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Prince of Sovereign Chains.


  1. SmokingTiger741
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    What kind of requirements will this have? Hoping I can play this without using MCO/ADXP, SCAR, etc. I prefer to just use TDM and Verolevi's animations for 3rd person combat, along with CFPAO and Improved Camera SE for 1st person. TK Dodge RE 8 way dodge, for, well, adding a dodge mechanic. Blade and Blunt from SimonRim being my combat overhaul of choice. I'm not the biggest fan of going the Skyrim Souls combat route, even though it's really cool. 

    Lowkey hoping some more creature preview collection mods are coming soon too... Your work has been absolutely mind blowing so far!
    1. KratosSon1
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      forget it, this is 100% ADXP/MCO
    2. atakuou
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      sorry friend what Kratos said is right, and I will do more creature releases when I publish the update to my mod :)
  2. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 59 kudos
  3. deleted184663008
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    This will be skyrims best mod ever.
  4. GusErik
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Woah! Such a cool boss! Are there any more? Is there any way to play this or is it still just in development? In any case, I'm keeping an eye on this :D
    1. atakuou
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      Im still working on it :) theres a ton of bosses too, I think around 20 :D
  5. Switcherkrass
    • supporter
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    is this from vigliant?
    1. atakuou
      • premium
      • 193 kudos
      no, this is mine :) Shadow of Mereth