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Locaster's Become Jarl of Ivarstead ported to SE along with it's optional Girls of Ivarstead follower expansion and Voices Lower Volume fix.

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Hi I'm jbk1000009 and I ported LC Become Jarl of Ivarstead along with the Girls of Ivarstead Follower Expansion and Voices Lower Volume fix over to SE so I could continue a LE playthrough of mine on the remastered version of the game.

I decided I would upload it here so other people can use it because although there are a couple of other ports on the nexus, they don't contain either the optional expansion or voices fix.

I did this for all three files by using Cathedral Assets Optimizer 
and the Creation Kit, following this guide.

I tested it on my save where I've already completed the quests, become jarl and built everything. Things seemed to work mostly fine, just as they did in the original mod, but I have not played through it in it's entirety on SE. If you have any issues with dialogue showing up then try reloading a save.

There is an annoying bug that can happen where the audio for fans cheering in the arena becomes stuck in the queue and so some music and sound affect tracks don't play. If you experience this please refer to the fix I made to be used with either LE or SE: LC Become Jarl of Ivarstead Audio Bug Fix.

All credit for creating the mod belongs to Locaster, I'm just credited with porting it.

If you like the mod, feel free to endorse it as well as the original. Hope you enjoy :)

Installation Instructions

There are 3 zip files: the main mod, follower expansion, and voices fix. I'd recommend installing all 3 files for the best experience, but any combination of the main mod and one or both of the others will work fine. Just install the zip file(s) with your mod manager of choice (I use MO2) and sort the load order with the optional files beneath the main one.


There is a minor compatibility issue with the Fishing creation (free DLC for the Anniversary Edition), which is that the fishing supplies box on the river is covered up by part of the landscape added around the town wall. The barrel of fishing items and rod are still there, but because the box is under the landscape the spot is unusable. This would only take a small landscape edit to fix, but I don't currently know how to do that so if anyone wants to help then please let me know.

Original Description

What Does This DLC Do?

This DLC will introduce the opportunity for the player to become Jarl of Ivarstead, and to enjoy all the luxuries that come with such a title – such as a magnificent castle! To obtain the title, you must first undergo an immersive, lore-friendly quest that offers several hours of new gameplay in itself. After completing the quest and becoming Jarl, the story doesn’t end… it begins! After becoming Jarl of Ivarstead, you are responsible for your hold and all its subjects – tending to day-to-day tasks, working with your nobility to protect your home, feeding your citizens and governing your city’s law’s, executing perpetrators and imprisoning criminals. Hold banquets and dances and other lavish soirées to enhance your reputation as a leader and a political figure. Will you be the benevolent ruler that Ivarstead is crying out for? Will you release the innocent, punish the guilty and defend your home, feed your citizens and home them fairly? Or will you become a bitter tyrant? Holding feasts while your populace starve, watch your town burn and its people die? The choice is yours. Do all this while expanding Ivarstead into a grand superpower, setting taxes with a whole host of other possibilities never before seen in Skyrim!

So what are you waiting for? Download now! :-)

Expansion: Girls of Ivarstead!

(contains nudity and it recommended for ages 18+)

- Adds 5 beautiful girls to the court
- All 5 girls can be followers
- Each come with custom body/hair/face
- Adds new esp file (requires main esp also)

The Story

Upon awakening at the top of Throat of the World, the highest mountain of Tamiel, the legendary dragon Alduin gave a deafening roar.
The sonorous roar from the top of the icy mountain caused a destructive avalanche that swept everything on its path along seven thousand feet downhill reaching the imposing FalconNest fortress.
The glorious fortress deterred the advance of the avalanche saving the village of Ivarstead. Yet, its structure was destroyed and its inhabitants were killed.
Ivarstead and the FalconNest fortress were led by the Jarl Barumutt, a bastard brother of Laila Law Giver, the Jarl of Riften. They divided the land in the attempt to stop the dangerous threat of a large invasion of savages known as RedSkulls. The people in Ivarstead are suffering from the lack of a leadership and security, from their resources destroyed, and from starvation. They fell in times of darkness and gloom.
Laila now finds herself shaken and Riften is in financial crisis caused by the civil war, the population of Ivarstead has been abandoned to face their doom. Will this be the end of the tale? Or will another stand up for the hold and secure it’s future?
How Do I Start The Quest?
Go to Ivarstead, near the castle and search for Goldur in the warehouse that sits on top of the stables, he will sell you a Shed for you to rest in and store your equipment – this is when you can start main quest. (Remember in case the dialogue does not Appear: save the game and load again in front of Goldur)

How to start?

Go to Falconnest castle in Ivarstead speak with Goldur in warehouse upstairs of stable!

If dialogues no show in Goldur save game in front of Goldur and load now work!


The Quest

The Quest was made to be as immersive as possible, the mod features over 400 lines of quest dialogue that aims to fit seamlessly into the world of Skyrim without breaking immersion or disobeying lore. It consists of rebuilding the fortress FalconNest, meeting the various demands of the population and containing the threat of RedSkulls. It should take about eight hours to complete.

