Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. TactlessNinja
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Any idea what this means? Stops the patcher from going any further. I checked the settings and it just has the true/false settings (kill move stagger disabled by default).

    Starting search for paralysis magic effects!
    Reading settings: A:\Files\Skyrim Mod Programs\Synthesis\Data\Skyrim Special Edition\KillmoveParalysisPatcher\settings.json
    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter 'length')
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.MagicEffectBinaryOverlay.<>c.b__285_1(ReadOnlyMemorySlice`1 s, BinaryOverlayFactoryPackage p)
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Binary.Overlay.BinaryOverlayList.BinaryOverlayListByStartIndex`1.GetEnumerator()+MoveNext()
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
    at KillmoveParalysisPatcher.Program.RunPatch(IPatcherState`2 state) in C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\fe5eyp32.0uw\Git\3fklzxag.tom\Runner\KillmoveParalysisPatcher\Program.cs:line 30
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass15_0`2.d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 103
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.Run(RunSynthesisMutagenPatcher args, Nullable`1 exportKey, IFileSystem fileSystem) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 607
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass43_0.d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 472
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.HandleOnShutdown(Func`1 a) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 833
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.Run(RunSynthesisMutagenPatcher args, IFileSystem fileSystem) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 460
    at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass42_0.d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\Pipeline\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 432
    1. Minimax94
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      same issue here :(
    2. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      This sounds like a generic synthesis error 🤔 I'll investigate...
      The patcher failed on one of the most generic lines, which would lead me to believe there is one mod in your respective load order causing this error (I cannot reproduce this on my 1800+ plugins)... I'm afraid there isn't much I can do without identification of the mod!

      If one of you was willing to help me, I could try adding more information to a debug version, so we could try and identify the root cause! 
  2. Blackread
    • premium
    • 396 kudos
    Out of interest, how do you generate a .synth file? :D I couldn't find this information on the Mutagen wiki.

    Btw, there is an edge case where this patching can produce undesirable results, and that's if the last condition in the list before patching is an OR condition. In that case the effect would always apply when the subject is not in a paired animation regardless of other conditions. Of course the last condition should never be an OR condition, but mod authors are human and humans make mistakes.
    1. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      Well spotted! That is true, I'll try correcting that ASAP

      As for the .synth file, you can open it as a text file ;)
    2. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      Fixed! It was harder to fix than I thought... 
    3. Blackread
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      I too came to the conclusion that adding the condition at the beginning would be the best solution. :)
    4. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      I failed to modify the OR, so I just put it at the beginning ^^
    • premium
    • 244 kudos
    Why exactly is a synthesis patch better than changing it at runtime though, just curious
    1. Blackread
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      The changes are transparent, so if something goes wrong a lot easier to debug.
      Doesn't care about game version.
      Don't think there are other reasons.
    2. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      What Blackread said, basically!
      1. The original mod was not available on AE, and having it as a Synthesis patcher allows to be version independent.
      2. Easier to see what the changes are in a plugin, just open in xEdit! With the original, you had to look into the log file. 

      There is no harm in having it at runtime, at all!
  4. urbon
    • premium
    • 783 kudos
    And good news for anyone on AE

    Helll yessssss.
    Thank you!
    1. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      Enjoy ;)
  5. Mur4s4me
    • premium
    • 709 kudos
    I usually have issues with knockback\ragdoll causing issues during killmoves (Valhalla Combat) instead of paralysis. A good example is Vokrii and Summermyst having various "cause knockdown" effects. Do you know if this is possible with the way you did your patcher, or is it outside of the scope of the mod because of how some knockdown effects are triggered (e.g. Vokrii seems to use scripts for some of it).
    1. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      I don't think it is applied the same, there are various magic effects added by these mods.

      I would assume it IS possible to add the very same condition to those effects in xEdit:Subject.GetPairedAnimation == 0 ANDIt would probably work! (aka don't trigger said magic effect if the subject is in a paired animation)

      Edit: Vookrii doing that by scripts is unfortunately unpatchable in this way (an edit of the script would work though)
    2. J3w3ls
      • premium
      • 133 kudos
      Actually I noticed some of Summermyst's perks have the Stagger archetype, so I added an experimental feature to apply the condition to all effects with Stagger. Let me know!
    3. Mur4s4me
      • premium
      • 709 kudos
      Thanks I'll try your patcher out and see how it goes! Thanks for the effort though, and no worries if it doesn't work <3