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About this mod

Allows infinitely sprinting on a horse without consuming any stamina, while on a road. Requires SKSE.

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This mod allows infinitely sprinting on a horse without consuming any stamina, while on a road, while still consuming stamina when off-road (e.g. in the fields) - pretty much like in The Witcher 3. Makes things like playing with fast-travel disabled or just riding horses for immersion less painful!

Skyrim AE is currently fully supported, but Skyrim SE support is untested - let me know if it works or not ;)

While not required, Horse Stamina HUD mod is highly recommended so that you can see your horse's stamina.

GitHub: https://github.com/usernameak/Skyrim_Horseback_Mod

For other modders:
The road detection works by checking if the horse is on a preferred-path navmesh triangle (as marked by yellow-ish fill color in Creation Kit), so if you want to make this mod see roads in modded areas, consider that.