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Just a small test of the replacer I made.


  1. bacetrica
    • premium
    • 640 kudos
    Wow, I didn't thought about replacing Delphine´s face with Tracie´s, that's cool!.
    I'm back from work and I find that you've made this video converting Tracie's mod into a Delphine replacer, if you like Tracie as Delphine I can build the plugins and change her hairstyle and add optional face scar. The good thing about warmaidens is that you can customize their abilities and gear just like any other follower mod, I did that with Rayya mod before and her battle skills has improved exponentially from original lol.
    For her to stop walking like a gorilla you must select opposite gender animations in CK or SSE Edit.

    Let me know if you want me to build a Delphine replacer mod and I'm also open to suggestions on what combat style you want for her.
    1. TheManaVault
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      Hey! Yeah, I thought her face was perfect for a seasoned Blade.
      I didn't really think that much ahead though, but you seem to have several ideas for a possible replacer yourself. :)
      Personally I like her without the scar, of course I'd prefer her to have a more feminine walk, but the hair I feel is perfect for that face.
      I only did a quick visual replacer. :)
      The Blades are sword and shield I think, but eerily enough, Delphine was a Breton instead of an Imperial. But she isn't specialised in conjuration as Bretons tend to be.

      I haven't seen many Delphine-only replacers apart from some by Farodadestin, one by Kangmina and one by eeekie, so I thought it would be cool that you had your own.
    2. TheManaVault
      • premium
      • 333 kudos
      If you want, I can also send you the mod I made through PM.
    3. bacetrica
      • premium
      • 640 kudos
      As you wish...if you want me to work on that plugin you've already built, I'll do it and I'll put your name on the credit list, and if you want to collaborate with me on that project by contributing something that I don't know how to do, then the doors are open to you. The decision is yours, if you don't want do that, I can build the mod by myself my friend, no problem.