About this mod
MediEvil: HoG is a fan project that aims to recreate first four levels from MediEvil game (PSX).
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MediEvil: Hero of Gallowmere is a fan based project that aims to recreate the first four levels from MediEvil game (PSX).
Get in the shoes of Sir Daniel Fortesque, a long deceased knight that just got resurrected! Explore the land of Gallowmere on your quest to catch Zarok, an evil sorcerer that stole the souls of the living and used them to rise the dead (including you).
This version consist multiple small improvements over the standard version. This include design, visual and sound improvements, bug fixes, better enemy balance and more.
- First four levels from MediEvil, rebuilded in Skyrim. This is equal to around 2-3h of gameplay.
- A linear Halloween-style adventure in completely new land, full of fun and a little crazy characters.
- Beautiful, hand-crafted areas and locations.
- Original soundtrack to bump the Halloween vibe even more!
- Great boss fight at the end.
- Handful of puzzles and side quest to scratch your head and equip you with better gear (Short Sword, Long Sword, Throwing Daggers, Cursed Club, Crossbow, Hammer, Copper and Silver Shield)
- Unique sense of humor.
- Ability to use your own arm as a weapon.
- Collectibles with Trivia about the original game (unlocked after defeating the boss)
1) Use Nexus mod Manager to download files and install them
2) Download files manually.
- Extract the zip file into your Skyrim/Data folder. Usually C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
- Launch Skyrim and go to the "MODS" section
- Go to "Load Order"
- Locate the "Gallowmere.esp" and check the box next to it. If you can't find the "Gallowmere.esp" you probably extracted the files into the wrong folder.
Launch Skyrim and choose "New Game" option in main menu. Viola! You are playing my mod!
I recommend choosing the "Sir Daniel Fortesque" as your race. It's not a super big deal, but I balanced the game around it. And you know... Not choosing Sir Dan for this mod is like playing Tomb Rider with someone else than Lara Croft ^^
You can start normal Skyrim game both, before, or after beating this mod. You will have the option to start the game form the very beginning (with intro and execution scene) or from the Helgen Keep. You can go back to The End of Time and start the Medievil part of the mod anytime you want. The teleport from Skyrim to The End of Time is located in the small graveyard near Riverwood (across the river). You can also exchange the gear you collected during the MediEvil part of the mod for some higher level version of it over there.
This mod does not use quest markers. If you are stuck and you don't know what to do, look around yourself. There should be an NPC or a note nearby that will give you a hint on what to do next.
This mod is NOT compatible with most other mods that changes the starting location ("not compatible" as in- "your game shouldn't crash, but one of the mods won't work."). It is, however, compatible with Alternate Start- Live Another Life by Arthmoor (tested on ver 4.0.2), thanks to the compatibility patch (you will find it in download section, under optional files).
To ensure it works correctly, please us this load order:
1. Skyrim, Update, DLC's
2. Alternate Start - Live Another Life
3. Alternate Start - Live Another Life extensions
4. MediEvil: Hero of Gallowmere
5. MediEvil: Hero of Gallowmere compatibility patch
This mod is balanced to be of moderate challenge with vanilla Skyrim and Adept difficulty. Using other difficulty or any combat mods might destroy that balance, and game will become too hard or too easy.
The same goes for visual mods. Any ENB, Mesh replacer or re-texture can improve or decrease the aesthetics of this hand crafted mod. Use them with caution! This mod is also quite dark on it's own, so if you are using any mods or ENB that makes things darker, you might wanna disable it.
If it's not asking too much, give this mod a try without any other mods installed for at least few minutes, and see how it looks and feels in it's intended state. I would really appreciate it :)
What is MediEvil? - (not so) short info about the inspiration for this mod:
MediEvil is an action-adventure video game and the first installment in the MediEvil series. It was developed by SCE Studio Cambridge and published by Sony. It was released on October 9 1998 in Europe, October 21 1998 in North America and on June 17 1999 in Japan for the PlayStation.
During the game, the player must go through several places, from a graveyard full of zombies, to a flying ghost ship full of undead pirates, to a levitating board in an enchanted forest surrounded by flying demonettes. There are also several collectible items found in the levels which have to be collected in order to proceed to further areas or levels. There are several books placed upon stands all over areas in the game which may offer advice to Sir Dan, while some others contain humorous jokes or generally the history of the area. Some of them are placed in hidden places, but they are mostly found along the path that Sir Dan takes.
The game starts with a flashback in the 13th century in the fictional Kingdom of Gallowmere. The game puts the player in control of Sir Daniel Fortesque: the reanimated skeletal remains of a deceased champion knight whom history holds in high esteem, due to his supposed heroics in battle against the evil sorcerer Zarok who, in 1286, had raised an army of demons and set out to take over the kingdom. The legend has it that Fortesque lead the King's army into battle against Zarok's demonic hordes and that Sir Daniel himself killed the sorcerer during the battle - despite having actually been mortally wounded at the outset - cementing his posthumous status as the "Hero of Gallowmere"

You are free to do any patches, bug-fixes, adding new stuff to the mod or doing a translation as long as it will require downloading original (this mod) to work.
Russian Translation by Seldon84
Q: Can I start normal Skyrim playthrough with your mod installed?
A: Yes, you can. Simply use the "Dragon Doors" while in the starting location.
Q: What happens when I complete the mod, it's quests, and all of his content?
A: You will have an option to continue playing in normal Skyrim campaign/world.
Q: I have collected few weapons during the mod. What will happen to them if I decide to start Skyrim playthrough?
A: They will be moved to the Chest in small graveyard near Riverwood. You can collect them after you exit the Helgen Keep.
Q: Can I start the new game, start the Skyrim playthrough, and then go back and start the Hero of Gallowmere part?
A: Yes, you can. There is a teleport in the small cemetery near Riverwood, that will allow you to start the MediEvil part of the mod.
Q: It says that I can exchange my weapons in that small cemetery in Riverwood? What weapons will I receive from that exchange?
A: You will receive the same weapon you have used in the exchange, but it will have higher stats (comparable with ebony/deadric weapons)
Q: Will you create more levels from MediEvil?
A: No. The project was meant to contain first four levels only.
Music by:
Adam Oakman
R.B. Evans
Ciarán Jai Cosway
Stefan Fletcher
Christopher Lewis
Simon Blanco
You can listen to the soundtrack over here:
MediEvil: Hero of Gallowmere OST on YouTube
or download here: Dropbox
Voice Actors:
elementxstyle - Gargoyles
Adrien G - Old Man
Lordwelshi - Canny Tim
John Rogers - Woden
skinnytecboy - Zarok, Thief
Holly Lindin - Ginger Girl
TrollFaceTheMan - Chalice Skeleton
Daniel Dawson - Scrumf
Adam 'Digimon' Dergiman - Shopkeeper
S. Kranendonk - Life Bottle Skeleton
Kristyn Mass - Zombie Girl
Darkvidenge - Tormented Soul
Patrick "Patrickj" James - skeleton grandpa
Andrew "Anyproblems123" Ros,
Joseph De Leon,
Trent Martin,
Alexander von Koopa
I would like to thank everyone whose work contributed to this project. It wouldn't be what it is today without modders resources like:
-TESA Resource Kit Project
-Resources for modders by Runespect
-Modders Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67
-Open Books Library by stoverjm
Big thanks to everyone who allowed me to use parts of their own mods:
-Ryu Doppler (Felt Hat)
-J3X (Automatic Crossbow Script)
-quazaque (wooden furniture texture)
Also, thanks to everyone who makes great free-to-use 3D models, textures and brushes:
-Obsidian Dawn
And thanks to everyone that supported me and all the MediEvil fans out there! Especially to Michal "Mielu" Mielcarek! If not for him and the attention he gave me, I would probably never had enough determination to finish this thing!
Please contact me if you see your work in my mod, but you are not in the credits!
If you like my work or simply wanna talk, you can find me here:
YouTube Twitter