This mod removes all map markers on the Skyrim & Solstheim map, leaving for a more immersive experience. You will be required to use context clues and other information to navigate the land as well as complete quests. Good luck!
I created this mod to be used with "A Quality World Map" by Chesko Paper version because I didn't like how the map markers looked and felt that it would work better if I just didn't have map markers available. I noticed a few people also complaining about map marker issues so I decided to release this mod to the public for those wanting a more immersive and alternative to the map marker issue with the paper version.
IMPORTANT FOR SOLSTHEIM MAP: Since all map markers have been removed, the arrow that normally leads back to the Skyrim map for fast travel purposes is no longer available. In order to navigate from Skyrim to Solstheim you will have to speak with the Northern Maiden ship captain, Gjalund, and pay him 250 gold each time you travel. Immersion ftw.
Click the "Download with Manager" button and activate the mod once it's been downloaded!
Extract the contents to the data folder of your Steam directory. It's one esp file, so it should be as simple as copy and paste.
This mod will conflict with any mod that alters map markers or the map in any way. Make sure to load this mod AFTER any mods altering the map i.e A Quality World Map.
The following mods are recommended to work alongside the lack of map markers to give the player more insight on where they're going as well as provide an immersive experience altogether:
Even Better Quest Objectives by WilliamImm - This mod goes into further detail for quest objectives to give better insight on where to go.
Point the Way by Arthmoor - This mod adds more road signs so the player can navigate throughout Skyrim without having to pull out their map as often.
A Quality World Map by Chesko - Beautifully designed and detailed world map that offers a paper version for a more immersive experience. Used in sample images.
This is my first mod ever! I appreciate feedback and constructive criticism as far as how to progress as a mod author. I already have huge plans for the future and hope that with the help of this community I will be able to provide good quality mods that everyone can enjoy and utilize.