You can do everything you want with this ENB as long as you abide by the other credited author's permissions. (with the exception of a paywalled version of Berserkyr ENB)
File credits
Bethesda for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Boris Vorontsov for ENBSeries Rudy102 who kindly allowed me to use his ENB as a base LonelyKitsune who generously allowed me to use his shaders and without whom there would be no weather lenses nor imagespace effects for this ENB. Marty McFly for his DoF shader Adyss for his Shader Addon l00ping for NAT.ENB III GGUNIT who shared with me his premade interior templates and of course for Lux mindflux for his Particle Patch, Embers XD and his many other great mods Credit also goes to all the people mentioned on Rudy ENB's page : JawZ, Tapioks, MaxG3D, Kingeric1992, Jjensson, THE SANDVICH MAKER, Phinix, Pamposzek
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
*SKYRIM_StormRain_3: reduced sky's blue tint, reduced fog's purple tint during daytime
*NAT_BlueSkySnow: increased Cubemap intensity (-> 7.0) and curve (-> 4.0)
Version 1.2.7
*enbeffect: increased Dawn Exposure (0.0 -> 0.4), decreased Dawn White Point (1.0 -> 0.8), decreased Dusk Contrast (1.30 -> 1.25), decreased Dusk White Point (1.0 -> 0.8)
*SSAO_SSIL: reduced both AO and IL exterior amount (less flickering, better looking shadows), reduced resolution scale 0.75 -> 0.50, reduced source texture scale 0.75 -> 0.50
*SKYRIM_Cloudy: decreased cloud shadows for all times of the day (-> 0.6), increased IL Brightness at Dusk, increased Skylighting at dusk, increased direct and ambient lighting at night
*NAT_PaleSun: reduced Game Volumetric Rays at night (0.4 -> 0.05), reduced Skylighting at night
Version 1.2.6
*Adjusted cubemap values for multiple weathers and interiors (new ENB feature)
*DOF: now enabled by default in the standard version, increased Near Blur Curve 4.0 -> 6.0
*NAT_CloudyDark: reduced Bloom for exterior (0.5 -> 0.2)
*NAT_CloudySunny: reduced game VL intensity and range (night), gave blut tint to game VL (night)
*LT_Lux_Ruins: reduced point lighting curve (1.35 -> 1.10)
*Plugin: adjusted brightness/contrast/saturation values for many ImageSpaces (major feature of this update)
*Deadlands add-on: added "Berserkyr ENB.esp" as master
Version 1.2.4
*enbeffect: decreased Night MinAdapt 0.7 -> 0.5, decreased Night Whitepoint 1.0 -> 0.5, set Dusk MinAdapt to 1.05, set Dusk Whitepoint to 1.0, set Dawn, Sunrise and Dusk contrast to 1.25
*enbseries.ini: increased volumetric lighting intensity, reduced ambient lighting for all times of the day to 0.60, increased direct lighting intensity for all times of the day, set IL Brightness to 1.8 for every time of the day, set IL Brightness to 1.0 for night
*enbbloom: new shader "Reforged Bloom" (credits to SandvichDISH)
*enbprepass: now using Silent Horizons postpass for SSS shaders
*WETSURFACES: now ignores weather system, set glossiness to 0.2 and reflection amount to 0.8, increased fresnel 1.4 -> 3.0, reduced FresnelMin 0.12 -> 0.1, increased BodyFresnel to 4.0, set Body Reflexion to 0.1
*SSAO_SSIL: increased IL Amount 2.0 -> 3.5, reduced AO amount 2.0 -> 1.0, reduced AO intensity 0.8 -> 0.7, reduced AO amount SSS 1.5 -> 1.0, reduced IL Amount SSS, adjusted IL Brightness on a per weather basis
*Created SKYRIM_CloudyAurora for weathers 10e1f1, 10e1e9, 10e1ef, 10e1ed, 10e1e3 (moved from SKYRIM_Cloudy)
*Created NAT_OvercastDark_2 for weather 53bd (moved from NAT_OvercastDark)
*Created SKYRIM_FogDark for weather 10a232 (moved from SKYRIM_Fog_2)
*Renamed SKYRIM_Fog to SKYRIM_FogLight
*SKYRIM_Cloudy: reduced ambient lighting for all times of the day to 0.40, increased direct lighting intensity for all times of the day, greatly reduced IBL, reduced CloudShadows to 0.7 to play better with SSIL, darkened fog at night, reduced clouds opacity and intensity at night, reduced game volumetric rays at night
