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  1. Centerman
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    I always make sure to let this mod take priority over anything that wants to overwrite it. Those roots are GROSS and Remove Gildergreen Root is a blessing.
  2. Danna233
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This root is still sticking out there and ruining my life (
  3. bench261
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Not sure how this is fixed in this mod, but I wanted to use the smooth mesh version so all I did was create a transparent image and named it blank and mapped the root texture to that.
  4. DefinitelyNotNoah
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    this is late but to peps lookin for a way to fix this issue - I recommend the 3d trees gildergreen (roots aint a thing in there)
  5. Dimitrisgrr
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    Yeap i agree i hated that part and was surprised noone did something about it. The bad thing is the one you replace it with is almost equally horrible looking and can be found in various areas as well :/
    1. azzendix
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      Hope someone(with more experience) come to fix these things in the future.
      Using NifSkope is not fun for me xD.

      I also recommend this mod.(Not related to my mod or Whiterun) Small Environmental Fixes (AO and Transition)
    2. Dimitrisgrr
      • premium
      • 118 kudos
      I use that as well and fixes a few thing true.
  6. westonsaathoff
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Wow, thank you!!!!!!
  7. eshesj
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    awesome mod. Absolutely necessary, There are so many unnecessary low quality textures in skyrim especially the vomits floating on the water.
  8. deleted3656947
    • account closed
    • 7 kudos
    That was subtle but anoying...

    Thank you!
    1. azzendix
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      It annoys me enough to make me try Gildergreen 4K Parallax and Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE.
      No luck, both mods can't fix this problem.

      Finally, I decided to do something with it. Here is it.