraceRadiusModifier = 0.5
WindowBackTraceHeightModifier = 0.8
LandingMinHeight = 10
MaxWindowDetectionIterations = 20
MaxLandingDetectionIterations = 15
MaxLandingOffset = 350
LandingCorrectionAdditionalSize = 2
LandingMaxSlope = 90
VaultOverStandingHeight = 0
VaultOverCrouchingHeight = 40
AboveObstaclesCheckHeight = 55
6. Repeat step #3 but with Desolation instead of Ledge Grab to extract the following pak from the former: ZZZZ_Desolation_P.pak
7. Navigate to this path below on the extracted folder and open ObjPrototypes.cfg
8. On the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg repeat step #5, which should take you to the same spot as the ObjPrototypes.cfg from the Ledge Grab.
9. Change the values for vault on the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg as seen on step #5. You can either change them one by one or you can copy and paste from step #5 here or from the Ledge Grab's ObjPrototypes.cfg from earlier.
10. Save and close the Desolation's ObjPrototypes.cfg.
11. Go to your StalkerPak Tool folder and grab and drop the folder ZZZZ_Desolation_P into the StalkerPakTool v4.bat. This should repack that folder into the pak by the same name, overwriting the ZZZZ_Desolation_P.pak from earlier inside the StalkerPak Tool folder.
12. Drag, drop, and overwrite the ZZZZ_Desolation_P.pak in your Desolation's folder in ~mods.
If you are running Nexus Vortex , then make sure to deploy your mods, and even use the Mod merger in Vortex one more time if you have other mods on your ~mods folder just to ensure there are no other conflicting mods and merge as needed.
It should work now.
Steam Version