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New "Focus" ability added. "Focus" slows time for both the player and NPCs to an equal amount for one second. It can be used to dodge arrows, attacks, and magic.Angular Acceleration advantage while attacking:
Melee, then Ranged, then Magic

Melee Specific:
One-handed weapons have better movement while attacking while two-handed weapons have better angular acceleration

Ranged Specific:
Drawing a bow now decreases the angular acceleration while aiming. NPCs are affected. This makes it easier to dodge arrows.

Magic Specific:
Preparing to fire magic now decreases the angular acceleration while aiming. NPCs are affected. This makes it easier to dodge spells.

The reach distances of weapons have more or less been changed to match the actual model. Speed changes have been made to differentiate the weapon types from each other. Strike angles have been made more realistic.

-Make enemies more aggressive
-Rebalance weapons and armor
-Overhaul boss characters with custom loot and combat styles