- Refine results Found 75 results. 104074 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Enables a visible body in 1st person. Port of the Joy of Perspective mod for original Skyrim.
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Enables a visible body in 1st person. Port of the Joy of Perspective mod for original Skyrim.
SmoothCam is a highly configurable third-person camera, with smooth frame-interpolation and a raycasting crosshair to help you aim.
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SmoothCam is a highly configurable third-person camera, with smooth frame-interpolation and a raycasting crosshair to help you aim.
Overhaul the dialogue camera system
Better Third Person Selection - BTPS
SKSE DLL to overhaul 3rd person object selection. Rewrites Skyrim's crosshair selection to work more like true 3rd person RPGs - no more spending 5 minutes picking up tiny gold coins from the ground!
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Better Third Person Selection - BTPS
SKSE DLL to overhaul 3rd person object selection. Rewrites Skyrim's crosshair selection to work more like true 3rd person RPGs - no more spending 5 minutes picking up tiny gold coins from the ground!
Lets you see your character's body when in first person view. Also enables first person view for Horse, Crafting, Werewolf and Vampire Lord.
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Lets you see your character's body when in first person view. Also enables first person view for Horse, Crafting, Werewolf and Vampire Lord.
Improved Camera is an SKSE plugin that enables the 1st person body and allows for typically forced 3rd person animations also to be played in 1st person.
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Improved Camera is an SKSE plugin that enables the 1st person body and allows for typically forced 3rd person animations also to be played in 1st person.
SKSE mod that rotates the player or character so you can see them in menus. Includes options for player and camera position, and rotation of the character, with additional mod support for mods like SmoothCam/TDM and works in Inventory/Container/Barter/Magic/Tween menus. Based on Oblivion Style Inventory and updated for SE/AE using CommonLibSSE-NG.
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SKSE mod that rotates the player or character so you can see them in menus. Includes options for player and camera position, and rotation of the character, with additional mod support for mods like SmoothCam/TDM and works in Inventory/Container/Barter/Magic/Tween menus. Based on Oblivion Style Inventory and updated for SE/AE using CommonLibSSE-NG.
SmoothCam - Modern Camera Preset
An over the shoulder SmoothCam preset best suited for a modern action combat experience.
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SmoothCam - Modern Camera Preset
An over the shoulder SmoothCam preset best suited for a modern action combat experience.
Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
Improved version of Alternate Conversation Camera by NasGorTelorCeplok with MCM, fixes and more.
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Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
Improved version of Alternate Conversation Camera by NasGorTelorCeplok with MCM, fixes and more.
A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds
A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds improves the map's weather to enhance visibility, modifies the map camera for optimal viewing, and adds the missing world maps of the Soul Cairn, Forgotten Vale, Blackreach, Sovngarde, and Skuldafn. Optional DynDOLOD rules can be used to add missing details to the map. Oh. Almost forgot. I also added roads!
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A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds
A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds improves the map's weather to enhance visibility, modifies the map camera for optimal viewing, and adds the missing world maps of the Soul Cairn, Forgotten Vale, Blackreach, Sovngarde, and Skuldafn. Optional DynDOLOD rules can be used to add missing details to the map. Oh. Almost forgot. I also added roads!
SKSE plugin which adds a natural camera noise effect inspired by God Of War.
Removes furniture camera, leaving the previous camera mode in control.
3rd Person Camera Stagger Remover
Removes the annoying camera shake effect when in 3rd person during combat.
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3rd Person Camera Stagger Remover
Removes the annoying camera shake effect when in 3rd person during combat.
Improved Camera is an SKSE plugin that allows you to play as a werewolf or vampire lord, craft, sit, die and ride horses and dragons in first person. It also allows you to see your body and shadow in first person. This is a custom INI file that allows you to plug and play this incredible mod without having to sift through configuration files.
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Improved Camera is an SKSE plugin that allows you to play as a werewolf or vampire lord, craft, sit, die and ride horses and dragons in first person. It also allows you to see your body and shadow in first person. This is a custom INI file that allows you to plug and play this incredible mod without having to sift through configuration files.
A preset for SmoothCam with a focus on more rigid, third-person 'over-the-shoulder' camera gameplay and minimizing jitter.
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A preset for SmoothCam with a focus on more rigid, third-person 'over-the-shoulder' camera gameplay and minimizing jitter.
Have you ever noticed you cannot switch the camera perspective (1st/3rd person) during dialogue? No? Just me? Well, now you can! (Supports keyboard and controller)
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Have you ever noticed you cannot switch the camera perspective (1st/3rd person) during dialogue? No? Just me? Well, now you can! (Supports keyboard and controller)
Modern, up-to-date SmoothCam preset created with gameplay in mind, and gameplay first, while still satisfying those with a love for cinematic shots, fast-paced combat, and exploration. Made for both keyboard/mouse and controller players.
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Modern, up-to-date SmoothCam preset created with gameplay in mind, and gameplay first, while still satisfying those with a love for cinematic shots, fast-paced combat, and exploration. Made for both keyboard/mouse and controller players.
Elder Creed - AC-Valhalla inspired smoothcam preset
A smoothcam preset bringing over the feeling of AC-Valhalla, balancing combat dynamic, role-play immersion, and minimizing nausea.
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Elder Creed - AC-Valhalla inspired smoothcam preset
A smoothcam preset bringing over the feeling of AC-Valhalla, balancing combat dynamic, role-play immersion, and minimizing nausea.
Customise the camera positioning in and out of combat, which is dependant on your stance and weapon choice, for a more unique and immersive experience.Werewolf and Vampire Lord are supported, along with Shoulder Swapping and a Real-time Camera Editor.
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Customise the camera positioning in and out of combat, which is dependant on your stance and weapon choice, for a more unique and immersive experience.Werewolf and Vampire Lord are supported, along with Shoulder Swapping and a Real-time Camera Editor.
Preset for MGSV-like camera movement using Camera Noise - only when sprinting