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Mod is not live yet, it's still work in progress, but I thought I'd give you a little tease of what's to come!


  1. raw666
    • member
    • 2 kudos

    This looks good and can't wait. This looks very promising and is needed for mage playthroughs.

    Out of curiosity, will there also be a Companion version once the College of Winterhold is completed? There are a lot of things missing in vanilla that could be expanded similar to what is seen in the College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion.

    Ignore the spoiler section if think it is fine or not interesting.

    Like expanding the hunting of Silverhand (and the consequences),increasing the number of jobs before progressing the main quest, and making it feel like there is a ranking system similar to the Fighters Guild. Possibly even have senior Companions supervise and evaluate your progress on jobs similar to the teachers in this trailer. While also being able to spar with your fellow companions.
    1. jayserpa
      • premium
      • 8,066 kudos
      After this mod I will need a serious break from big quest mods. I mean, it's not even finished yet and I'm already tired haha.
      Overhauling the Companions has always been in my to-do list, but the list is very big so who knows if I'll ever get to it :/ You have some interesting ideas though, thanks for sharing!
    2. raw666
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Well, take a nice brake and thanks for answering.
  2. Benc158
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    When is this suppose to be ready? Want to put on hold my mage playthrough so the college of winter hold questline is far more immersive, also will this work with mods like ultimate college of winter-hold and at your own pace?
    1. jayserpa
      • premium
      • 8,066 kudos
      Thursday, maybe sooner :)
    2. Benc158
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Amazing! Cannot wait! 
  3. BalerionStark
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Looks amazing! Will halt my new playthrough until it is released!
  4. KhTum
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    The dialogue is extremely well done, this is very very high quality. Thank you so much, jayserpa.
  5. swiftfoxmark2
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    This looks amazing.  I really like the idea of adding more to the college for you to do.
  6. sattyre
    • premium
    • 227 kudos
    I'm no mage but that looks pretty nice.  The college can definitely use all the help it can get.  I'm looking forward to it. 

    Edit:  You got me thinking.  One of the lessons could be enchanting your first item, with the lesson being going to get the things you need prior to enchanting.
  7. MysticalRanger
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    I don't know how possible it would be, but an amazing addition to the college would be classes can attend or just see in passing. Similar to the ward class, just different spells, spliced audio. Some could take place in the library, or outside in the courtyard even. It would really go to make the college more immersive.
  8. RufiohMagnusSeptim
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This seems like a great addition to the college, I've been downloading more mods to make it more like an actual college/school environment for my new Breton battlemage build. Your mods are always top tier, which would be great for role-playing. I can't wait until it's released :)
  9. brailefurtess
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Looks incredibly well done. Oh I can't wait for this. 
  10. fadingsignal
    • premium
    • 4,043 kudos
    BRUH I didn't even click play yet and I know this is gonna be great.
    1. LyahChris
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      Is one of jayserpa's, so… d'uh…