*SKYRIM_Rain: increased direct lighting for daytime, reduced clouds opacity for daytime, reduced gradient and cloud opacity for night, increased sky intensity for night, reduced particle intensity for night 0.25 -> 0.10, set skylighting to 0.6
*SKYRIM_Rain_2: reduced ambient lighting for all times of the day, changed direct lighting color filter to blue, reduced direct lighting curve for day 1.0 -> 0.8, reduced fog curve 0.6 -> 0.4, set fog color curve to 1.0
*SKYRIM_Rain_3: increased direct lighting intensity for all times of the day
*SKYRIM_FogLight: increased volumetric rays, disabled game volumetric rays, increased sky color intensity/chroma, sky/horizon separation visible (light fog on landscape effect)
*SKYRIM_Fog_2: disabled volumetric rays, reduced game volumetric rays, vastly improved sky/horizon blend, increased direct lighting intensity
*SKYRIM_Fog_3: disabled volumetric rays, increased game volumetric rays, vastly improved sky/horizon blend, increased direct lighting intensity, disabled volumetric fog
*SKYRIM_SnowClear: reduced ambient lighting and skylighting for night
*SKYRIM_Snow: reduced ambient lighting, increased bloom intensity for night 0.5 -> 0.7, reduced IBL multiplicative amount for all times of the day
*NAT_BlueSky: reduced ambient lighting for all times of the day, increased direct lighting intensity for all times of the day
*NAT_OvercastMA: reduced game volumetric rays at night, reduced ambient lighting intensity
*NAT_OvercastDark: increased volumetric lighting intensity, reduced ambient lighting at night, reduced sky gradient intensity and increased curve at night, decreased clouds opacity and intensity at night
*NAT_SnowClear: reduced fog's blue tint (day), reduced ambient lighting for night
*NAT_OvercastBright: increased direct lighting intensity for day 1.0 -> 1.2, reduced direct lighting curve for day 1.0 -> 0.6
*L_Dragonsreach: reduced ambient lighting for day 1.0 -> 0.4, reduced point lighting desaturation 0.0 -> -0.2
*LT_Lux_Houses: increased bloom 0.1 -> 0.3
*LT_Lux_HousesWindows: increased bloom 0.1 -> 0.3
*LT_Lux_HousesWarm: increased bloom 0.1 -> 0.3, increased fire intensity
*LT_Lux_Ruins: increased fire curve and intensity, reduced particle intensity 0.2 -> 0.1, reduced particle ambient influence 1.0 -> 0.4
*LT_Lux_Forts: increased point lighting desaturation -0.48 -> -0.10
*Plugin: restored NAT's imagespace values for World Map's weather (removed records)
*Removed unused LUT files
Version 1.2.3
*Complete rework of SSAO settings
*enbeffect.fx.ini: increased saturation to 1.25 for every time of the day/night, increased contrast 1.2 -> 1.25 (sunset)
*COMPLEXGRASS: increased BasicGrassSSSAmount and BasicGrassFakeLight for exteriors
*NAT_BlueSky: reduced IBL additive and multiplicative (day)
*NAT_OvercastDark: increased Direct and Ambient Lighting Intensity (day), Skylighting (day), IL Brightness (day)
*LT_Lux_Ruins: reduced ambiant lighting intensity, point lighting intensity, wet surfaces reflexion and glossiness
Version 1.2.2
*Decreased night contrast (1.25 -> 1.20), increased night brightness (-0.8 -> -0.3)
*enbseries.ini: increased ambient lighting intensity at night
*SKYRIM_CloudyFX: decreased ambient lighting intensity at night
*SKYRIM_Fog: increased sky gradient intensity for night, increased ambient lighting intensity for night, increased fog color multiplier for night, increased fog curve multiplier for night, increased fog's blue tint for night
*SKYRIM_Fog_2: increased sky gradient intensity for night, increased fog color multiplier for night, increased fog curve multiplier for night, increased fog's blue tint for night
*SKYRIM_Fog_3: increased sky gradient intensity for night, increased ambient lighting intensity for night, increased fog color multiplier for night, increased fog's blue tint for night
Version 1.2.1
*Bloom: reduced yellow tint
*Removed enbgrasscollisions.ini (effect already included in enbseries.ini)
*enbeffect.fx.ini: reduced day exposure (0.2 -> 0.0), increased day contrast (1.35 -> 1.40), increased day saturation (1.15 -> 1.2), reduced night exposure (0.1 -> -0.8)
