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Now all three games match Spyro 1's UI design!

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Now all three games can match the Main Menu, Pause, and HUD UI design from the first game, Spyro the Dragon.
Ripto's Rage blue is pretty good, but I do NOT like the orange design for Year of the Dragon. So I made this to keep them all the same across the board.

What you miss out on in individuality, you make up for in glorious purple and gold!!

Check out my Choose Your Own Gem Color mod to make the gem match in all 3 games too. This way that gem color can be a choice you make instead of baking it into this mod. I like the classic dark green best, myself.

The sliders on the graphics settings remain their blue and red color. Hex editing to change all this was a wild process and I have no idea what part of the hex code affects those sliders. Let's all just pretend this one tiny part of the UI was left in as an intentional reference to what once was.

Everything SHOULD work in 4K, but I do not have a 4K display myself to test. Let me know if there is any trouble in that regard!

Shoutout to the Mod the Dragon Wiki and Discord server for the help!