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Wodo of Skyrim

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About this mod

madmantis24 asked for a version of my original Saadia with hair from Dreadlocks For Women.

Permissions and credits
madmantis24 asked for a version of my original Saadia with hair from Dreadlocks For Women.  You will also need to download that mod.


Q. What makeup is she using in the screenshots?
A. Fair Skin Complexion

Q. What mod did you use for her outfit in the screenshots?
A. Because I have many mods, I'm not certain but I think its from CBBE Minidresses Collection SE w Bodyslide.  Screen shots "Wodo NPC's" mods might be using Remodeled Armor CBBE SE.  Note: when I run BodySlide, I check the "Zap Leggings" box or I get leggings (which I don't want).