About this mod
Makes it possible to use items from chests during crafting. Take and put.
- Requirements
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- Donations
Therefore, in order to craft an item, you need to take materials from all the chests. For example, to craft Falmer thing, you will need chitin, leather and an ebony ingot. In my case, they all lie in different chests (drop, animal materials and ingots).
Right now you have only one leather out of the four required, right? So you need also take, like, deer hide to craft leather. Oh, no, you just run out of leather strips! Ugh also you need to smelt some ebony ore for ingots.. What about if you are playing with ccor?
So, to do that you either need perform deep calculations or just take all items and return rest back.
Remember, right? After all this journey you need to put all stuff back. In specific chests!
I saw some papyrus mods doing autosorting. The best was Legacy’s one. If you start using any station in your museum house, all items automatically goes to your pockets. After you stopped using it, all materials goes back. Even the ones you just crafted or just carry with you, right? :)
Disadvantage of such implementation is.. lag. After 500hours of playing I have a too many things in my chests. I have 5 digits overweight after I enter crafting menu. So every enter/close menu is permanent 5-8 sec lag. Moreover, I have quite fine PC.
There is brilliant papyrus implementation too.
Since those times (around 2-3 years ago) I wanted a system that will just check items in chests and take them directly. So here you are. I started making this.
The mod is 2-day-old. Almost not tested, I have many ideas to implement.
I have a discord server now, where you could find useful info about my mods, suggest your ideas for released or new mods and give me a feedback.Also I am planning to record some tutorials about SKSE modding soon, you could find it in the according channel.

There are two functions
Suppose you have active autochest.
- To craft an item, the game looks for materials in the chest too.
- The created item is placed in the chest if it already contains items of this type.
Some chests may be your autochests. Currently (v0.1) it is just any player chest near by.
I planning add these options:
- Tweaked distance;
- Make craftable item that you can use to mark chests that can be used as autochests.
No more lag, right? :)
- Is it compatible with alchemy menu/cooking/etc?
Honestly, I even haven’t tested. I am assuming that my mod works with any vanilla crafting stations.If it is not — please report! - Will it work with custom player homes, containing new player chests and forges?
It should work, otherwise — you know what to do. - Will it take things from my followers?
No haha. Too odd. - Will it work with bound chests, added by scripted mods?
I do not know, but I want to make it compatible. If you have such mod, share in comments.
- In general, it is compatible with everything. Feel free to install/update/uninstall it at any spot in the playthrough.
- As any SKSE plugin with hooks, it may conflict with another SKSE plugin with same hooks locations. But do not worry, it is very unlikely.
- There is a rule ‘If two mods do same thing different ways, it may cause problems!’.
Nothing interesting for now.
Known issues (also see “bugs” section)
Feel free to report bugs in comments, I’ll do my best to fix that.
- If craft has condition ‘GetItemCount’, it do not check chest items. So, if player hasn’t enough items, but chest have, recipe does not shows. I can hook it, but it used not only for crafts.. I am thinking about hooking only craft condition evaluation, but seems too much work, I think it is not worth it.
- If there is hidden underground chest nearby, it becomes your autochest. In case of it is belongs to the specific NPC/fraction all fine, but there are some free chests underground.
Future plans
- AE — see sticky post on my stamina mod page.
- Add settings for tweaking distance and also craftable item.
- Make it compatible with bound chests.
- Do something with papyrus and condition functions to make mod compatible with such things.
v2.0 — alchemy update
- Now it works with stations too.
- If many chests have same items, records in alchemy menu duplicates.
- However, the item will be spent from an arbitrary chest (e.g. from another record in the alchemy menu).
Install/uninstall it like any SKSE plugin.
- Ryan (Fudgyduff) for CommonlibSSE
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My other mods
- Fenix stamina overhaul - stamina overhaul.
- Resurrect Me - reliable resurrection mod.
- Fires Hurt RE - burn while walking on embers.
- CombatAI - first in history real combat AI mod.
- LimbsInjuries - combat overhaul.
- Parrying - bounce weapon on impact.
- CoolStaggers - my stagger system.
- New game sound on continue - plays New Game sound when you load last saved game.