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This user's image description contains 157 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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"Remember your own message? Bill Ba Ba Ang Hu (Chinese homophony of bill8875) You are in 2020 nexusmods Two years after registering, I actually found an article about the 2018 Fallout mod."
This comment you posted proves nothing, wasn't even an article. All that comment does is it shows me helping someone who had a question if some textures would transfer. If this is your way at disproving what I said below about your preset, then you're lost. Whats more funny is your profile description says "A kind old woman who loves to play games, watch anime movies, practice martial arts and enjoy the joy of life". If you were really an "old woman" you'd be more wise and not post nonsense that is not related to this subject matter.