Skyrim Special Edition

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New feature in development, grass that reacts when collided with.

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  1. Jayjaydidi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
     Will it work in skyrim VR? When can we download it? cant wait to try it! :P
    1. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 6,059 kudos
      Please read the other comments on this post
    2. lgnasty
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      In response to post #108101468. #108102248 is also a reply to the same post.


      Jayjaydidi wrote:  Will it work in skyrim VR? When can we download it? cant wait to try it!  :tongue:

      johnskyrim wrote: Please read the other comments on this post

      well?  dude i ant find it in the coments im sorry
  2. speaker60
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    This could to be used to do snow/sand trails, started to explain this but was abit of a lengthy thing so i made a quick demonstration
    If you take a 'Snow blob' and use it as grass to cover all over the snow areas then using the collision as you walk on
    them parts lower creating a trail like you see with the grass.

    How good this would look in engine would depend on the normals used on the snow blob, they would want to have all the normals point up to have a better smoother look. And experimentation with transparency to let them blend better with eachother

    This ofcorse could be too expensive, but i recon it could be balanced, blob variation is just a case of making alternate mesh shapes
    This could work for sand too, and ofcorse not all snow/sand has to be thick snow/sand

    Dont know who best to share the idea with that might be willing to experiment but i thought id mention it here
  3. neksus69
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I'm so excited for this
  4. Yatsenko
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    yo is there any time frame for when we can expect this to be implemented or is it too early too tell?
    1. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 6,059 kudos
      The development of this has been impacted by the Ukraine/Russia war, so you'll have to be patient.
  5. Veltiel
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    But the questions is: which grass mods would be actually compatible? I'm using the Grass your Mother warned you about and Skyrim 3D plants and bushes.

    Anyways, devs are the MVPs!
    1. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 6,059 kudos
  6. teniss4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OMG, finally the cutting edge technology that was there in NeverwinterWinter Nights in 1999 is coming to Skyrim :D

    Srsly though, I'm really looking forward to it. It was sorely missing, and I didn't expect it to be possible within the engine.
  7. TheWilloughbian
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    wow. very cool.
  8. Webmetz
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    This is amazing.  All it needs is the ability to 'cut grass' to temporarily destroy it. 
    1. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 6,059 kudos
      Immersive Lawnmower?
  9. KngZawd
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Beautiful! I just hope it can handle a fair number of npc's.  
  10. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    This is big. Anything that makes the environment feel alive like this is a huge immersion boost. Only thing we need now are good animations for trees blowing in the wind