Released under the GPL-3.0 license except the files under SKSE/Plugins/resources/font are under OFL (SIL Open Font License) the files in SKSE/Plugins/resources/key are under CC0 the files in SKSE/Plugins/resources/icons are under CC by 3.0 (Details)
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Icons (folder SKSE/Plugins/resources/icons) Details for each file used Keys (folder SKSE/Plugins/resources/key) Detail Font (folder SKSE/Plugins/resources/font) Detail
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unarmed will not be cleaned up with by the cleanup handling
Version 1.4.4
quickfix/fixed: another fix equipping/unequipping with 2 handed spells, equipping spells with a task now (to avoid an infinite loop) (I might rework the handing in the future to match the general equip handling)
Version 1.4.3
fixed: added detection event to instant casting (considers silent casting perk as well)
fixed: some game scripts (like for the white phial) use add item object refr add item. That should fix the incorrect count for atleast the white phial when it gets refilled again
fixed: allow manual equipped power/shout to be cast if an spell is selected in elden mode in the top slot (shout slot needs to be empty)
adjusted: powers are not allowed be instant cast in elden mode in the top slot (this should have no impact to the gameplay because the same handling for the user is with or without equipping)
Version 1.4.2
fixed: null check to avoid ctd when doing work with the form ids inside the menus
added: seperate alpha/transparency settings for current items, current shout, slot count and slot item name (HUD Graphic>Transparency)
added: seperate color setting for current items (applies to current shout as well), slot count and slot item name (HUD Graphic>Color)
adjusted: do no add items or text to draw list if alpha is 0
Version 1.4.1
fixed: looking for ammo (bolts and arrows) works now again
Version 1.4.0
fixed: added some null checks if no setting has been set, avoid some crashes as well
fixed: the first the all the extra list for a form will be added to a list, if the Item is used a second time during one button press we take the next item, because at that time the extra data worn or worn left is not set yet. The list is reset before every new key input, if there is data set.
fixed: minor fix for item counting
fixed: play sound if a poison is used
fixed: ignore bound items when looking for arrows or bolts
added: assets from png to svg
added: option to display the current slotted power/shout name (HUD Graphic>Misc>Current Shout/Power), (HUD Graphic>Font>Font Size Current Shout/Power) and (HUD Setting>Offset>Position X Current Shout/Power and Position Y Current Shout/Power)
added: in elden mode you can enable to draw the "position/page" at the left and right positions (HUD Graphic>Draw Page Id)
added: seperate font size setting for item name and slot count. (HUD Graphic>"Font Size Item Name" and "Font Size Count")
adjusted: default values for (HUD Setting>Position>Scaling of HUD Image Width and Scaling of HUD Image Height), (HUD Setting>Offset>Position Horizontal Y of Slot Item Name, Position X Arrow Slot and Position Y Arrow Slot), (HUD Setting>Scaling>Scaling of Arrow Image Width and Scaling of Arrow Image Height)
adjusted: scaling of keys
adjusted: count update when picking up item
adjusted: poison dose is now calculated from the perks, so it would be the same as using it form the inventory. Tested with the Vanilla Perks, Adamant, Ordinator, Vokrii. If there is somewhere a special implementation that was missed there is a setting to overwrite it (Misc Settings>Behavior Settings>Overwrite Poison Dose and Poison Dose) there it can be set manually.
Version 1.3.0
added: new config/edit mode inside inventory/magic and favourite menu the bound button press will add the selected item to the list
added: persist if ui was hidden or shown with the button press
added: settings to cleanup config if the player does not have items/spells anymore, can be disabled/enabled for each supported type. (Cleanup Settings>Clean)
added: option to enter edit/config in menu with a key, should prevent if the same keys are bound to the HUD that can be used as menu movement as well (Controls>Optional Controls>Require Key To Enter Edit & Edit Key)
added: check and offset if the player has a shout
added: ini setting to disable font loading (Font>bFontLoad)
added: rewrite of config in elden souls if auto cleanup is enabled
added: check if the given font file is the correct file type
added: inside the MCM "Information Bind" and "Information Config" some simple Information "how to" and "what can be added"
added: basic apply of poison to equipped weapon, this means a simple amount of stacks is applied (Misc Settings>Behavior Settings>Poison Charges)
added: cleanup setting, if enabled, will check at new game/post game load and if an inventory item (that is configured for cleanup) has new count == 0
added: "Remove Key" (Controls>Supporting Controls>Remove Key). In the Inventory/Magic or Favorite Menu Button Down + Any of the four Action Key will look for the form in ALL Settings if found, it will be removed.