*enbseries.ini: reduced imagebased lighting intensity for night, increased fire intensity for night, increased point lighting curve at night, increased direct lighting intensity for day, increased direct lighting desaturation for day
*Plugin: forwarded Lux's Radius, Color and Fade values for Torch01 and Torch01Shadows
*Bruma: attributed a Lux lighting template to Lakeside Retreat
*Created LT_Lux_HousesWarm for lighting templates 924B4, 975D0 and 975D1
*SKYRIM_Rain: increased Fire intensity, increased sky and sun intensity for sunrise, increased fog amount for sunrise, decreased clouds opacity for night
*LT_LuxHousesWindows: increased point lighting desaturation
Version 1.2
*Implemented AGIS, imagespaces now work as intended (credits to LonelyKitsuune)
*Added weather dependent lens effects (credits to LonelyKitsune)
*Implemented ENB Complex Grass and Grass Collision
*Implemented Lux's LT-based ini files using ENB Helper Plus (credits to GGUNIT)
*Disabled GAME SSAO
*Reduced global gamma 1.05 -> 1.00
*Disabled Antialiasing (vanilla TAA should be used instead)
*Disabled VSync
*Set EnableTerrainParallax to False by default
*enbseries.ini: reduced ambient lighting desaturation at daytime 0.8 -> 0.5, adjusted environment lighting for interiors
*enbeffect.fx: now using Silent Horizons fx file, reworked tone mapping and HDR to match previous enbeffect.fx
*enbeffectpostpass.fx: fixed weathers index for rainy/foggy weathers
*enbeffectpostpass.fx.ini: disabled desaturation effect for rainy/foggy weathers
*DOF: now disabled by default for better performance
*Removed unused enbeffectprepass.fx
*SSAO: reduced AO amount, increased IL amount and intensitiy (both for exterior only), applies to SSS
*Rain: reduced refraction, stretch, bluriness and transparency, increased brightness for day 1.20 -> 1.30
*Fire: , now ignores interior weather system, values adjusted to work with Inferno's textures (Embers XD no longer a requirement)
*ComplexeParticleLights: set ShadowQuality and NormalMappingShadowsQuality from Medium to Low for better performance with no noticeable impact on visuals during gameplay
*Lightsprite: reduced intensity (-> 0.2) and increased curve (-> 1.6) for interior settings
*SSS: complete rework, skin will look less red under certain lightings, disabled separate interior parameters, set quality from High to Medium for better performance
*Shadows: set all settings' quality from High to Medium for better performance
*CloudShadows: increased intensity for cloudy weathers
*WetSurfaces: set antialiasing quality from Medium to Low for better performance with no noticeable impact on visuals during gameplay
*Reflections: set exterior settings' quality from Medium to Low for better performance with no noticeable impact on visuals during gameplay
*NormalMappingShadows: set quality from Medium to Low for better performance with no noticeable impact on visuals during gameplay
*Edited weather D64B3 from NAT (auroras are now blue) and added it to NAT_CloudyDark
*Created NAT_RainCloudy for weather D64B1 from NAT
*Created SKYRIM_Fog_2 (10a7a7, 10a232) and SKYRIM_Fog_3 (c821e) and adjusted values for a better sky-fog blend during daytime
*Created SKYRIM_StormRain_3.ini for weather (10a241)
*Created L_PalaceOftheKings.ini based on L_Dragonsreach.ini
*Removed unused SKYRIM_DA02Weather.ini
*Removed unused SKYRIM_HelgenAttack.ini
*Removed L_Dwarven_Ruins.ini, L_Ice_Caves.ini, L_Dungeons.ini and L_Azura_Star.ini in favor of LT-based ini files
*Removed L_Blackreach.ini entry from _locationweather.ini
*Renamed L_Blackreach to SKYRIM_Blackreach
*Removed SolitudeCatacombsLocation from "Berserkyr ENB.esp"
*Changed SolitudeHalloftheDeadCatacombs', MarkarthHalloftheDead's and WindhelmHalloftheDead's LT from Lux_LTObscure to Lux_LTObscure_Ruins
*Copied UnderwaterImageSpace, Torch01 and Torch01Shadow from NAT-ENB.esp to Berserkyr ENB.esp to ensure it overwrites edits made by other plugins
*Edited all Tamriel imagespaces (set tint to 0 and brightness/contrast/saturation to 1) for AGIS compatibility
