- Refine results Found 1104 results. 103323 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
This mod is a complete overhaul of the alchemy and cooking systems. Its intention is to provide a balanced, consistent experience throughout all aspects of alchemy and cooking, from harvesting and collecting ingredients to high-level potion and food creation.
- 739.0MB
- 26.5k
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Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
This mod is a complete overhaul of the alchemy and cooking systems. Its intention is to provide a balanced, consistent experience throughout all aspects of alchemy and cooking, from harvesting and collecting ingredients to high-level potion and food creation.
Have you ever picked a bush of mountain flowers only to realize you only got one measly flower?This mod fixes this by increasing the base amount of ingredients gathered as well as adding a random chance to get even more items from each single harvested plant.
- 4.8MB
- 14.0k
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Have you ever picked a bush of mountain flowers only to realize you only got one measly flower?This mod fixes this by increasing the base amount of ingredients gathered as well as adding a random chance to get even more items from each single harvested plant.
Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul
Apothecary is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s alchemy system designed to balance existing options while adding powerful new effects to the game.
- 106KB
- 9.4k
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Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul
Apothecary is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s alchemy system designed to balance existing options while adding powerful new effects to the game.
A general purpose crash logger compatible with all versions of the game past, present, and future, in perpetuity.
- 1.0MB
- 5.7k
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A general purpose crash logger compatible with all versions of the game past, present, and future, in perpetuity.
makes more stuff growable with hearthfire homes. dont like that? here chew on this jarrin root i grew....
- 5.1MB
- 5.1k
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makes more stuff growable with hearthfire homes. dont like that? here chew on this jarrin root i grew....
Awesome Potions Simplified by Revoith
Updated version of the Awesome Potions Simplified. New hd models by Nicoroshi, new textures.
- 41.6MB
- 5.0k
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Awesome Potions Simplified by Revoith
Updated version of the Awesome Potions Simplified. New hd models by Nicoroshi, new textures.
One of Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition's most popular alchemy mods! This is an immersive in-game reference book, listing all Skyrim ingredients and their 4 effects. No more blind experimenting and wasting expensive ingredients on failed potions. Now you can look up the ingredient in your reference book in you inventory like a real student
- 2.2MB
- 5.0k
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One of Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition's most popular alchemy mods! This is an immersive in-game reference book, listing all Skyrim ingredients and their 4 effects. No more blind experimenting and wasting expensive ingredients on failed potions. Now you can look up the ingredient in your reference book in you inventory like a real student
SKSE plugin for Skyrim that makes recipes useful by allowing the player to automatically learn ingredient effects when reading recipes and corrects all recipes to show the correct ingredients.
- 4.2MB
- 4.0k
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SKSE plugin for Skyrim that makes recipes useful by allowing the player to automatically learn ingredient effects when reading recipes and corrects all recipes to show the correct ingredients.
Fixes Potion spamming. Doubles elixir durations. Eliminates Fortify Crafting exploits. Strengthens crafted Potions. New Dragon Ingredients.
- 7KB
- 2.4k
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Fixes Potion spamming. Doubles elixir durations. Eliminates Fortify Crafting exploits. Strengthens crafted Potions. New Dragon Ingredients.
Respectable Inventory -- Well-Stocked Alchemists
Alchemists now have a complete stock of ingredients and potions for sale. This was done while minimizing imbalance and maintaining vanilla rarity ratios
- 7KB
- 2.3k
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Respectable Inventory -- Well-Stocked Alchemists
Alchemists now have a complete stock of ingredients and potions for sale. This was done while minimizing imbalance and maintaining vanilla rarity ratios
Awesome Potions Simplified -ENB Lights
ENB lights for the great mod "Awesome Potions Simplified."
- 277KB
- 2.1k
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Awesome Potions Simplified -ENB Lights
ENB lights for the great mod "Awesome Potions Simplified."
Alchemy Potions and Food Adjustments
Improves the consistency and balance of alchemy and potions in general as well as correcting some cheat-like features present in vanilla; such as healing while in the menu or creating completely overpriced potions. Take a look at the feature list for a better idea.
- 1.7MB
- 2.1k
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Alchemy Potions and Food Adjustments
Improves the consistency and balance of alchemy and potions in general as well as correcting some cheat-like features present in vanilla; such as healing while in the menu or creating completely overpriced potions. Take a look at the feature list for a better idea.
Increased enchanting and smithing potion duration
Enchanting and smithing potions last for 5 minutes, instead of original 30 seconds.
- 5KB
- 1.9k
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Increased enchanting and smithing potion duration
Enchanting and smithing potions last for 5 minutes, instead of original 30 seconds.
Handy extension to the poisoning system - see what poison you have applied, and top-up or remove poisons on your weapon
- 85KB
- 1.7k
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Handy extension to the poisoning system - see what poison you have applied, and top-up or remove poisons on your weapon
Improves the alchemy system with dynamic models, better item names, and more!
Skyrim Anniversary - Growable Plants
Allows the plants from various creations included in the Skyrim Anniversary Edition to be planted and harvested in Hearthfire Homes/planters.
- 20.0MB
- 1.3k
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Skyrim Anniversary - Growable Plants
Allows the plants from various creations included in the Skyrim Anniversary Edition to be planted and harvested in Hearthfire Homes/planters.
Conflict resolution patches for an assorted of mods that I use... with Ryn's mods that I use
- 56KB
- 1.3k
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Conflict resolution patches for an assorted of mods that I use... with Ryn's mods that I use
Carriage Ferry Travel Overhaul (CFTO) Bittercup Fix
Fixes issue where CFTO deletes an NPC needed for Bittercup Creation
- 5KB
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Carriage Ferry Travel Overhaul (CFTO) Bittercup Fix
Fixes issue where CFTO deletes an NPC needed for Bittercup Creation
Alchemy Recipe Expansion (Base Game - DLC - Rare Curios - Improvements - Fixes)
Expands the available recipes in the base game with unused alchemy effects, while thoughtfully integrating the DLC and Anniversary Edition content.
- 3KB
- 1.3k
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Alchemy Recipe Expansion (Base Game - DLC - Rare Curios - Improvements - Fixes)
Expands the available recipes in the base game with unused alchemy effects, while thoughtfully integrating the DLC and Anniversary Edition content.
Instant Mining and Wood Chopping
Makes Mining and Wood Chopping instant