added: option to dual cast top spells in elden souls mode. New MCM Setting (Misc Config>Behavior Settings>Try Dual Cast Top Spell)
fixed: added a check if we have settings to execute after button press
fixed: using version 1.88 of imgui again, seems to work better currently for the project
fixed: do not call to consume a potion if there was no potion found
fixed: corrected plugin version data for skse (so main version works for 1.6.353 too)
fixed: update equipped names now (again) when something is equipped manually
adjusted: Renamed some Translations and cleaned strings so they have the same naming
adjusted: some control inputs will be blocked if toggle/edit or edit 2 button are down in the inventory, magic and favorite menu. This should make controller config better
adjusted: added a check to the location needs block check, no point in doing that if the game is paused
adjusted: If Auto Clean is disabled, but the player currently does not hold the item/spell it will be marked as "blocked" (= Graphic Setting>Icon Blocked)
adjusted: instant spell casting, minor code changes
cleanup: removed outdated mcm options and config
cleanup: separated key inputs from hud and menu config
changed: ini debug setting changed to bool
Version 1.2.4
fixed: unable to perform config/edit after last update (1.2.3)
fixed: wrong count or missing icons at startup
Version 1.2.3
added: setting disable the re equip in elden mode via setting (Misc Settings>Checks>Disable ReEquip of Active Settings)
adjusted: additonally when loading a save now in elden mode, the actives will not be reset to 0, they say on the active one and will be re equipped when loading (not game restart) (can also be disabled with the setting from above)
added: option for an alternative arrow/bolt selection order by quantity not by damage (Misc Settings>Checks>Sort Arrow By Quantity)
fixed: do not trigger block/re equip handling while in inventoy, magic and favourite menu (might need to cover more menus, maybe)
Version 1.2.2
cleanup: added check if string is not null or empty before doing calculations with it
Version 1.2.1
fixed: potion icons broke a bit with 1.2.0 update
Version 1.2.0
fixed: better handling from twohanded to onehanded in elden mode (sometimes shields got invisible)
cleanup: do not trigger notifications for enchantments
cleanup: changed animation file paths to be dynamic, changed enums to auto increment (thanks MinhazMurks) (reskins need updates too so the icons match again)
adjusted: moved master scale to HUD Settings (if you have previously set it, you need to apply it again)
adjusted: slightly betteer text placement (mostly internal)
added: potion grouping for restore/recover health/statmina/magicka (only if this is the First Effect of the Potion) (consuming one of the potions will create this "setting", if option is enabled)
settings Misc Settings>Checks and Special Settings; Group Potions, Potion Min Perfect and Potion Max Perfect
It tries to search for a "Perfect" Potion
Missing Value * Config Value >= Potion Recover
Missing Value * Config Value <= Potion Recover
If nothing fits a Random Potion gets used (the last one found)
added: Item Names are displayed now in the mcm page selection (if there is a name to display)
added: effect actor value display for potions
added: names for normal mode (HUD Setting>Position Vertical Y of Slot Item Name and Position Vertical X of Slot Item Name) (note unarmed does not have a name in on the HUD)
Version 1.1.12
added: simple animation triggers now when pressing a button (thanks MinhazMurks)
Version 1.1.11
fixed: when searching for configs make sure the path you want to look at is a directory
added: setting Potions and Scrolls "Blocked" (=more transparent) if the Count is 0. It will get "normal" again, if count is > 0 again.
fixed: scroll casting from the consumable slot works again without equipping it
"fixed": Somehow the game crashes on potions with dynamic id (self crafted/mixed potions) if the count is 0 (happens with or without the mod). Not 100% sure what causes this. So I leave one Potion of those, to prevent crashes, for now. If you do not need this just disable (Misc Settings>Checks>Last Dynamic Potion)
Version 1.1.10
adjusted: using full path now when reading font files and looking for ini files
adjusted: moved lanterns to bottom/consumable slot, since they did not fit with the handling into the power/shout slot anymore
fixed: wearable lanterns saving correct formid now
added: book of shadows mask support
added: add button to show/hide hud
added: due a request I added for the Bottom Use/Action an option to Use/Execute with an Key Combo ("Key Toggle" down + "Bottom Key" Pressed") "Controls>Control Handlings>Bottom Execute Key Combo Only"
Version 1.1.9
added: support for independent x and y slot offset (thanks MinhazMurks)
Version 1.1.8
maybe fixed: added more checks when looking for the ini files that causes a CTD when opening the MCM Page
cleanup: do not trigger equip for an action that is already equipped
Version 1.1.7
changed: Top and Bottom Slot Execute/Usage Actions, detailed list:
no key combo(s) anymore
the "toggle" key is in the Elden Souls now the Execute/Use Bottom Slot action.
The default Shout key of the game is now the Execute/Use Top Action Key
When cycling Settings with "E" will now be equipped. (Top)
Settings are marked as "I" the shout/power Slot will be unequipped (so it is empty).
With the Press of the normal Shout Key you either use the Equipped thing (which will be shown in the Slot) or Use the Setting that is currently selected.
