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  1. nicola89b
    • premium
    • 739 kudos
  2. nicola89b
    • premium
    • 739 kudos
    I suggest people that have a problem of Flicker inside the Ragged Flagon to use my new mod that fix it! Riften Ragged Flagon Flickering Fix
  3. epiclol
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    safe to update midgame ? :)
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      These are just meshes, it means it is always safe update or remove it.
    2. epiclol
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thank you !
  4. nicola89b
    • premium
    • 739 kudos
    If you like my mods, you might be interested in this awesome mod of mine:

    Windhelm Bridge Reforged - The Citadel of Snow

    These and other beautiful changes on the Mod page
  5. meon1k
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    Thanks a lot for making this! Another mod I didn't know I need XD

    But I also find some issues with the parallax meshes: screenshot.
    The cross-sections (hopefully this is the correct word) are stretching too much that it pulled the other parts of the diffuse map over when looking sideways. 

    The I use is from Skurkbro's Retexture Project and I haven't found another texture pack with this yet, so I removed their parallax shader properties in the nifs as a temporary fix.
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      I don't like speaking badly of colleagues, but neither in vanilla nor in many other texture mods have I ever seen this strech, it would be worth seeing how that author did the textures...

      If you want my opinion on best mod at the moment for riften with parallax -->
    2. meon1k
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Wow, thanks, this is looking good and I am switching to this texture for Riften.

      But now I am kind of confused: When I see visual errors related to parallax I usually check if I have the _p textures listed in the BSShaderTextureSet. This time there is no in the WiZkiD's textures while there is one listed in the BSShaderTextureSet in your meshes, and it works without any problem.
    3. darkphoenixff4
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      If you have Auto Parallax, a missing _p file in textures is fine; it just means that the texture won't have parallax (unless it's using Complex Materials).
    4. meon1k
      • supporter
      • 34 kudos
      Thanks, this explains. I do have Auto Parallax. 
  6. sukeban
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Just wanted to give my +1 of this being a great mod for anyone who spends time in Riften.
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      Thank you!!
  7. 444fred444
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for the mod!  But I am getting a texture error, any idea?
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      interesting, what textures are you using?
    2. 444fred444
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      whoops, I guess I should have been able to figure this out with 2 seconds of looking.  It was Riften of Reverie  Thanks for the reply
  8. Shiatay
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Regarding hexagonal corner logs, I heard that in Sweden they do this, lol

    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      I suppose there are many way to do it yeah

  9. Qreelana
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I've been hating those hexagonal logs in Riften since Oldrim, so I was quick to download and install your mod.  I placed it in my load order together with my other mesh & texture replacement mods (which are all relatively early in my load order) and continued with my game.  On next visiting Riften I was surprised to find --- hexagonal logs.  I have dozens of mesh and texture mods and this was the first that didn't work straight away.
    A quick investigation revealed that your meshes were negated in some way by DynDOLOD Resources SE 3.00, which appears toward the end of my load order.  The solution has been to relocate your mod to a position after the DynDOLOD Resource and associated mods.  I now have logs the shape you intended.  Joy.
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      Hi and thank you to download my mod! As you already understood you need to override DynDOLOD resources and everything else except FMX that has a mesh patch for this mod. Enjoy ;)
    2. Giulk
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same problem, moving the mod after DynDOLOD it works, but some windows appear with the purple texture, at the moment i couldn't solve the problem :(
  10. DarkFOX555
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I think it's worth touching these grids in this mod
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      I don't know why, but those are the only 2 nifs that betasheda made are already high poly in vanilla lol xD
  11. hotsaucier
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    the photos look great but I can't seem to get it working with open cities, any thoughts?
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      It should works with open cities theorically.
    2. hotsaucier
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Yup, sorry it was my load order!
  12. dizzy
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Thanks a lot for this great improvement of the Riften city meshes, I love texture/mesh-only fixes and improvements!

    Besides one file conflict with Major Cities Mesh Overhaul (from the preceeding discussion on this seems I'll let this mod override), I have lots of conflicts with SMIM and Particle Patch for ENB, and a few with Assorted mesh fixes.

    Since you credited SMIM/Particle Patch in the description I assume you already include their fixes/changes (you already mentioned it for Particle Patch). But I'm not sure about Assorted mesh fixes:

    Would be awesome if you listed all of these in the Compatibility section, something like:
    - SMIM: this mod has already included the changes made by SMIM, let my mod override
    - Particle Patch for ENB: I included these changes, let my mod override
    - Major Cities Overhaul: only one mesh conflict (blacksmith mesh), let my mod override(?)
    - Assorted mesh fixes: ...

    1. agungxoxo
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      You can compare and see each of those meshes if you install nifskope or NIF Preview (3D Model Viewer) for Mod Organizer, so you can decide what to override. 


    2. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      Let my mod overwrite all of them. I  also added a lot of other fixes that aren't in those meshes ;)
  13. Pfuscher
    • premium
    • 3,723 kudos
    Great update, can't wait for the rest and some smooth riften fps and looks
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      Thank you bro, just two other meshes and I will be at the final mesh optimized version for these meshes!
  14. thenasty
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    Is ELFX a required file? I noticed I have some purple windows and checking in game I can see it's referencing ELFX texture paths (I don't use ELFX).
    1. nicola89b
      • premium
      • 739 kudos
      It's not, this mod only affects the exteriors while ELFX is for the interiors. If you are having purple textures in the interiors it can't be this mod. If you selected the patch for "Skyrim 202X by Pfuscher" or "ELFX Exteriors" so be sure to use one of them or you will have the purple texture for sure.