About this mod
SKSE plugin which slows actors in water at an engine level, with support for SSE and AE in one DLL.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Remade and enhanced Loki's Wade In Water which slows actors in water at an engine level, with support for SSE and AE in one DLL.
This mod is functionally equivalent but with smooth transitions between different states, implementing slowing at an engine level rather than via spells.
Check out the original mod page for more information.

- Not compatible with VR unless Bug Fixes is ported.
- The original magic effects are left intact only for DAR animations to function properly. The included plugin neutralises the slowness effect.
- Modifications to the original mod's plugin will have the same effect on this mod.
Address Library for SKSE Plugins
Bug Fixes SSE
Loki's Wade In Water
- Compatible with everything
- Compatible with EVG Conditional Idles Wade In Water Animations
Loki for the original mod
KernalsEgg for some extremely useful information which made this mod possible