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Author notes
The original meshes which I modified belong to Mandragorasprouts and PsBoss, respectively. You'll also need their permission to use them.
Please disregard the setting about donation points. If you get permission to use the assets, you may of course also earn points from your mods. For some reason, the check-boxes don't allow selecting that.
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Version 1.1.0
Added a version for "New Shrine of Boethiah SE" by PsBoss.
Added a version for vanilla statue.
The pillar is now replaced with a snowy one -- inactive and "dead".
Packed all versions into an installer.
I'd never given much thought to the Sacellum of Boethiah after the quest, then I installed a new modded statue and went back to have a look. No snow? Fires still burning? No janitor in view? I suppose that the acolytes kept the shrine clean and tended while they were alive, but now... So I added some snow and doused the fires. Now it looks properly neglected and abandoned... thanks to our energetic Dragonborn :) I also "snowed" some debris and cleaned a bit the navmeshes around.
The changes take place after having completed the "Boethiah's Calling" quest.
Versions and Requirements
Boethiah by Mandragorasprouts -- requires the original mod and won't work without it.
Vanilla statue by Todd Howard -- requires nothing. It just works!
User manual Install while away from the area. Looks good with Simplicity of Snow, which I use and recommend. No idea how it would be with vanilla snow or BDS.