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About this mod

NPCs will be rude to you, so long as you aren't their friend.

Permissions and credits
NPCs will greet you rudely as if their disposition to you was already tarnished.
Doesn't apply to your friends.
Isn't prioritized over NPC-specific dialogue.

If an NPC denies you services, pester them and they'll eventually give in.

Completely compatible with Nords Speak Deutsch (and Extras) and Kitties Speak Spanish.

"Keep your nose clean while you're here, Outsider."
-some guard

The Gaming Journals

Idolaf Battle-Born in Whiterun said, "shut-up, scum," when I walked by. I was reminded of previous ES games, and really appreciated it.

I did make a Relationship Dialogue Overhaul version, which greatly expands the level of abusive language you receive. Waiting on approval/disapproval from cloudedtruth to upload the plugin.
cloudedtruth has given permission, given the original RDO is required. Make sure you download RDO first, and let the RDO-edition plugin of Rude NPCs overwrite RDO's plugin.