The Castle

FalconNest Fortress was initially destroyed by the Avalanche. It is an imposing fortress that must be reconstructed by the player. It has everything a player home should need and some additional extras, the included areas and features are as follows:
1- Stables.
2- Goldur’s Warehouse
3- Pens and barns for animals with accompanying administration office and beginner player bedroom
4 - Smelter
5 – Forge along with the soldiers' barracks.
6 - Throne Room.
7 – Feast hall
8 – Nobles’ Hall
9 - Library
10 – Jarl’s Bed Chamber
11 – Jarl’s Bathroom
12 – Secret passage to the Jarl’s Bed Chamber
13 - Prison
14 - Dining Room.
15 - Kitchen.
16 – Servant’s Chambers
17 – Trophy Rooms

New Enemies

A new kind of enemy now haunts the forests of Riften; The Redskulls are a wild tribal cult that paint their skin for camouflage, and hide among vegetation throughout their native territory of The Rift. They travel in bands and pillage local villages and settlements in the dead of night. They are commanded by the cult’s great mentor Malathar. He is a powerful mage who hides in the vast forests of The Rift.
New Areas
Several new areas have been added by the mod, including the fort of the Redskulls, a new Alchemy shop, an Arena, new houses, a mine and more. Some are only available for construction after the completion of the mod’s main quest line.

Take Care of Your Reputation!

Your actions will be judged by your citizens! If you uphold a respectable reputation, you will be adored by your populace, who will give you gifts, and you can sleep easy knowing that you will not be assassinated in the night. Or if you so wish, you can choose to be known as a cruel tyrant who exploits his or her people, hosting lavish feasts while the people starve. The choice is yours, and you must face the consequences… Because yes, there are consequences!

How Can I Build My Reputation?

You can build your reputation by meeting the everyday demands of running a hold, treating your people fairly. Everyday issues can be solved by consulting Arnold, and your decisions will influence your reputation – make kind and fair decisions, throw parties at your own expense, pay for arena events and give you’re a people a varied diet, and tax them fairly – you’ll be fine.

What Will Damage My Reputation?

When governing the hold with Arnold, cruel or unjust choices will degrade your reputation. As well as this, doing things like sending your guards to extort people, collecting bribes to release criminals, hosting feasts paid from the public purse, not feeding your citizens and high taxes will also garner you a poor reputation.

How Do I Check My Reputation?

Speak to Arnold and ask about your reputation, he will tell you your current status. It is important to remember that it is not one or two actions that will change your reputation, but the accumulation of good or bad actions over an extended period of time. Don’t expect mobs of angry, starving villagers to be cheered up by an Arena match and a Sweetroll!

Setting Tax Rates

You can set tax rates by talking to Arnold, higher rates will generate negative reputation, and lower rates will generate a positive reputation, as well as moderate taxes not giving too much in the way of a positive or a negative reputation. Rates as well as income from your investments in gold are deposited directly into the treasury chest, near the throne.

Food Management

Every day the inhabitants of Ivarstead consume a certain amount of food. The food is stored in a barrel in Goldur’s warehouse. The amount consumed varies depending on the variety of food that is in the barrel, the more varieties of food there are in the barrel, the happier the people will be, and subsequently your reputation will also rise. If variety of food is missing from the barrel, people will go hungry and your reputation will fall concurrently. You must replenish the barrel to stop this.

You can import food from other cities until you establish a self-sustainable level of consumption, just talk to Goldur to establish trade connections and import food. To achieve a balanced level of consumption you need to build buildings that produce foods such as the Hunter’s Guild and Wheat Farms that produce food daily and deposit food in the barrel directly.

Not all types of foods are consumed by the people, check the list of food added to the barrel.

Management of Prison

There are a variety of actions available to perform on imprisoned citizens. You can execute, torture, collect bribes, leave prisoners trapped, put them in the cage, pardon crimes as and when desired, but depending on their crime and your attitude, this decision making can affect your reputation. If you execute serious criminals or RedSkulls nobody will oppose it, but if you execute a petty thief who stole vegetables because they were hungry this will make mobs of your populace!

Construction of New Buildings

New buildings can be built by talking to Icarus. New buildings earn extra revenue, deposited in your chest. Buildings will also enable you to produce products that can be exported, as well as food for your citizens. Any generated food or revenue will be deposited as normal in Goldur’s Barrel or the Treasury chest.

For each new building you build, you will be able to monitor exactly which buildings produce income, food or export products. The following buildings are available for construction:

1 - Shed of animals (available for construction from the beginning from Goldur, its income is deposited in the office after purchase)

The following are available from Icarus after completing the quest:

2 - Wheat Farm.

3 - Smelter

4 - Arena.

5 - Iron Mine.

6 - Cheese House

7 - Hunter Guild.

Import and Export

You can import food for the people by talking to Goldur. You can also export the products produced by Ivarstead, by putting them in the export chest and talking with Goldur.

Feast and Events

You can organize feasts in the Feast Hall, and events in the arena, just talk to staff at the arena or around the throne. If events like feasts and arena matches are paid for by you, this will increase your reputation – if you steal from the public purse to pay for these events, this will degrade your reputation. The event lasts 12 hours and will end automatically at the end of this period.

Hire new servants

You can hire new servants by talking to Arnold; they will attend court feasts and dinners that you host. You will have the option to employ the following:

1 – Court Mage
2 - Blacksmith.
3 - Two Cooks.
4 - Two Servants.

New Companions
After completing the quest you can hire new guards and companions. Four new followers will be available in the barracks at your disposal; they are your bodyguards and are active members of your court.

New Amors

Two sets: Guard of Ivarstead armor you can forge in Iron, and Jarl armor you can take in secret passage of jarl bedroom when you end quest.

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