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About this mod

A SKSE plugin that flips the world map and compass in Beyond Reach main worldspace, so that the border with Skyrim is at the east, Evermore at the west, the snowy parts at north, etc.

Permissions and credits
Beyond Reach is a new land mod created by razorkid which can be downloaded here.
Because the map of Beyond Reach is upside down, this plugin exists to flip the map/compass, to make the Skyrim border at east, Evermore at west, snowy parts at north, etc

This SKSE plugin works purely at UI level, and it won't have any other impact in the mod itself.
The mod is compatible with both SE and AE .

Q: Can be installed on existing save? Any specific version of Beyond Reach?
A: Like said above, this mod works purely at the UI level. So you can install/uninstall it at any time. The version of Beyond Reach doesn't matter, either.

Q: The rotation from the mouse/gamepad doesn't work properly on the map!
A: The fomod already warns about this. It comes with two configuration files: one that looks better but has this input rotation problem, and other one that looks worse but doesn't have this problem. You can always switch to the other one at any time. In the future I hope to fix this by rewriting the game map math logic.

Q: Does it work with X map mod?
A: If it is a .swf mod or texture mod, yes. If is a dll, depends.... (but it probably will)

Q: The sun is rising from the west!

A: The sun is rising exactly at the same place that without this mod. But because this mod alters the user perception by fliping the world map menu and the compass, it will look like the sun is rising from the west.. While changing the direction of the sun is technically possible, I think it doesn't worth, as it could induce some other problems (with ENB, lighting, etc)

Q: Local map?
A: Currently, the local map is not flipped. Maybe in a future version.