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File credits
No 3rd party assets were included but the following people should get credit dovaya for the hair madmantis24 for the idea ----- madmantis24 Sent 07 April 2022 - 06:40 PM Dovaya got back to me and sent a PM that included this... "I hereby give WodoOfSkyrim permission to create a cross-over version for her/his Saadia replacer with my "Dreadlocks for Women" mod, provided she/he list my mod as a requirement on the mod page (since my mod would be necessary for the replacer to work anyway, I presume) and provide a link back to it" Really appreciate both your efforts on this, excited to see the potential update!
Donation Points system
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Version 1.0.0
Initial Release
madmantis24 asked for a version of my original Saadia with hair from Dreadlocks For Women. You will also need to download that mod.
Q. What mod did you use for her outfit in the screenshots? A. Because I have many mods, I'm not certain but I think its from CBBE Minidresses Collection SE w Bodyslide. Screen shots "Wodo NPC's" mods might be using Remodeled Armor CBBE SE. Note: when I run BodySlide, I check the "Zap Leggings" box or I get leggings (which I don't want).