Adapts Sons of Skyrim to use SPID. Optionally built to be used alongside RMB SPIDified - Guard Armor Replacer, this patch can also be used independently. Shipped in an FOMOD format, with lots of options - including SkyPatcher patches.
Optional for SOS V2.0: My fixes fully compatible with this amazing mod.
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File credits
- NordwarUA for Sons of Skyrim, and all of their other content for that matter! - powerofthree, sasnikol and any other contributors to Spell Perk Item Distributor for an great tool that has changed so much and the outstanding support that goes with it
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Fix for Morthal, Falkreath, and Stormcloak distribution.
Version 6.2.1
Fix for Stormcloak distribution, was using old ESP/formIDs
Version 6.2.0
Update for RMB SPID - Core 6.0.0, now relying on the RMB SPID - Core Definitions master file.
New FOMOD options, FOMOD tweaks, and other small bits and pieces.
Version 6.1.1
RMB SPID - Sons of Skyrim.esp now requires "RMB SPID - Core Guard Outfits.esp" and "RMB SPID - Core Stormcloak Outfits.esp" to prevent loading of this patch when they are missing or inactive
Version 6.1.0
Another restructure of FOMOD - removed some redundant options, and improved selections to avoid cases wherein files are not installed as expected
General bug fixes - some outfit applications were reversed. Example: cases where an NPC should have had a "simple" outfit variant were previously getting the full (helmet+shield) variant
Possible fix for naked guards - certain combinations of install options would have caused naked NPCs
Version 6.0.2
Corrected flag that resulted in an erroneous notification regarding a missing ESP
Fixed distribution of Stormcloak outfits
Version 6.0.0
Outfits provided in RMB SPID - Core Guard Outfits are now distributed by SPID instead, whilst SkyPatcher is used to inject Sons of Skyrim outfits into these outfits
Many new FOMOD options. You can choose where to distribute Sons of Skyrim outfits - anywhere, or region-locked. You can mix Urban and Rural if you want to!
Improved variety across the board
Now compatible out of the box with RMB SPIDified - Guard Armor Replacer
Version 5.1.2
Added missing crafting module. ESL flagged ESP under extra options. Gives you the ability to craft the armours if you're a thane of the respective hold, or a stormcloak for the stormcloak gear.
Version 5.1.1
Reverted unintentional bundling of modified guard configs - the new configs used EDID refs instead of formID refs for user readability, but this is a 7.0.0+ feature only and broke compatibility with 6.8.2. As such this change has been reverted.
Version 5.1.0
SkyPatcher - added config for compatibility with RMB SPCH Cloaks of Skyrim and RMB SPCH Winter is Coming, for ultimate cloak compatibility!
SkyPatcher - added a number of new config options. Vanilla gear, Sons of Skyrim weapons, forcing helmets to always be equipped and more. Configs can also be tweaked easily.
Version 5.0.4
Combined Armors Patch - Added missing "Use All" flag to RMB_SetStormcloakOfficerB [LVLI:FE005800]
Removed helmet from "No Helmet" variant of the Stormcloak Officer Outfit
Version 5.0.3
New FOMOD option: Xtudo's Fixes 2.0, Combined Armours. Adds the missing 1.5 sets and distributes them with SPID. All four optionals are required.
Fixed distribution of Light vs Heavy armours for all holdings. The order of entires in the configs had to be flipped. Oops!
Added missing Whiterun Medium Helmet (Heavy) to the Heavy Helmet pool
Added Stormcloak Fur Mantle to the Whiterun cloak pool.
Version 5.0.2
Always wear helmets ESP fix
Version 5.0.1
LLI Additions ESP Hotfix
Version 5.0.0
Updated to Sons of Skyrim 2.0
Added Windhelm Light and Windhelm Heavy outfits
Added Riften Light outfits
Added Solitude Light Outfits
Removed Stormcloak Bear and Stormcloak Guard, as they no longer exist
Some other minor bugs/tweaks/fixes
Version 4.5.1
Tweaks/changes to recipe module.
