About this mod
Adds weapon bouncing when two swords "hit together". Sound, sparks..
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
Did you notice that swords can go through each other, and both receive damage?
Me too. Time to fix that.
Now if two weapons “collide” with each other, one of them (or both) popped out. Owner(s) do not deal damage on this strike.
I have a discord server now, where you could find useful info about my mods, suggest your ideas for released or new mods and give me a feedback. Also I am planning to record some tutorials about SKSE modding soon, you could find it in the according channel.
- Weapons on strike to each other bounce.
- If both hits in same time, both weapons popped out.
- If one hits slightly after, only his weapon is popped out, he do not take damage.
- So, fast weapons are cool now!
- Moreover, whether they popped or not depends only on dists between weapons.
- So, daggers are cool now!
- Plays sound and shows sparks.
Now you can prevent enemy from attacking — see video.
Thanks to ellder4mk we have awesome review!
In general, it is compatible with everything. Feel free to install/uninstall it at any spot in the playthrough.
As usual, if two mods do same thing with two different ways, it likely cause problems.
Inpa Sekiro Combat have same feature. But.. it is laggy, delayed, scripted and…
Probably you will find another mods which have this feature. Do not worry, you likely just have parrying from both mods.
Known issues (also see “bugs” section)
Feel free to report bugs in comments, I’ll do my best to fix that.
Install/uninstall it like any SKSE plugin.
Available on my github.
- Ryan (Fudgyduff) for CommonlibSSE
Наше пати
My other mods
- Resurrect Me - reliable resurrection mod.
- Fires Hurt RE - burn while walking on embers.
- CombatAI - first in history real combat AI mod.
- LimbsInjuries - combat overhaul.
- CoolStaggers - my stagger system.
- Everyone’s stamina matters - stamina overhaul.
- Numerical dialogue options - choosing dialogue options by 1-9 on keyboard.
- Just take books - allows you to take books while sneaking.
- New game sound on continue - plays New Game sound when you load last saved game.
- Where s the key - lists all key owners.
- Print F (modders recource) - adds printf functionality in Papyrus.
- FenixDisenchanter (modders recource) - adds reliable disenchanter (both player created and found in game disenchants).