3BA With Obody Collision Physics Fix
AI Follower Framework (AI-FF)
Alkaid - A custom British player voice for DBVO
Dragonborn Voice Over requierment |
Original ConsoleUtilSSE doesn't support all versions, NG is required for newer versions |
Clean KillCam
Clean up the physics outfit - Collision Reset
Console Commands For Everyone (aka Papyrus Console Commands)
Optional - for the example addon. |
Disable Character Lighting
DogDogGo - Dogs Track Down NPCs
or the non-NG version if it works on your Skyrim |
Dragon War - A Dragon Overhaul
Dragonborn Voice Over
ConsoleUtilSSE NG is required for Dragonborn Voice Over |
Dragonborn Voice Over -Russian translation-
Для озвучки Dragonborn требуется консоль. |
Dynamic Wait
Pick one of two, depending on which of them are currently working on your game version (works on 1.6.1130-1170) |
Experience for CCFE
And all its requirements. |
Extended Vanilla Menus
Facial Expressions Idle Animation
Flower Girls - Irresistible
Soft requirement. Needed if you want your lovers to level up with you. Might also fix AE issues. |
Follower Bryling
Optional, but recommended. |
Follower Grelka
Optional, but recommended. |
Formless Aspect - Shout I Animated Camera
Hard Requirement |
Necessary if you want the MCM - This version or the regular version |
or the regular version |
Hailey - Female Player Voice Pack (DBVO)
Hard Requirement |
ISRELEY's Art of Soulshifting
Required. |
Learn from staves - Learn the spell of your staff
LOD Unloading Bug Fix
Only use one of these. If you use both, you are actually stupid. |
Merchants Inventory Refresh
ORomance Plus
or use the older 1.5.97 version |
Outfit Manager
Just If you want to see o the Console the few messages of the update process. Can be ignored and any other version will work too. |
Papyrus Profiler for CCFE
you need this |
PROJECT REDEYE - A voice pack for DBVO
Required for Dragonborn Voice Over |
ScreenShot Assist SE
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Simple FOV
Hard requirement. |
Skyrim on Skooma (Mandarin)
非必要,但建議 |
Starting Up...
Required. |
Stolen Items Are Sellable
Instead of the OG ConsoleUtils. Not sure if it will work, but the old ConsoleUtils certainly doesn't anymore. |
Time-Based Enemy Scaling
Pick one of two, depending on which is currently working on your game version (works on 1.6.1130-1170) |
WIDeadBodyCleanupScript Crash Fix
If, in the future, this gets replaced by a more updated version due to Skyrim update and I am not here to update these requirements, use your brain and find the update yourself. |
Xing no Art Behavior and Idle Expan