*Edited ISSkuldafnCloudy imagespaces (set tint to 0 and brightness/contrast/saturation to 1) for AGIS compatibility
*Edited ISBoatedMansGrottoFog (sic) imagespace (set tint to 0 and brightness/contrast/saturation to 1) for AGIS compatibility
*Edited ISDLC01SoulCairn imagespace (set tint to 0 and brightness/contrast/saturation to 1) for AGIS compatibility
*Created "Berserkyr ENB - Deadlands.esp" (ESPFE), edited Deadlands Worldspace imagespace (set tint to 0 and brightness/contrast/saturation to 1) for AGIS compatibility
*Removed edits to Apocrypha's water from "Berserkyr ENB.esp"
*Replaced Apocrypha cubemap with a blue version
*Removed L_Ayleid_Ruins_Bruma.ini and L_Ayleid_Caves.ini
*Created LT_CYR_Ayleid.ini, LT_CYR_Castle.ini and LT_CYR_Dungeons.ini
*Edited "Berserkyr ENB - Bruma.esp" to attribute fitting LTs to several Interiors
*Removed CYRMawOfSedorLocation and CYRMawOfSedorZone from "Berserkyr ENB - Bruma.esp"
*Flagged "Berserkyr ENB - Bruma.esp" as ESPFE
*SKYRIM_SnowClear: reworked direct and ambient lighting intensity/curve for daytime, darkened fog for daytime, darker fog at night and dawn, increased sky saturation, reworked sky colors at for dawn and sunrise, changed volumetric fog color for dawn and reduced opacity
*SKYRIM_Fog: adjusted fog color amount for better blending with the sky, reduced specular amount at night
*SKYRIM_Cloudy: adjusted color and intensity of fog, reduced sun and rays intensity at sunset, adjusted sky color at dawn and sunrise (less yellow and softer)
*SKYRIM_Rain: fixed and darkened clouds, changed sky color at daytime (now blue), increased skylighting and multiplicative imagebased lighting for sunrise, sunset and night, increased fog distance at daytime, reduced volumetric fog opacity, reduced point lighting desaturation (interior night), increased ambient lighting intensity and SSIL at night
*SKYRIM_Rain_2: increased direct and ambient lighting intensity for day, reduced volumetric fog intensity and opacity, had fun with sky gradient colors, increased surfaces wetness
*SKYRIM_Rain_3: completely reworked sky (now blue-purple and strong orange at sunrise/sunset) and fog (white and less opaque), increased sky gradient intensity for night, reworked direct/ambient/imagebased lighting for a "softer" look
*SKYRIM_StormRain: reduced fog distance, reduced clouds opacity, reduced sky gradient intensity for daytime
*SKYRIM_StormRain_2: reduced Ambient and Direct Lighting for daytime, reduced Specular Amount, reduced Fog Curve, reduced sky and clouds intensity, changed sky color for day (more blue)
*SKYRIM_Sovngarde: increased sky intensity, disabled volumetric fog
*NAT_SnowClear: reduced direct and ambient lighting, darkened fog, increased fog distance, reduced volumetric rays intensity 1.00 -> 0.8, gave volumetric fog blue tint for daytime, increased sunrays intensity for sunrise, reduced sky gradient intensity, reworked sky colors for dawn, sunrise, day and sunset, increased SSIL and IBL for daytime
*NAT_PaleSun: darkened fog for sunset and sunrise, adjusted direct lighting color for sunset
*NAT_CloudySunny: reduced volumetric rays and game volumetric rays intensity, reduced IBL multiplicative amount for daytime, increased direct lighting intensity for daytime, darkened fog for sunrise and sunset
*NAT_OvercastDark: reduced sky intensity for dusk, increased direct/ambient lighting intensity for night, increased sky intensity for night, reduced direct/ambient lighting intensity for day
*NAT_OvercastBright: adjusted fog color amount and curve for better blending with the sky, reduced volumetric fog intensity (daytime), desaturated direct lighting color, reduced direct lighting intensity for interiors at night
*NAT_OvercastSnow: reduced game volumetric rays and sky intensity for night
*NAT_BlueSky: changed the tone of fog during daytime (lighter and blends better with the sky), changed fog color and intensity for sunrise, sunset and night, adjusted imagebased lighting to soften shadows
