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About this mod

Your player cannot use weapons/armor/magic/crafting tables/enchanted items until they have been trained once in the associated skill.

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  • Portuguese


About Apprentice

I wanted to make it so that, when you start out with a new character...

  • Your character does not know how to use any armor unless they get trained in the associated armor skills
  • Your character does not know how to use any weapons unless they get trained in the associated weapon skills
  • Your character does not know how to use any shields unless they get trained in block
  • Your character does not know how to use any spells unless they get trained in associated magic skills
  • Your character does not know how to use any spell scrolls unless they get trained in associated magic skills
  • Your character does not know how to use any enchanted items unless they get trained in associated magic skills
  • Your character does not know how to use an alchemy table unless they get trained in alchemy
  • Your character does not know how to use an enchanting table unless they get trained in enchanting
  • Your character does not know how to use any smithing tools unless they get trained in smithing
  • Your character does not know how to pick locks unless they get trained in lockpicking
  • Your character does not know how to pick pockets unless they get trained in pickpocket

Because, why on earth would you know how to do ALL OF THESE THINGS as a brand new character?

Training can come from -either- trainers -or- books ( you can be a purely book-read self-taught character )

Bonus Features

You can use Apprentice to do other things to help kick off an immersive Skyrim playthrough

  • You can disable Fast Travel
  • You can disable the Skyrim ~ Console
  • You can set all of your starting skill levels, health, magicka, stamina, perk points, and even level

Watch the Creation of This Mod

This mod was created during 5 Twitch streams! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

If you're interested in seeing me create more Skyrim mods:

All features in this mod come from ideas given by the Skyrim community, here on Nexus, on Twitch, and elsewhere!

Configuring via the SkyUI Mod Configuration Menu

You can configure whether your character is considered as being "Trained" in any skills via the "Apprentice" SkyUI Mod Configuration Menu:

Additional Features
For convenience, you can also set some of your character's starting abilities for your immersive playthrough:

  • You can configure your character's starting level, perk count, magicka, health, stamina, and carry weight
  • You can configure all starting skills ( or click a button to set them all to zero )
  • Once you're ready, you can lock the entire MCM menu so you cannot change skills, etc, during your playthrough
  • You can go into the "Spells/Items Allowlist" MCM page at any time to set player skills or items as allows ( required skills are ignored ), which is useful for getting past certain quests or allowing spells
    provided by mods, e.g. some mods have their own spells used for configuration

Allowing Items and Spells (

You can add Items and Spells in the MCM which you character will be allowed to equip, even if they are not trained.

You can also add a text filter and any Items or Spells with names matching the text filter will also be excluded.

> Note: Backpacks are allowed by default (via the text filter allow list)

Configuring via the ~ Console or bat scripts

You might enjoy creating new characters via the ~ console or "bat" or "batch" scripts.

You can use either to set global variables to mark the player as having been "trained" in any skill:

set Apprentice_Training_Alchemy to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Alteration to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Block to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Conjuration to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Destruction to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Enchanting to 1
set Apprentice_Training_HeavyArmor to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Illusion to 1
set Apprentice_Training_LightArmor to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Marksman to 1
set Apprentice_Training_OneHanded to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Restoration to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Smithing to 1
set Apprentice_Training_TwoHanded to 1
set Apprentice_Training_Daggers to 1

Use the value 1 to mark a skill as "trained" or use 0 to mark is as "untrained".

You can also toggle various requirements on/off by using 1 (on) or 0 (off):

set Apprentice_Settings_RestrictEnchantedItemUsage to 0
set Apprentice_Settings_TrainFromBooks to 1
set Apprentice_Settings_DisableFastTravel to 1
set Apprentice_Settings_DisableConsole to 0

Secret Features

As of v1.3 of Apprentice, there is now a Secret Menu!

Can you find it? And can you unlock it?

If you can figure out how to trigger the menu, the password is the same password that old console games had in the 80s

Upcoming Features

Wow, thanks to everyone's great feedback so far! I'm so happy that you like it.

Based on suggestions, we're working on adding the following:

  • Right now, you can use a dagger but you gain One-Handed experience very quickly. Maybe don't unlock One-Handed until you reach # skill increases.
  • Add option so that, instead of not allowing you to use items at all, apply strong debuffs
  • You can limit skill gaining so your character can only train to 25 but no longer increase that skill until they see a trainer (which unlocks ability to level that skill to 50), and so on, with skill caps at 25/50/75.
  • Provide option to require more than one training sessions to "unlock" a skill.
  • [TODO] Improve detection of spell school of magic (using GetPerk() instead of checking first magic effect's school)
  • [TODO] Fix lockpicking conflict with (currently unknown) lockpicking animation mod
  • [TODO] Add a 'Save As Default' and 'Load Default' for all settings ( only when JContainers is installed )
  • Disallow drinking potions (or make then not work) if you aren't trained in Alchemy [this feature will be disabled by default]
  • Add option so that vendors will not show you spells or items which you are not trained in [this feature will be disabled by default]

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