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About this mod

The second iteration to an extremely performance friendly enhancement to the graphic fidelity of Skyrim's vanilla color pallet using ENB's latest effects and developments.

Permissions and credits

Bethesda Game Studios created a world we all cherish deeply. The 5th installment in the Elder Scrolls franchise hit home for its gloomy color pallet and soft musical tones. The intention of The Vanilla ENB was to enhance the game while staying true to the way Bethesda intended it to look. Completely overhauled from the ground up to maximize compatibility and drop the requirements from the first version, a new version was born - The Vanilla ENB 2 

  • New bloom shader from Ady's
  • Lots of lighting tweaks and balancing
  • Fog and volumetric rebalance
  • SSAO Tweaks
  • This update will cost a few FPS, consider using DLSS

    • Modernization of the games lighting with ENB's ambient occlusion, detailed, and distant shadows
    • Rain, snow, water, and many other particle effects have been meticulously tuned to accommodate the improved lighting
    • Volumetric lighting is overhauled to be more subtle and realistic while retaining the beautiful haze that came with Special Edition
    • Moons cast realistic lighting on clouds at night
    • Interactive grass shaders that react to movement, and now properly lit by shadows *requires compatible textures
    • Smoothed sky gradients and clouds for vastly improved sunrises and sunsets
    • Underwater effects and volumetrics *requires ENB Helper


    Refer to this very simple tutorial if you are unfamiliar with ENB installation

    • Download and install the latest ENB binaries
    • Download this preset and install it into your game directory
    • Launch your game, expect slower than usually start time on the first launch for the ENB to compile the shaders and cache them on your system

    Disable the games default SSAO or disable The Vanilla ENB 2's SSAO - Use one or the other not both
    SSAO roughly has a 8-9FPS difference - The ENB version is far better

    By default, The Vanilla ENB 2 is configured to maximize performance. Configured to cut all viable corners to squeeze FPS out of the toll ENB takes on your GPU. These highlighted effects have been tweaked for The Vanilla ENB - but are left off by default. You can enable them as you prefer and with accordance to keep a desired frame rate. They are great to utilize for screen archery.

    Use the keys SHIFT + ENTER to open the interface - simply check the box to enable them

    • EnablePrepass: extra sunrays from kitsune
    • EnablePostpassShader: basically acts like reshade but built into ENB with effects like HDR, vignette, film grain, and chromatic aberration
    • EnableDepthOfField: not great for gameplay but tweaked to emulate the vanilla DOF
    • EnableSunrays: Subtle sunray effects similar to prepass
    • EnableRainWetSurfaces: Use soaking wet if you want to save performance and keep this off

    Kitsune and firemanf for letting me use and tweak their shaders
    Rudy102 for so much inspiration
    Ady's for the game changing bloom shader
    Doodlezoid for IMOD Separator
    Nexus Mods for hosting us nerds and giving the community a platform
    Todd. He built a neat game.