cliffxxx raytracer engine

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  1. cliffxxx
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    4k Retextures at Fallout New Vegas - Super Mutants HDNexus Mods forum ,16 june 2018culkormember45 posts0 kudos31 December 2021, 11:20AMIs this compatible with TTW? I mean, does this apply to the supermutants in Capital Wasteland?bill8875bill8875member1,316 posts5 kudos27 January 2022, 4:34AMIt shouldn't. They have separate textures. I'd assume only the armor bits would transfer over such as the spinebreaker textures.記得你自己的留言嗎 賬單叭叭氣呼(bill8875的中文諧音) 你在2020 nexusmods註冊的兩年後 居然特地找了一篇2018年的Fallout mod來批評回應甚至暗諷嘲笑作者 假好人真抹黑的調皮挑釁胡說八道字眼 至於這論壇五年來其他你的所有留言簡直可以總結為一句話"為噴而噴 唯恐天下不亂"老人家我告訴你賬單叭叭氣呼(bill8875的中文諧音) 你這個年輕噴子吃飽閒 就老是喜歡回應別人的屁話 然後拍拍屁股走人一副事不關己的態度 少年郎 你少說話 人家不會把你當做啞巴 為何? 我們有一句俗話"禍從口出"意思為災禍是因為你的言語不當招致而來的 你還是好自為之吧 你這個洨屁孩 希望你在現實世界裡做個好人好好上學做功課 少玩電子遊戲 不要再當網路噴子說屁話 做人要言之有物 說話負責 "當你哪一天拿出一個你自己作品 不管是貼圖還是mod 我都會在你的帖子留言祝賀恭喜你勇敢的跨出你人生"我為人人"的第一步"  但是想像一下你線下被霸凌的現實世界生活 我猜你未來應該會分不清楚現實跟遊戲區別 被挑釁被激怒 然後心理出問題抓狂發瘋發飆 之後你會上網買一大堆刀槍然後洩憤殺死校園無辜教師孩童 最後你的下場應該就是拿槍爆自己頭或是被國民兵跟特警部隊數十發槍彈打死身亡吧 哀 想想果真有洨屁孩下場如此真的可憐好了 不多說 就醬 peace~ 
    1. BlackSarira
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      好骂 爱死
    2. bill8875
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      • 7 kudos
      If this is suppose to be disrespectful to me (since you mentioned my name) its literally gibberish and proves nothing. Your account is from 2020 as-well, so not sure why you're just copy and pasting a whole page from me helping someone out. Just makes you look clueless. Translation from your comment:
      "Remember your own message? Bill Ba Ba Ang Hu (Chinese homophony of bill8875) You are in 2020 nexusmods Two years after registering, I actually found an article about the 2018 Fallout mod."
      This comment you posted proves nothing, wasn't even an article. All that comment does is it shows me helping someone who had a question if some textures would transfer. If this is your way at disproving what I said below about your preset, then you're lost. Whats more funny is your profile description says "A kind old woman who loves to play games, watch anime movies, practice martial arts and enjoy the joy of life". If you were really an "old woman" you'd be more wise and not post nonsense that is not related to this subject matter.
  2. bill8875
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    • 7 kudos
    No disrespect, but the image is blurry and grain. Doesn't look like full Raytracing either (seems to be Global Illumination shader from Marty Mcfly Modding or the other one Reshade comes with natively). Furthermore, you can see the ambient occlusion bleeding in the scene's fog. Like I mentioned previously, this game already has ambient occlusion and Global Illumination. At this point, its just degrading performance and image quality.
    1. cliffxxx
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      • 1 kudos
      我也無意冒犯你 但是我十分肯定你一定沒玩過這個遊戲 你根本就不知道這個遊戲的貼圖跟畫面模糊的一蹋糊塗根本無法設定 至於你的猜測全部都是你自我感覺良好的胡亂猜測 這是你第三次重複說一樣的話 再說一次 這是我自己開發的光追算圖法特效code 使用的工具叫做reshade  請自己去理解然後去使用其他人用reshade開發的特效 你行就自己去玩SC6遊戲比較看看 或者直接去看我的re8靜態比較貼圖 我開發的同一個算法同一個光追特效 然後你再告訴我遊戲本身畫面完全沒有提供的陰影跟光源反射是怎麼跑出來的 答案也很簡單 就是我的cliffxxx raytracer engine做出來直接覆蓋在原本的遊戲畫面上 我可以做到用AMD rx480 1080p 每秒60張 這裡掛保證目前reshade所提供的光追特效直接拉垮折半成30張都不到 為何我知道? 因為每個其他人的reshade光追特效我都試過用過了 我非常不滿意這些特效的效率 所以我直接自己重寫開發出來一個綜合型的最速光積追蹤算法 你看見的遊戲畫面是我故意設定此遊戲本身中低特效720P使用Cliffxxx raytracer engine 這裡再說一次 自己去玩SC6遊戲比較看看就知道了
    2. bill8875
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      No, I understand the game, better than you it seems. And yes, I know you're using Reshade, I mentioned that above and in my other comment. It doesn't seem you know much about this game actually because if you did, you'd know that injecting those shaders from Reshade are useless because the game engine already has built-in Global Illumination, ambient occlusion, and Depth of Field (which I also told you think before). You're just making the game look poorer and run worst with unnecessary effects and breaking 2D elements like VFX/UI (just look at how the Global Illumination/Ambient Occlusion bleed through the fog, that's not normal. Yes this issue happens with Reshade but like I said, there's no reason to use those depth effects because the game already has them built in. These effects are mostly used for games that are old or dont support these types of effects. Except Depth of Field which some use for screenshots, but like I said, the game already has this shader and this game supports Nvidia Ansel). The game is not normally this blurry or grainy. The textures can be blurry in some areas but your game is somehow both blurry all around and grainy (still not sure how you managed to do this. Furthermore the screenshot above is on a Nier map which has superior textures than the maps from the actual game universe maps because they used assets from Nier). None of my guesses are random, they all come from experience. I've been modding for over a decade and have observed many different things. Its not hard to tell what you're using if you're experienced with Rehsade. Did you make your own Reshade Global Illumination shader, maybe, you don't really have any proof and there's already like two or three of these shaders out there so its hard to believe you. Perhaps you did your own configurations, which is different than actually making your own shader.