File information
Created by
Revoith - Nicoroshi - greenleaf1mileUploaded by
greenleaf1mileVirus scan
About this mod
ENB lights for the great mod "Awesome Potions Simplified."
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
ALL GUD Patch is Here thanks to NaVerron
The brightness of them is dependent on your ENB but if you have mods that add ENB lights to other object, the lights from this mod should be a little dimmer. When it comes to ZUPA the ENB light brightness is dependent on the size of the potion you select in the fomod. Bigger potion = more light just like in the original file.
Let me know if there is anything wrong I will do my best to fix it ASAP.
Read the Mod Page of Awesome Potions Simplified for list of compatibility.
Original Mod Awesome Potions Simplified required for textures. Let my mod overwrite the meshes from Awesome Potions Simplified.
Thanks to
Revoith for Awesome Potions Simplified
Nicoroshi for the High Poly Models
Lucifonxx for creating the original mod
zxlice for Zupa
Rudy102 for his ENB Light Billboards and Tutorial