Version 4.5.0
Distribution reworked to utilize outfit keywords, for improved cross-mod support. Tested with a variety of town, city and settlement mods with better results.
Introduced Shield, No-Shield, No Helmet and No Helmet + No Shield Outfit variations for all Guard Armours, and distributed them accordingly
Improved overall format of configs files for better readability!
New FOMOD option: Anywhere, or just in citites (overwitten by my Misc Patches if you use Sons of Skyrim with GAR)
New FOMOD option: Choose to distribute to Stormcloaks (or not), in case you're looking just for replacing Guards
New FOMOD option: Recipes. Introduces crafting recipes for all Sons of Skyrim Armours and weapons. Misc patch hub has a C.O.C.K.S patch now too.
Other minor changes I've likely forgotten...
Version 4.4.0
New FOMOD option that includes an ESL flagged ESP, which forwards LLI additions (weapons, specifically) from the original Sons of Skyrim. These changes have been removed from the original mod.
Version 4.3.2
isExcludedGAR added for keywords outfitImperialLight, outfitImperialStudded and outfitImperialLightMixed
As a result, edge cases (such as Imperial Soldiers stationed in Solitude) should no longer be forced to wear Solitude guard armour
Version 4.3.1
Adjusted EDID names for all armour pieces.
Winterhold Cuirass: Updated "OBND - Object Bounds" values to reflect the latest version of Sons of Skyrim
Whiterun Cuirass: Updated "OBND - Object Bounds" values to reflect the latest version of Sons of Skyrim
Version 4.3.0
Whiterun Siege >> Whiterun guards/defenders will now use the Whiterun outfit
Thanks to TheSchroedingercat for reporting: Fixed Base Object Swapper config entries - were missing ~Skyrim.esm ref
Recipes for Sons of Skyrim weapons added, so they can now be crafted
Added new optional ESL flagged ESP, that can be used to always force the use of helmets for guards. See FOMOD installer for option.
Removed "No Weapons" installer option, as the items were previously obtainable via console anyway
Version 4.2.0
Keyword Addition: isOutfitSoS
Keyword Addition: isExcludeSoS
Tweak: isOutfitVanilla will be assigned to Guards so long as they do not have isExcludeSoS
Tweak: isOutfitSoS will be assigned to Guards so long as they do not have isExcludeSoS OR isOutfitVanilla
QOL: rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini - collapsed entries for better readability
Addition: Solitude guard shields added to their outfits
Fixes: Resolved some typos present in SoS
Special thanks to: titanbass1 for some of the detailed reports on issues affecting the previous release
Version 4.1.1
BoS config update, fixes for Whiterun and Windhelm.
Version 4.1.0
Added missing installer option for Base Object Swapper config
Added KID distribution, which distributes Survival Keywords & WACCF Keywords
Version 4.0.1
Hotfix for Whiterun holding guards (Rorikstead, Riverwood) where outfits were being assigned to the old keywords (which would have failed)
Version 4.0.0
Core version update. Please update RMB Core. Resolves Morthal distribution issues
Stormcloak distribution fixes, distribution should be more consistent - especially for Windhelm guards
Keyword changes/tweaks. Patches between GAR and SoS being split off to a patch hub for easier maintenance
Version 3.4.4
Added missing LLI for the Solitude Guard Helmets to the Solitude Guard Outfit
Version 3.4.3
SharedConfig files included in the FOMOD had their changes reset, and therefore were missing the new Solitude keywords
Version 3.4.2
Added Solitude Guard Armors from Sons of Skyrim 1.5.0
Fixed missing Morthal Guard keyword distribution target
Other minor tweaks and changes
Version 3.3.0
Fix for FOMOD flags, regarding use of Guard Armor Replacer. If you'd selected yes, it would have installed configs for "no", resulting in Sons of Skyrim outfits only.
