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About this mod

Addon for Vokrii, that merges Lockpicking and Pickpocket perk trees to Security, and adds a new perk tree called Hand to Hand.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
Vokrii - Hand to Hand and Security AddOn

Ever since Hand to Hand - An Adamant AddOn released I waited if somebody would incorporate some of these functions to other perk trees. Nothing happened so I decided to do this myself. Funnily enough I liked more about streamlining Lockpicking and Pickpocket to Security than the Hand to Hand AddOn. But as Security merge frees a perk tree, why not use it for Hand to Hand.


Hand to Hand and Security for Vokrii requires Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks Of Skyrim and Address Library for SKSE Plugins to be installed.

Security (16 perks)

  • 0 - Security Mastery: Pickpocketing odds and ease of Lockpicking increased by 1% per level of Security.
  • 20 - Cutpurse: Odds of pickpocketing gold, keys, gems and jewelry increased by 50%.
  • 30 - Payday: Most citizens carry 100 more gold on average. In most dungeons, chests contain up to 100 and containers up to 10 gold.
  • 30 - Quick Hands: Able to pick locks without others realizing that you are committing a crime.
  • 40 - Death's Emperor (2): A cursed septim that reduces armor by 500/1500 points and inflicts 50/150% weakness to magic when placed in a person's pockets.
  • 40 - Poisoned: Silently harm people by placing poisons in their pockets while pickpocketing.
  • 50 - Extra Pockets: Carrying capacity is increased by 100 points.
  • 50 - Wax Key: Picking a lock gives you a copy of its key if it has one.
  • 60 - Lawless Times (2): Your bounties for nonviolent crimes diminish at a rate of 50/200 gold per day.
  • 60 - Treasure Hunter: In most dungeons, regular chests are 50% more likely to contain an additional weapon or armor piece.
  • 70 - Trickster: Can pickpocket equipped weapons, necklaces and rings.
  • 70 - Conspicuous Wealth: The richest citizens carry more valuables such as gems, enchanted jewelry, and spell tomes.
  • 80 - Lucky Guess: Pick starts much closer to the lock opening position.
  • 90 - Master Thief: Pickpocketing a character automatically steals all of their gold, with no chance of detection.
  • 100 - Lawyer: Locks of Adept or lower level are very easy to pick.
  • 100 - Perfect Touch: Can pickpocket equipped items.

Hand to Hand (7 perks)
  • 0/30/60 - Iron Fist (3): Deal extra unarmed damage equal to 5/15/30% of current Stamina if both hands are empty, gaining Hand to Hand experience.
  • 20/70 - Light Feet (2): Move 10/20% faster if Unarmed.
  • 30/70 - Flurry of Blows (2): Power attacks with two empty hands cost 25/50% less Stamina and have a 50% chance to stagger opponents, potentially disarming them.
  • 70 - Defensive Hands: Take 25% less damage from attacks if Unarmed.
  • 90 - Ki Strike: Power attacks with two empty hands deal 60 points of random elemental damage.
  • 100 - Windmill: Unarmed attacks are 50% faster.

Future Plans

Developing the Hand to Hand tree more, tweaking, and maybe trainer and book compability.

Credits and Huge Thanks to

Simon Magus, Jelidity and Colinswrath for the assets and core functionality
Hand to Hand: An Adamant AddOn
Hand to Hand Github

Enai Siaion
Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim