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Version 1.3.0
Fix staves and scrolls not triggering sneak attacks
Blacklist spells from sneak attacks by adding MagicNoSneakAttack keyword
Version 1.2.0
Support AE 1.6.629+
Allow staves and scrolls to trigger sneak attacks
Sneak attack base multiplier now supports values less than 1.0
Version 1.1.0
Fix crash when applying Sneak Attack perk modifiers
Magic Sneak Attacks
SKSE64 Visual C++ Redistributables 2019 Address Library for SKSE Plugins
Enables sneak attacks with magic (spells and shouts that have projectiles).
Sneak attacks trigger when crouching and undetected
Works with all schools of magic, scrolls, staves
Compatible with perks that affect sneak attack mult (ModSneakAttackMult)
Displays notification in your game language and sound effect (which can be toggled off)
Affects critical hit stats, just like vanilla sneak attacks
Support for Papyrus OnHit event
Default sneak attack base mult (for each projectile type) is 2.0X
This, and other settings, can be configured in po3_MagicSneakAttacks.ini
Add MagicNoSneakAttack keyword to spells (using Keyword Item Distributor) to prevent them from triggering sneak attacks