- Refine results Found 960 results. 104442 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Elegant, PC-friendly interface mod with many advanced features.
Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer
Sovngarde is a lore-friendly font replacer I designed by hand based on Skyrim's title. Supports 8 languages and 2 weights!
- 598KB
- 34.6k
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Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer
Sovngarde is a lore-friendly font replacer I designed by hand based on Skyrim's title. Supports 8 languages and 2 weights!
xTranslator is a comprehensive text editor and translation tool designed for Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Starfield. It allows users to edit esp/esm/papyrusPex files with advanced functionalities and data analysis.
- 7.4MB
- 33.5k
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xTranslator is a comprehensive text editor and translation tool designed for Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Starfield. It allows users to edit esp/esm/papyrusPex files with advanced functionalities and data analysis.
More Dialogue, More Realism, More Respect. This Mod alters the Guard Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. All in the original voices and Fully compliant with Skyrim Lore.
- 1.3MB
- 20.2k
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More Dialogue, More Realism, More Respect. This Mod alters the Guard Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. All in the original voices and Fully compliant with Skyrim Lore.
PTBR Skyrim Special Edition Traducao
This is a direct translation of Skyrim English Strings to Portuguese (Brazil). Traducao PTBR para Skyrim Special Edition.
- 2.2MB
- 10.5k
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PTBR Skyrim Special Edition Traducao
This is a direct translation of Skyrim English Strings to Portuguese (Brazil). Traducao PTBR para Skyrim Special Edition.
Unread Books Glow SSE with MCM
Books which you have not read yet will have a visible glow. When you read a book for the first time, its glow will disappear. All copies of the same title are considered the same book, so once you've read one "Cats of Skyrim", you've read them all.
- 525KB
- 6.2k
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Unread Books Glow SSE with MCM
Books which you have not read yet will have a visible glow. When you read a book for the first time, its glow will disappear. All copies of the same title are considered the same book, so once you've read one "Cats of Skyrim", you've read them all.
Main Menu Design Replacer - Multilanguage - 60 FPS
This mod replaces the main menu interface with an more old school one.
- 39KB
- 5.1k
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Main Menu Design Replacer - Multilanguage - 60 FPS
This mod replaces the main menu interface with an more old school one.
Dublagem feita com boas ferramentas de IA, mantendo o timbre e prosódia de todas as falas originais.Todo o jogo principal e DLCs foram traduzidos.
- 2.3GB
- 3.9k
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Dublagem feita com boas ferramentas de IA, mantendo o timbre e prosódia de todas as falas originais.Todo o jogo principal e DLCs foram traduzidos.
There is No Umbra - Chapter III
Includes Chapters I and II. Continue Daumbra's story, and obtain new gameplay mechanics (sword throwing, sword riding, mind control, teleportation, etc.) through a DLC-sized questline, professionally voiced. The story has many possible endings -your choices really do matter.
- 476.8MB
- 2.7k
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There is No Umbra - Chapter III
Includes Chapters I and II. Continue Daumbra's story, and obtain new gameplay mechanics (sword throwing, sword riding, mind control, teleportation, etc.) through a DLC-sized questline, professionally voiced. The story has many possible endings -your choices really do matter.
(OLD) Death Consumes All - DLC-Long Quest Mod
This 10-hour experience offers a fully voiced, narrative-focused questline similar to The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone. The plague has risen, and it is up to you to stop it or succumb to the death that takes all. Nearly infinite roleplaying possibilities for each playthrough, a romanceable follower with 5000 lines whose beliefs you can impact.
- 2.3MB
- 2.5k
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(OLD) Death Consumes All - DLC-Long Quest Mod
This 10-hour experience offers a fully voiced, narrative-focused questline similar to The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone. The plague has risen, and it is up to you to stop it or succumb to the death that takes all. Nearly infinite roleplaying possibilities for each playthrough, a romanceable follower with 5000 lines whose beliefs you can impact.
Skyrim - Uma Traducao Completa
Uma tradução completa e atualizada do jogo base (SE ou AE), DLCs, Conteúdos do Creation Club, Unofficial Patch e outros mods complementares.
- 21.7MB
- 2.1k
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Skyrim - Uma Traducao Completa
Uma tradução completa e atualizada do jogo base (SE ou AE), DLCs, Conteúdos do Creation Club, Unofficial Patch e outros mods complementares.
When you first became thane, did you FEEL like a thane? Well, this mod makes sure that you do. Once you become the thane of a hold you gain the ability to collect taxes, have the hold's guards follow you, have the hold's guards arrest people, exchange your thane weapon for a better version and more!
- 301.7MB
- 2.0k
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When you first became thane, did you FEEL like a thane? Well, this mod makes sure that you do. Once you become the thane of a hold you gain the ability to collect taxes, have the hold's guards follow you, have the hold's guards arrest people, exchange your thane weapon for a better version and more!
Traducao PT-BR Skyrim Anniversary Edition
Tradução PT-BR para Skyrim Special Edition / Anniversary Edition Atualizada
- 2.7MB
- 1.4k
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Traducao PT-BR Skyrim Anniversary Edition
Tradução PT-BR para Skyrim Special Edition / Anniversary Edition Atualizada
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Translation PT BR 4.2.3
Tradução do mod Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
- 7.6MB
- 862
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Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Translation PT BR 4.2.3
Tradução do mod Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE - Portugues Brasil
O XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended é a atualização do XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended para o Skyrim Special Edition.
- 4KB
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XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE - Portugues Brasil
O XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended é a atualização do XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended para o Skyrim Special Edition.
This is a simple follower extension mod. The player will be able to take up to 10 humanoid and 10 animal followers from the normal conversation dialog. This mod can be used with any version of the Special Edition.
- 143KB
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This is a simple follower extension mod. The player will be able to take up to 10 humanoid and 10 animal followers from the normal conversation dialog. This mod can be used with any version of the Special Edition.
Immerse yourself in an enhanced gaming experience with the marvelous Berserker font, which transforms the standard in-game font in your favorite Skyrim game. This mod not only gives a new look to the in-game text but also brings an atmosphere and style to it.
- 6.3MB
- 561
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Immerse yourself in an enhanced gaming experience with the marvelous Berserker font, which transforms the standard in-game font in your favorite Skyrim game. This mod not only gives a new look to the in-game text but also brings an atmosphere and style to it.
(PT-BR - Revisado) Skyrim Anniversary Edition - USSEP Incluso
Uma tradução baseada no trabalho de Granhadd. Esta é a minha versão da tradução, irei sempre trazer novas versões corrigindo os inúmeros erros de português e tentar fazer a melhor tradução de Skyrim Anniversary Edition!
- 8.4MB
- 511
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(PT-BR - Revisado) Skyrim Anniversary Edition - USSEP Incluso
Uma tradução baseada no trabalho de Granhadd. Esta é a minha versão da tradução, irei sempre trazer novas versões corrigindo os inúmeros erros de português e tentar fazer a melhor tradução de Skyrim Anniversary Edition!
More Icons from Handy Icon Collection and Boobies distributed to effects in your effects menu and to items with default icon.
- 22KB
- 457
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More Icons from Handy Icon Collection and Boobies distributed to effects in your effects menu and to items with default icon.
Sword by designer Kit Rae, featured in Two Worlds game series. One-handed and two-handed version included, also a dagger. Several color options. ESL flagged (ESPFE).
- 93.2MB
- 451
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Sword by designer Kit Rae, featured in Two Worlds game series. One-handed and two-handed version included, also a dagger. Several color options. ESL flagged (ESPFE).