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Fatalillusion - deletepch - NotTotal - Luridum

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About this mod

This is a repository hosting equipment compatibility patches that allow you to integrate multiple equipment mods into OWL leveled lists.

Permissions and credits
This is a repository hosting equipment compatibility patches that allow you to integrate multiple equipment mods into OWL leveled lists.
I have manually edited patches such that two or more armor and weapon mods are integrated at the same time into OWL leveled lists. The work starts from patches made by others, such as Luridum/Ghastly.

Please note that i am using ghastly version of owl as a baseline.you can find the file under the optional/update files section on owl mod page.

Please mind that they are not tested, but they look ok in xEDIT. If you find inconsistencies, please let me know.
I've tried to stick to the OWL integration guidelines in OWL mod page, trying to ensure that new armors and weapons fall under specific OWL lists, such that the chance to find equipment of a given material type is the same as in the original OWL mod.

As of now the below patches are provided
- Armor Variants Expansion + Warmonger Armory - Loremonger Edition
- Armor Variants expansion + amidianborn armor variants lite
- Reforging to the masses + expanded skyrim weaponry