SSEEdit script that can be used to populate the "OnlyPregenerateWorldSpaces" setting for No Grass In Objects. This increases the speed of precaching grass by eliminating worldspaces that do not have grass in them.
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Version 2.0
Complete rewrite that significantly improves the speed of the script. What took minutes before now takes seconds.
Version 1.1
-Bugfix: Fixed an issue where if a child worldspace was inheriting land data from a parent worldspace containing grass, it might not be added to the list. -Cleanup: Removed manual tweaks to the list that added/removed known worldspaces affected by the above bug. -Cleanup: Also removed manual tweaks that would delete DLC2ApocryphaWorld, DLC01Boneyard, and WindhelmPitWorldspace from the list. These are already included within SkipPregenerateWorldSpaces in default NGIO config and do not need to be removed from OnlyPregenerateWorldSpaces in order to be successfully skipped.
This is an SSEEdit script that can be used to populate the "OnlyPregenerateWorldSpaces" setting for No Grass In Objects. This increases the speed of precaching grass by eliminating worldspaces that do not have grass in them.
Extract the "List grass in worldspaces.pas" file to your SSEEdit installation's "Edit Scripts" folder.
Open SSEEdit and load all your plugins.
Once the "Background Loader: Finished" message appears, right click anywhere in the left pane and select "Apply Script...."
In the window that appears, in the Script dropdown, select List worldspaces with grass and click OK.
Wait for it to finish processing. This may take a minute or two, depending on how many mods you have.
When the Worldspaces with grass window appears, right-click the highlighted text and select "Copy".
Click OK and exit SSEEdit.
Open GrassControl.config.txt from NGIO (it's under Text Files in the mod information window in Mod Organizer) and paste the contents between the quotation marks of the OnlyPregenerateWorldSpaces setting.
Save GrassControl.config.txt
Precaching grass will now only look at the worldspaces specified in OnlyPregenerateWorldSpaces, so it will take less time to finish.
Delete the "List grass in worldspaces.pas" file from your SSEEdit installation's "Edit Scripts" folder.