*NAT_BlueSkyComa: changed fog color and intensity for sunrise and sunset, adjusted sky horizon color for sunset and sunrise, vastly reduced ambient/direct/point lighting intensity in interiors
*NAT_BlueSkySnow: reduced direct lighting intensity and curve for day, reduced game volumetric lighting intensity and range at night, reduced moon intensity, fixed overly bright interiors (day and night)
*NAT_CloudyDark: reduced point lighting intensity and SSIL for interiors
*L_Castle: complete rework of SSIL, wetsurface, and environment lighting for day and night
*L_Dungeons: complete rework of SSIL, wetsurface, and environment lighting for day and night
*L_Dragonsreach.ini: completely reworked lighting to be more contrasted and saturated, making use of IL and Wetsurfaces to emulate raytracing, now also affects High Hrothgar
*L_BluePalace.ini: remade based on L_Dragonsreach.ini
*L_Ice_Caves: complete rework of SSIL, wetsurface, and environment lighting for day and night
*WYRM_Clear: increased direct lighting saturation and curve for sunset, increased point lighting saturation and curve for night
*L_Deadlands: reduced direct lighting intensity, increased clouds opacity
*L_Ayleid_Ruins.ini: set direct lighting intensity to 0
*Reorganized weather .ini files in subdirectories (Weather\...) to declutter main enbseries directory
*...and many other changes here and there
Version 1.1
*Fixed a typo in Ustengrav's location
*Added new Dungeon locations : Embershard Mine, Harmugstahl and Kilkreath Ruins
*Added a new Ice Cave location : Uttering Hills Cave
*Reduced Blur Amount : 0.8 -> 0.5
*Reduced DoF blur
*Reworked interiors (day and night) for the default settings
*NAT_PaleSun : fixed fog color at dawn and at night, adjusted night sky color intensity
*NAT_BlueSky : reworked interiors for day and night, increased fog curve at night to remove seam
*NAT_CloudyDark : Adjustments for fog and volumetric fog
*SKYRIM_StormRain : reduced specular amount and intensity
*SKYRIM_StormRain_2 : reduced specular amount, reduced lighing intensity, edited color and intensity of fog
*SKYRIM_Rain : reduced specular amount and intensity
*SKYRIM_Rain_2 : reduced specular amount and intensity
*SKYRIM_Rain_3 : reduced specular amount and intensity
*SKYRIM_Fog : edited fog and sky at dawn so they blend better
*SKYRIM_Cloudy : made stars visible at night
*SKYRIM_CloudyFX : fog and lighting adjustments for nighttime
*Toned down Subsurface Scattering to avoid "glowing red skin" issue
*Removed QualityBoost variable from enbseries.ini
*Replaced all red auroras with blue-green ones (with weather lighting adapted in consequence)
*Added weathers 10e0b and 10e0e to SKYRIM_CloudyFX.ini
*Created DLC1_CloudyAuriel.ini for weather f89d
*Reduced Reflection intensity and amount for exteriors
*Reduced brightness at night following NAT.ENB 3.0.2 update
*Reduced moon intensity at night for enbseries.ini
*Added weather 923fd to SKYRIM_Sovngarde_Cloudy.ini
Version 1.0.1
Fixed an issue with "!_NAT_PaleSun.ini" not being processed
Enabled ShaderCache
Berserkyr ENB is a visual overhaul for Skyrim based off Rudy ENB for NAT. This is the result of months of tweaking and testing, to finally achieve the desired look while staying true to Skyrim's atmosphere. Do not be fooled by the name : Berserkyr is not a purely cold or grim preset. It is cold when it has to, but vivid and bright under midday's sun, warm around a tavern's fire, eerie at night, dark and unforgiving in ancient tombs. Many games inspired Berserkyr's look. Among them : Assassin's Creed Valhalla and The Witcher 3 for specific weathers. Red Dead Redemption 2 as well, for its use of blur to enhance shell textures (aka "realistic fur") and its subtle vignette. But not only recent games influenced Berserkyr. Some of Skyrim Legendary Edition's best ENBs, like Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics and Suki's ENB, were precious sources of inspiration. All these references contributed to make Berserkyr ENB what it is.
This ENB features more than sixty different weather and location-dependent settings. Many of these were originally created by Rudy102 and GGUNIT and subsequently reworked. But Berserkyr ENB also comes with new exclusive settings : Ayleid Ruins (The Cause, Beyond Skyrim : Bruma), Deadlands (The Cause) and Wyrmstooth's weathers.
To achieve the results seen in the screnshots, you will need five additional mods. These are hard requirements, meaning that if you don't use them your game simply won't look good. These mods are required for the ENB to work as intended. Also, make sure that you follow the prescribed load order in the next section, as it can have significant influence on the final look of your game.
Hard requirements
|||||ENB Helper SE||||| ENB Helper is used to have weather or location-dependent settings.
|||||ENB Helper Plus||||| ENB Helper Plus is used to have lighting template-dependent settings.
|||||EVLaS||||| Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS) synchronises the volumetric rays with sun and moon.
|||||NAT.ENB III||||| Only install the ESP plugin found under "MAIN FILES":
You can disregard NAT.ENB's plugin specific instructions, as they concern its native ENB. This means you can safely use other particle and fire effects (Inferno, Embers XD, ...) with Berserkyr ENB.
|||||Lux||||| During the installation, select the following options:
The other options are at your discretion and will depend on your load order. Please note that Lux also requires that you download Lux Resource Pack (No ENB Light) if you are not already using the mod Lux Via.
1. Make sure you have installed all the requirements (previous section)
2. Go to ENBSeries website and download the latest version
3. In the downloaded archive, open the "Wrapper Version". Drag and drop both d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll in your "/Skyrim Special Edition" directory (where SkyrimSE.exe is located)
4. Manually download "Berserkyr ENB". Drag and drop the files contained in the archive in your "/Skyrim Special Edition" directory
5. Download "Berserkyr ENB - Plugin" and install with your mod manager.
6a. (optional) If you are using Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, download "Berserkyr ENB - Bruma" and install with your mod manager
6b. (optional) If you are using The Cause, download "Berserkyr ENB - Deadlands" and install with your mod manager
6c. (optional) If you are using Extended Cut: Saints & Seducers, download "Berserkyr ENB - Shivering Isles" and install with your mod manager
6d. (optional) For maximum quality, download "Berserkyr ENB - Ultra". Drag and drop the file contained in the archive in your "/Skyrim Special Edition" directory. Click "yes" when asked if you want to overwrite.
7. Using BethINI or the game's launcher disable SSAO and (optional) activate TAA. By default, Berserkyr ENB only relies on ENB SSAO and disables ENB Antialiasing
Load order
I strongly encourage you to use a mod manager, as it makes managing mods' priority infinitely easier. The following instructions are for Mod Organizer 2, but can certainly be applied to Vortex or any other well-made mod manager.
In the left pane, the load order doesn't matter between the required plugins. Make sure however that nothing overwrites Berserkyr ENB.esp. Next to that plugin, you should see either this icon
or nothing.
In the right pane, the load order should be as follows :
You can place other mods in between, but the relative order between these core plugins shouldn't change. For example, you can have SkyUI_SE.esp inbetween NAT-ENB.espand Lux.esp, as long as Lux.esp is lower than NAT-ENB.esp. However, try putting Lux.esp and Berserkyr ENB.esp as low as possible in your load order. If the edits made by these plugins are overwritten, then some interiors may not look as intended. This is because Berserkyr ENB relies on Lighting Templates to apply the appropriate settings to most interior cells.
A few recommended mods will be listed in this section. These are not absolute necessities but it's good to have them, as Berserkyr ENB was designed with these plugins in mind. You could for example build the rest of your modlist upon these mods, or simply use this list as is for a lightweight graphical overhaul.
||Particle Patch for ENB|| Comes with a few meshes not found in NAT. Load with a low priority on the left pane of Mod organizer 2.
||Water for ENB|| I personally use the "Shades of Skyrim" version
||Inferno|| Version 1.2 has been designed with Inferno flames for fire intensity and curve settings. During the installation, it is recommended to choose normal brightness with "freesia" color option. Ultimate HD Fire Effects is another good option, but Embers XD (see below) doesn't offer a compatibility option for this one resulting in some fires looking dull.
||Embers XD|| You can combine Embers XD with Inferno by choosing the specific option in Embers XD's FOMOD. Also make sur that Embers XD overwrites Inferno in the left pane of Mod Organizer 2.
||ENB Light|| Also, feel free to go crazy with particle lights mods. For example all of Rudy102's "More Lights for ENB". A search on the Nexus with the keywords "enb light" will also give you many interesting options to choose from. Make sure that Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel III overwrites ENB Light in the left pane of Mod Organizer 2.
||Skyland|| This is what I've been using recently as a base layer and it looks great. Noble Skyrim is another solid choice.
||Trees|| I use a custom mashup of many trees but pretty much any good tree overhaul will do the trick.
Here is how the game looks like with just these mods installed (with Happy Little Trees) :
Click to show more :
Locations or weathers added by mods need to be registered in _locationweather.ini and/or _weatherlist.ini for the correct settings to apply to them. This has been done for a few mods already and I will continue to expand the list as I stumble upon unregistered locations during my playthroughs. Feel free to mention in the comments locations (either vanilla or mod-added) that I missed or even mods with which you would like Berserkyr ENB to be compatible. Good news is: most of these compatibility tweaks don't require additional installation other than Lux's compatibility patches. This means that, when you download the ENB, your game will by default be compatible with most of these mods, whether you use them or not. If you then decide to install one of these mods, the effects will be dynamically applied to the new locations and weathers. For the moment, the only exceptions are Beyond Skyrim: Bruma and The Cause, which use a plugin to modify lighting templates and imagespaces.
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma (Ayleid Ruins, Caves, Mines, Forts, Cathedral and Houses) The are still some imperfections in a few interiors due to the light settings used in the mod, which are quite different from Lux's. But with version 1.2 most of Bruma's interiors are on par with the Skyrim ones.
It has been reported that water reflection doesn't work well if you are using Realistic Water Two with Berserkyr ENB.
Berserkyr ENB is also compatible with Skyrim VR. You will find a patch in the optional files. Drag and drop the files contained in the archive in your "/Skyrim Special Edition" directory and overwrite when asked to. VR is not yet compatible with version 1.2. I don't own this version of the game myself, so we will have to wait for someone to patch Berserkyr ENB to work with VR.
Bethesda for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Boris Vorontsov for ENBSeries aers for ENB Helper SE Rudy102 who kindly allowed me to use his ENB as a base LonelyKitsune who generously allowed me to use his shaders and without whom there would be no weather lenses nor imagespace effects for this ENB, as well as for EVLaS. Marty McFly for his DoF shader Adyss for his Shader Addon l00ping for NAT.ENB III GGUNIT who shared with me his premade interior templates and of course for Lux mindflux for his Particle Patch, Embers XD and his many other great mods Doodlezoid for ENB Helper Plus Credit also goes to all the people mentioned on Rudy ENB's page : JawZ, Tapioks, MaxG3D, Kingeric1992, Jjensson, THE SANDVICH MAKER, Phinix, Pamposzek
Last but not least : thank you to my patrons, your support is highly appreciated ! Your feedback also allowed me to make valuable changes before the initial release and before the massive 1.2 update.