Version 3.0.0
Introduced shared keywords file "rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini" used by RMB SPID Patches Sons of Skrim & Guard Armor Replacer
rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini: Contains "isOutfit0Vanilla", which if assigned prevents assigning of SoS or GAR outfits
rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini: Contains "isOutfit1SoS", which if assigned results in Sons of Skyrim Guard Armors being distributed
rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini: Contains "isOutfit2GAR", which is assigned at a rate of 100% if Guards do not have isOutfit0Vanilla or isOutfit1SoS
If you intend to use only Sons of Skyrim, remove line 29 in rmb_a_guards_shared_DISTR.ini OR increase chances for "isOutfit1SoS" keywords to 100%
If you don't want vanilla outfits ever, change isOutfit0Vanilla chance to 0, or remove the line entirely
Version 2.1.2
Morthal & Winterhold Guard distribution fixes
Mage's Guild Guards no longer recieve Winterhold Guard Armor
Version 2.1.0
Updated references to use Core 3.3.0
Simplified some entries, added chances to those that did not (no gameplay effect, but easier to understand for users)
Using new keywords from Core 3.3.0 to hopefully improve mod support for mods such as Immersive Patrols II
Distributed Officer Armour to a number of named Stormcloak NPCs
Version 2.0.0
Minor settlement support; uses new keywords introduced with latest core release
Added support for two Whiterun Battle Brothers, assigning (uniquely) armours to them. The other two are covered by Guards Armor Replacer
Added survival keywords, and removed some redundant/incorrect material keywords for better Requiem support
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
RMB SPIDified - Sons of Skyrim takes advantage of my resource, RMB SPIDified Core. Using SPID to distribute outfits, and SkyPatcher to combine leveled lists, it distributes the Guard armours to NPCs based on dynamic factors - such as their original outfit, crime faction, and location. It avoids edits to leveled lists that would require a bashed or manual patch, cell and NPC edits.
This also prevents the NPC face bug that can be encountered when mod A makes face changes, and mod B changes the outfit of that NPC and unintentionally reverts the face changes. It also is designed in such a way so that other patches are not needed.
The installation package is bundled with many installation options, to tailor to your wants and needs.
It is also compatible with my other patch, RMB SPIDified - Guard Armor Replacer. Due to the options available in the installer, you have a lot of freedom to tailor distribution. Some examples include mixing GAR with SoS sets, forcing GAR to distribute to Rural guards and SoS to Urban, and much more!
As always, if you have any suggestions or run into any issues, please let me know.
• Scriptless implementation • ESL Light Plugin (doesn't use a slot), to define the outfits • Includes a modified .esp from the original mod, with reduced vanilla edits for compatibility • Standalone versions of the various guard armors, rather than the original replacers (for maximum compatibility) • Optional with crafting recipes for all items • Introduces (64) new outfits, used to maximize variety in outfit distribution • Compatible with Bodslides (such as 3BA & HIMBO) if you only uses meshes from the patches • Lots of options in the installer to maximise customization • Want guards to use vanilla helmets, but SoS armour? Want a mix of SoS and vanilla armors? Check out the options! • Base Object Swapper support, replacing physical vanilla guard armour items around the world with SoS versions •Misc Patch Hub patches for C.O.C.K.S support • Guard Distribution is handled within RMB SPID - Sons of Skyrim.esp.ini • Stormcloak Distribution is handled within rmb_a_stormcloaks_DISTR.ini • Tweaks/fixes (such as keywords, armour classifications, and more) for names & small balance improvements
•How can I keep distribution to named NPCs only? -- You can delete all entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_DISTR.ini to restrict distribution to named/unique NPCs only
•How can I keep distribution to generic NPCs only? -- You can delete all entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_named_DISTR.ini, which will remove distributions to named NPCs
•I like that character x/y/z has this or that outfit, but I don't want other characters to get the outfits. How do I change this? -- You can find the relevant entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_named_DISTR.ini. Each entry can be tweaked or removed as desired!
•How can I restrict these outfits to specific genders? -- rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_DISTR.ini has the relevant entries. You'll see each outfit, and will want to change one of the values. See below: -- Outfit = OUTFITID|isFactionBandit+ActorWeaponTypeOneHanded|NONE|NONE|NONE|1|2 -- The highlighted NONE above can be changed to M or F to restrict to Male or Female respectively.
Check out some of my other NordwarUA patches below: