About this mod
My version of the Drifter Outfit made by Juhaaaa. 29 pieces. Steel, Metallic, clothing, heavy and light armor versions. 2K and 4K. ESL.
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DRIFTER Armor and Outfit
My version by Xtudo
The Drifter Armors and Outfits inspired on Vi from Arcane.
It can be crafted at forges with requirements similar to the vanilla Steel Armor (requires the Steel Smithing Perk).
The gauntlets come with a customized unarmed enchantment that provides 25 points of unarmed damage, so they actually pack a punch. pun intended
- 29 pieces.
- A clothing and light armor version that includes outfit, gloves and boots.
- Two armored versions, Steel and Metallic, with heavy and light options each.
- Closed jacket version included, for the Steel and Metallic armors.
- 2K and 4K options.
- An optional "Less shiny steel" version.
- Survival "warm" keyword added.
- ESL.
Other versions
- CBBE 3BA BodySlide version by hesif. Works with all the items.
- LE Version here.
I did it for my game and now I'm sharing it, I hope you like it.
Don't forget to endorse and share your screens. :)
- Juhaaaa for this awesome cute armor used as base for this mod.
- Jacket: Grandmaster Wolven Armor made by fxckthisworld.
- Shirt & Pants: Deze Clothing Set made by ralfetas.
- Boots: Dwarven Bikini Armor made by nisetanaka.
- Gauntlets: Stormlord Armor made by gechbal.
- Gloves: Hedge Mage Armor made by Elleh.
- Leather boots: Made by NordWarUA.
- Shirt: Practical Pirate Outfit made by QuarantineCouture.
- Warm boots: Steel Bikini Armor by nisetanaka.
Especial thanks
- To Juhaaaa for his awesome cute armor.
- To ralfetas for the pieces used from his lovely Deze Clothing Set CBBE 3BA mod.
- To my lovely Patreons and supporters.

Please support me on Patreon.