About this mod

With custom assets and lively characters, this new lands collaboration is brought to you by the students and teachers of the Arcane University.

Permissions and credits

Some ways off the icy fields of Winterhold, in the Sea of Ghosts, lie the
Harthstone Isles...

This small archipelago might've remained undiscovered for all time, if the East Empire Company hadn't stumbled over it when a drunk captain took a wrong turn starboard on their way to Roscrea. Whilst humble in size, this spa-to-be is home to a small community of unique individuals (for better or worse) and is a shining beacon of Imperial expansion that doesn't butt heads with Solitude.

Harthstone Isles is a short term modding project developed by the students of the Arcane University, as an opportunity for students to collaborate across departments and experience mod development in a structured learning environment, while receiving in-depth feedback and creating work to a higher standard.

To start your journey to the Harthstone Isles, you will need to come upon two familiar figures in the hotsprings of The Volcanic Tundra, near Kynesgrove - or alternatively make your way directly to the Windhelm docks.

  • Visit the new lands archipelago located in the Sea of Ghosts, between Skyrim and Roscrea.

  • Built from the ground up by the game writing, concept art, 3D, level design, implementation and voice acting students of the Arcane University.

  • Come meet our 14 weird and wacky residents - and 2 well travelled hot springs enthusiasts.

  • Embark on 5 heroic quests to explore the Harthstone Isles filled with suspense, danger, and missing provisions.

  • Explore the beautiful islands and Faadgolt, a big nordic ruin and former Dragon cult place; Rselret's Rest, the final resting place for Rum-Drummer Rselret; and Casketweaver's Cairn, an old abandoned ice cave/mine (or so we thought it was) while listening to our custom music! Harthstone Isles Intro OST - Title Music by Neldor

  • The mod is served as is with no planned bug-fixes or updates.
  • Harthstone Isles is an individual, standalone, unofficial mod, unrelated to our Partner Projects and their releases. There is no planned connections between this mod and any other mods. 
  • Harthstone Isles was created by a group of students whose primary purpose was to learn, collaborate and grow as developers and artists.

The Arcane University is a place for focused, self-driven learning of the skills relevant to Skyrim modding, supported by some of the best and most experienced teams in the modding community. Our primary purpose is to exist as a learning platform for potential Partner Project recruits.

This project has been a great learning experience for the dozens of talented students who made it possible. The Arcane University has their doors open to anyone who wants to learn the skills to create their own content.