They shout and normal usage of powers is unchanged of the Vanilla handling, the Mod only listens to the key as well and does additional actions.
If for whatever case (just to be clear), something is equipped manually in that slot and an Item with "I" is shown and the shout key is pressed both actions will be triggered (The Shout/Power will be unequipped but since it was present when the Button was pressed it will be triggered)
Version 1.1.6
fixed: missmatch between default setting in the file and the code for max pages
added: Misc Settings>Create Setting, you can create a new preset there, for elden it will be <modname>_Custom_Elden_<yourgivenname>.ini
added: Misc Settings>Setting, you can load or Set a Config, it will be executed after MCM exit
added: add unarmed setting in the MCM (Pages>Unarmed) in Elden Mode just Left and Right. The Form 1F4 will be set in the Config (It is Weapon and the Type is Hand to Hand Melee), but when the setting is executed it is like an un equip action.
added: unarmed setting in the MCM (Pages>Unarmed) in Default, It will overwrite the CURRENT Setting for this Position and Page
Version 1.1.5
fixed: wrong mapped keycode for right arrow key
fixed: arrow slot uses correct background setting now
Version 1.1.4
added: support for torches (elden mode left hand only)
added: icon for torches
fixed: do not trigger a reequip in elden mode if a config has been triggered
added: support for simple wearable lanterns and wearable lanterns (top position for elden). wearable lanterns might say one time added and then not suitable that is because somehow I get 2 Armor Parts in. I work with the one that has equip slot 55 set (the other one has non)
added: icon for lantern
Version 1.1.3
fixed: check if the font is already set, if not use default
fixed: do not add default and clear things, that might result in trying to set a font that is null, and just load the font once and prepare it for dx11 usage
Version 1.1.2
adjusted: setting to show the UI now after PostLoad
added: font config (not in the MCM) for ttf and otf files, should support load of chinese, chinese_simplified, cyrillic, japanese, korean, thai, vietnamiese (the provided font does not support that)
adjusted: default config due new font needs different offsets (might not fit)
Version 1.1.1
added: more weapon icons
preperation for replacers
Version 1.1.0
adjusted: Default Settings
adjusted: notifaction logs for the user in Edit mode
added: master scale to scale all offsets and scales (Controls>Special Scale>Master Scale)
fixed: disable some mcm options if they depend on other settings
fixed: added missing key picture for Q
added: better filtering for "Pages", allow filtering of "Postion"
added: option to turn on elden souls handling (MiscSetting>Checks>Elden Demon Souls). That includes a new handling for the Positions and the Toggle Button.
following changes are just when Elden Demon Souls is active
Top: Power/Shouts/Spells with Type Fire and Forget
additionally a Setting will be marked I = Instant or E = Equip, in the Location of the Item count
Right: Two-Handed/One-Handed Weapons and Spells
Bottom: Food/Potions/Scrolls (will not be equipped, will be instant cast)
Left: One-Handed Weapons, Spells and Shields
Button for Left and Right on Press they execute the next Setting
If the Next setting on the Right is a Two-Handed Weapon or Spell the Left Slot gets Blocked
If there was a Crossbow or Bow equipped the Left button can now be used to change the Bolt or Arrow. Linked Settings (MiscSetting>Checks>Max Ammo Types and Only Favorite Ammo)
Default the x Highest Damaging Ammunition will be chosen
Alternatively there is a Setting to un equip the the Bolt or Arrow after switching from a Crossbow or a Bow (MiscSetting>Checks>Un-Eqiup Ammo)
Top and Bottom on Button Press the Setting gets switched to the next one without executing it, to do so use Toggle button + Top/Bottom Key
Top and Bottom got a Text, Above and Under the Slot that Displays the Name of the Spell/Potion/... so you know what you are scrolling for
Config the Max Items/Spell/... on each Position are limited by (MiscSetting>Checks>Max Pages)
The config works now like a queue. There is a check not to add duplicate Items or in case of Weapons and Shields the current count in the Inventory (MiscSetting>Checks>Check FormId in Edit)
Like in the normal Mode you can delete a Setting under Pages, to make it a bit easier to see the Queue you can filter there now for a Position. If you delete a Setting in the Middle the config will be rewritten so no "gap" will appear
There are separate configs for Elden Souls and Normal mode "LamasTinyHUD_Custom_Elden.ini" and "LamasTinyHUD_Custom.ini"
added: Settings for the new Texts/HUD Elements
added: config for arrow slot (scaling, offset, ...)
