South Park: The Stick of Truth

New paid full-time community manager and development lead job role open for applications

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Just a quick update to let you all know that we've added a new full-time paid position to the site that's immediately available to be filled. We are looking for a dedicated community manager and development lead who will become a public facing ambassador for the sites both domestically, on the Nexus, and abroad, within official game communities. Improving the community for those of us already here while helping to spread the word about the Nexus to other (official) game communities.

I alluded to this role in my State of the Union post back at the start of the year. A few people showed concern that I'd stop writing my bi-annual banal twitterings that go off on wild tangents. Never fear, I'll still be writing these articles and carrying on with my responsibilities as normal.

If you're interested in the role and fit the requirements then please send in a CV.


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  1. Oubliette
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    *gets popcorn*
  2. 5poiler
    • premium
    • 459 kudos
    I still checking my email even though its over :/ oh well
    1. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,827 kudos
      It's not over yet, CV submissions are over soon, he needs to mull over the list of applicants and narrow it down then contact the short list like he said. If assume when those emails go out he'll do a follow up post here saying it's happened and thanks to everyone else who applied, etc. I still have my fingers crossed I'll at least make the short list to possibly get a "call back" so to speak
    2. RichWebster
      • premium
      • 219 kudos
      Yea there will be a lot of people who will be gutted, this could be their idea of a dream job. But at the end of the day whoever makes the short-list will be deserving of it.

      I'm sure Robin will keep the page updated when short-list is done, people contacted, job filled etc. He just won't be able to let people know individually that they didn't make the cut
  3. bben46
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    @Toby. Yup, it was illegal under NZ law. And very likely International and US law as well.  (The US injustice dept has been known to ignore 'inconvenient' laws before) But he is still on the hook, the US injustice department (bought and paid for by the big media Hollywood and music companies) still has all of his money (they confiscated all of his bank accounts in NZ and Hong Kong as well) and everyone - even people who were not using Megaupload for copyright infringement lost all of their files permanently. Now, do you want to try screaming illegal when a swat gang with full auto weapons breaks down your door and shoots your dog  for copyright infringement? (shooting your dog seems to be standard procedure for swat gangs) Kim has raised millions to fight the case ( the US injustice department refuses to allow him to use his own money to hire lawyers) And he is nearly broke. Can you afford a lawyer at all? The injustice department has made sure that it will cost more to fight any accusation than it will to pay the insane fine for copyright infringement their Hollywood masters demand.
    If you don't like the Kim Dotcom case - check out the one against Jamie Thomas-Rasset. She was not a wealthy website owner, and is still fighting after over 8 years - her 'crime'?  copyright infringement of about 24 tunes - the fine? US $222,000 or about $9250 per tune. ( yeah, it has been reduced then raised to $1,500,000  then reduced again, currently it is back to the original $222,000 )
    Please actually read the entire article and take note that she had actually paid for most of those tunes on CDs, and was convicted anyway because she had downloaded them in a different format (MP3 vs WMA).
    1. daemoniclord
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i know that i am very late in giving this reply to you but i read the article (to the second or july 2009 trial) and it seems to me that the case and fines where not about the defendent downloading the songs, but about her willfully distributing them over a file shareing program. i will continue to read the article (if for no other reason than that it is interesting) to see if it mentions that it was the downloading and not distribution of the copyrited material that she was charged for.
  4. modskyrimtopieces
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I guess not being contacted yet isn't a good sign. So gutted :/
  5. icecreamassassin
    • premium
    • 1,827 kudos
    Thank you for the update Robbin, hope to be hearing from you soon
  6. RichWebster
    • premium
    • 219 kudos
    Something that should be implemented: add social sharing buttons to mod pages so users can quickly share a mod/image to the usual sites. Something for the Community Manager to add to their list
  7. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos

    Probably only American people can apply, right?
    Ermmm... what part of the position's terms and conditions gave you that impression?

    Location: Work from home.
    Hours: Full-time, 40 hour week, flexible hours, but must be available between 2pm and 5pm GMT on weekdays.
    Pay: Starting salary of £18,000pa, negotiable based on conditions.
    All applicants must be over the age of 18 and a member of the Nexus sites for at least one year. This position is open to individuals in any country provided they can satisfy the work hour stipulations.
    Most Americans can't spell "GMT", would have no idea what "pa" means, and couldn't pronounce "£" to save their lives! 
    (And I say all that as a proud, but sometimes embarrassed, one.     )
    1. anthonyjohnadlington
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      so true mate so true lol
    2. AldrickExGladius
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      just now realized they need a like button on this page.

      loved that comment
  8. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,927 kudos
    There have been about 200 applications so far and I'll be closing it off shortly. It takes a long time to go through everything and shortlist people, but I've been slowly working away at it. If you make the shortlist, you will receive an email, but otherwise no other emails will be sent out. Thank you to everyone who has applied, it's been amazing.
  9. JD001
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I sent you a CV but wasn't sure you had recieved it. Will you be informing applicants whether they will be considered or not?


    Joel Dubois
  10. Inferno0214
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone else had problems with emails bouncing back? I got a bounceback message in gmail saying "550 The content of this message looked like spam." but now I am not even sure that the one I sent from my old outlook email got trough. Just because I didn't get a bounceback message it doesn't mean it was delivered for sure.
    1. Nightasy
      • supporter
      • 350 kudos
      Maybe their email server got bombarded with too many applications. I could see that being a possibility. This is dream job to a lot of people. Keep trying or maybe attempt to email it from a different email address.
    2. Inferno0214
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I did just that, but even that isn't a sure thing since I got the bounceback message from gmail. Since I didn't get one from the email I used afterwards I considered it sent, I don't want to send it in multiple times because that would be really unprofessional. Maybe I send it in one more time from a brand new email in the next few days unless I get a form of reply. I wouldn't be sad if I don't get it, but missing my dream job on such a mistake would be really frustrating.
    3. Nightasy
      • supporter
      • 350 kudos
      Yea, I hear ya. You wouldn't want to come off as desperate or clingy. Maybe you could instead send a confirmation email explaining the issue and ask them if they did in fact receive your resume. Rather then sending it to them multiple times, that's probably how I would handle it.
    4. Inferno0214
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unless I can solve such a minor issue I don't think I would qualify for the position. I will have to find a workaround. Confirmation email would be a way to do it, unless that gets bounced back too. I just have to contact them some other way, normally by this time I would be at the door with my resume, but since that isn't an option I will find another way.
    5. Jehoram
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      I applied within the first couple days of the announcement from my Gmail account and didn't have that issue. Did you try sending the exact same email to a different address like an alternate email of yours and see if you got the same error? Perhaps Gmail isn't happy with your attached documents. There's no guarantee your confirmation email won't end up in the black hole we created at the Nexus admin inbox by flooding it with applications, but if all else fails its worth a try.

      Missing out on an opportunity like this because of a little mix-up would really be a bummer. You should have plenty of time to get it straightened out though. I have a feeling its going to be a while! Good luck!