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About this mod

A BodySlide conversion for Xtudo's version of juhaaaa's Drifter outfit.

Permissions and credits
- Drifter Armor and Outfit - My version
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- CBBE / 3BA

1. Download and install. I recommend using a mod manager.
2. Open BodySlide. Click on the magnifying glass by 'Group Filter' > choose groups > tick your 'Drifter Armor (Xtudo ver)'. Hit OK.
3. Choose your favourite BodySlide preset. Click batch build and make sure everything is ticked. Hit build.
4. If everything processed successfully, close BodySlide and you're done.

- Don't like unimmersive boob jiggliness? Try 3BA RFBBBT
- You may get clipping on the shirt outfit around the breast area when using specific presets. Play around with the nipple sliders to fix it.

Xtudo for Drifter Armor and Outfit - My version

(As listed on mod page)
Base armor mod - juhaaaa
Grandmaster Wolven Armor - fxckthisworld
Deze Clothing Set - ralfetas
Dwarven Bikini Armor - nisetanaka
Stormlord Armor - gechbal
Hedge Mage Armor - Elleh
Leather boots - NordWarUA
Practical Pirate Outfit - QuarantineCouture
Steel Bikini Armor - nisetanaka