added: arrow/bolt name if bow/crossbow is equipped to current items
adjusted: default config
added: config how many arrow/bolt types are max looked for in the inventory, highest dmg first (can be scrolled with left key)
fixed: bolts and arrows will just be assigned to the correct weapon type
cleanup: in theory the non souls mode should work as well
fixed: after exit of the mcm the first setting of left and right will be executed (and should work now correctly)
fixed: changing between elden and default reloads the config now correctly
Version 1.0.8
improved: the centering the text (might need config adjustments after update)
adjusted: default value of ButtonFeedback
added: some checks if a configured Spell/Power can be Instant Cast (only applies if it has been set to Instant Cast)
added: config setting to Adjust the Color of the Count Text
added: marking of Spells/Power/Shouts if the will be Equipped or Instant cast (I = Instant, E = Equip)
fixed: do not trigger fade out if setting is not set
added: notifications during edit mode
adjusted: just reacting to equipped events (not to unequipped as well)
added: trigger config with mcm (Controls>Alternative Config, Only applies for the current active Page, Button Press still required to Confirm the Setting)
Version 1.0.7
added support more Pages (MiscSetting>Max Pages)
added option to fade in and out in comebat (in is instant) (Misc Setting>Checks>Fade Timer Outside Combat)
accepting input now if "Hide HUD Outside Combat" is set, it will fade in the HUD, counter will be reset for fading out.
fixed missing return when checking if a Scroll still can be cast
Version 1.0.6
fixed crash at new game, load the settings there as well
fixed magic effect stuck when it should do an unequip
sligthly changed interanal data strcuture for drawin
improved unequip behavior, with weapons it seems to work, spells seem to refused to be unequipped in the offhand, or the effect was still on the hand. Also if one set has a weapon in the right hand, and the next has it in the left (the same weapon) it might refuse to be equipped. If nothing should be done, just use the default (equip) action, because if the item is null, it will be skipped.
added a feature to display the current Items in a text toggle on with (HudSetting>Current Items)
minor changes in the ui drawing class
Version 1.0.4
texture size and height could get 0 (= no hud to be shown), thanks demanon
the texture fix will in result that the HUD can be out of place, I adjusted the default values in the settings.ini
added new type empty, allow the change in the mcm if this hand should be checked for unequip if you excute this postion ( and is the default setting for an not set slot is empty )
fixed action setting for left hand, it was always hardcoded overwritten
fixed saving of left hand, was hardcoded overwritten by the right hand (sorry for some broken presets, after loading)
Version 1.0.3
fixed icon assignment for shock spell
access the correct data when checking key for positon and vice verca
fixed possible crash if one the hands were empty
try to search for an icon on the left hand if the right is empty or it returns default
Version 1.0.2
fixed item duplication for weapons, it will be checked how many there are and how many are already equipped
added new configuration method
setting for the new config how long the a button has to be pressed to get into edit mode (Controls>Config>Button Hold Time)
after you get a notification you can drink, eat, equip what you like, the last potion, food,.. will be set or the current setting of the hands. to exit just press the same key again and you should exit edit mode
added one mcm menu to look at all the presets and set instant casting on some spells or powers, note, some might not work with that setting
in the new mcm menu you can also remove a setting
moved the setting save data to a seperate ini file LamasTinyHUD_Custom.ini, it will be created once you start configuring. That means, the old Config for the configured pages/slots will not work. sorry for that.
removed unused papyrus mcm config calls
should work in theory with 1 to n pages, atm max is 2 set hardcoded.
added support for scrolls + added icon for it
added setting to hide when not in combat, will also block all inputs for the hud (Misc Setting>Checks>Hide HUD Outside Combat), this also disables all input, including edit mode
added a setting to ignore inputs if quickloot menu is open (Misc Setting>Checks>QuickLoot Input Disable)
added support to keep track of scroll count as well
ui drawing and when keyinputs are taken are synced now
prevented some crashes when setting, deleting or modifing a setting
Version 1.0.1
added missing null check when checking for equipped spells
No donations accepted
Is there a Souls Scrolling Setup?
Yes since Version 1.1.0 Setting to enable (MiscSetting>Checks>Elden Demon Souls)
Config for Version 1.3.0
To bind things to new keys, HOLD the edit key (U or L is default) and then hit that key you want to assign it to."
Open Inventory or Magic Menu
Hover/Select the Item you want to assign
For ELDEN MODE: Down Key "Toggle"/"Edit Key" (= Hold)
For NORMAL MODE: Down Key "Toggle"/"Edit Key" (= Hold) to assign an Item to the Right (or Both) Hands
For NORMAL MODE: Down "Edit Key 2" (= Hold) to assign an Item to the Left Hand
Press Key (Action Key) to add to the Slot you want to add the Item
Misc Items (e.g. Mods with Traps) might work, not tested
The UI can be moved around with the MCM menu it will adjust after the Setting is closed.
The elements are drawn with ImGui and the used PNGs are loaded at the game start, if other assets are used the scaling might need to be adjusted in the Settings.
Yes there is Controller support, in the MCM you can choose between PS/XBOX prompts