About this mod
Mod adds several models of saddles with different textures and saddle bags from game "Witcher 3".
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
- German
- French
To equip horses with these saddles you can craft them in blacksmith's forge / "Leather" and after that cast built-in alteration spell "ElrianHorse: Change horse outfit" (spell is added to player automatically by mod) on any unmounted horse.
Choose a desired model from opened list (list contains only models, you have currently in your inventory) and click on it. Wait a bit while new saddle is applied. Old saddle will be added to players inventory automatically.
You can assign a hotkey in MCM menu for accessing the outfits menu as well. You need to stand at a short distance before the chosen horse to use the assigned hotkey.
You can use mod "Immersive Horses" to change saddles as well.
For "Convenient Horses" use MCM menu Hotkey to change follower's horse outfit, because spell does not affects them.
!!! Please, do not upload this mod on other sites. Exeption: Xbox version
I'll never ask donation for my work/help, so, if you'll see my mods anywere with "donate/by me coffee " option - be carefull and DO NOT DONATE
Огромная просьба НЕ размещать мод на других ресурсах.
Русская версия доступна только для tesall и gamer-mods.
Если вы его обнаружите на любых других сайтах , он УКРАДЕН.
Отдельный привет modgames.net, которых я неоднократно просила удалить мой мод, но администрация заботливо подтирает все неугодные комментарии.
К сожалению некоторые недобросовестные локализаторы делают "переводы" изначально русскоязычных модов на русский и просят за это донат.
Я никогда не попрошу материальной поддержки за свою работу/помощь, так что если вы где-то увидите мои моды с включенной опцией "Donate / By me coffee" - не ведитесь.
Vanilla horses, Convenient Horses - tested on Se
Immersive Horses - tested on Le
Fitted for vanilla horse shape.
Version 1.1 :
Added MCM menu for assigning hotkey for access to horse equipment (works identically as spell).
You need to stand at a short distance before horse to use the assigned hotkey.
Version 1.2 :
New interface for accessing horse custom outfits - GiftMenu instead of Uiextensions. Works much faster than previous version
Added possibility to return to vanilla outfits.
Version 1.2.1 :
Small bug fix in scripts
Version 1.2.2:
- Two more styles added: Nilfgaardian saddle and "Caparison of Lament".
- Optional meshes whithout stirrups for old saddles
- Optional texture for Nilfgaardian bag
- Patched long-hair horse for compatibility with new armor
For compatibility with vanilla horses and "Convenient horses" I've added into the mod archive a patch as well, which provides mane hiding under neck armor.
For Immersive Horses no patch is needed.
Install order for Convenient Horses:
Install order for Vanilla Horses:
To enable killing effect of "Caparison of Lament" poison cloak on horse enemies together with Convenient Horses,
in CH Msettings is needed to set up "I need to make some decisions" -> "(Combat behaviour" ) -> Assist me in Combat. .
Apologies for making wait for patches for Sc Replacer and other altenative horses meshes, but I really have no time for this. No more updates are planned, only bugfixes.
Credits for testing on "Convenient Horses": PARASZTZORAXE
Русская версия мода доступна также на gamer-mods:
Russian version is available on gamer-mods