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About this mod

Adapts Sons of Skyrim to use SPID. Optionally built to be used alongside RMB SPIDified - Guard Armor Replacer, this patch can also be used independently. Shipped in an FOMOD format, with lots of options - including SkyPatcher patches.

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RMB SPIDified - Sons of Skyrim takes advantage of my resource, RMB SPIDified Core. Using SPID to distribute outfits, and SkyPatcher to combine leveled lists, it distributes the Guard armours to NPCs based on dynamic factors - such as their original outfit, crime faction, and location. It avoids edits to leveled lists that would require a bashed or manual patch, cell and NPC edits.

This also prevents the NPC face bug that can be encountered when mod A makes face changes, and mod B changes the outfit of that NPC and unintentionally reverts the face changes. It also is designed in such a way so that other patches are not needed.

The installation package is bundled with many installation options, to tailor to your wants and needs.

It is also compatible with my other patch, RMB SPIDified - Guard Armor Replacer. Due to the options available in the installer, you have a lot of freedom to tailor distribution. Some examples include mixing GAR with SoS sets, forcing GAR to distribute to Rural guards and SoS to Urban, and much more!

As always, if you have any suggestions or run into any issues, please let me know.

Scriptless implementation
ESL Light Plugin (doesn't use a slot), to define the outfits
Includes a modified .esp from the original mod, with reduced vanilla edits for compatibility
Standalone versions of the various guard armors, rather than the original replacers (for maximum compatibility)
Optional with crafting recipes for all items
Introduces (64) new outfits, used to maximize variety in outfit distribution
Compatible with Bodslides (such as 3BA & HIMBO) if you only uses meshes from the patches
Lots of options in the installer to maximise customization
Want guards to use vanilla helmets, but SoS armour? Want a mix of SoS and vanilla armors? Check out the options!
Base Object Swapper support, replacing physical vanilla guard armour items around the world with SoS versions
Misc Patch Hub patches for C.O.C.K.S support
Guard Distribution is handled within RMB SPID - Sons of Skyrim.esp.ini
Stormcloak Distribution is handled within rmb_a_stormcloaks_DISTR.ini
Tweaks/fixes (such as keywords, armour classifications, and more) for names & small balance improvements

How can I keep distribution to named NPCs only?
-- You can delete all entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_DISTR.ini to restrict distribution to named/unique NPCs only

How can I keep distribution to generic NPCs only?
-- You can delete all entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_named_DISTR.ini, which will remove distributions to named NPCs

I like that character x/y/z has this or that outfit, but I don't want other characters to get the outfits. How do I change this?
-- You can find the relevant entries inside rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_named_DISTR.ini. Each entry can be tweaked or removed as desired!

How can I restrict these outfits to specific genders?
-- rmb_a_sons_of_skyrim_DISTR.ini has the relevant entries. You'll see each outfit, and will want to change one of the values. See below:
-- Outfit = OUTFITID|isFactionBandit+ActorWeaponTypeOneHanded|NONE|NONE|NONE|1|2
-- The highlighted NONE above can be changed to M or F to restrict to Male or Female respectively.

Check out some of my other NordwarUA patches below: