About this mod

A short tutorial on how to use FNIS and NEMESIS together in the same load order. If you follow the steps exactly, it should work for you. These steps work for me perfectly.

Permissions and credits
Using FNIS and NEMESIS both together in one load order

This mod is a Microsoft Word file. It is a short tutorial on how to use FNIS and NEMESIS together in the same load order.

If you follow the steps exactly, it should work for you. These steps work for me perfectly.

**    Requirements

1.       Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) from here

2.       Knowledge of how to make Empty Mods in MO2 left pane.
  Knowledge of how to make Executables with Output to Mod option in MO2 for both FNIS and NEMESIS
          (If you don't know how, use Google / YouTube - I cannot help you to do this - Please learn it yourself)

3.       FNIS Behavior Engine and FNIS Creatures Animations mods from here

4.       NEMESIS Unlimited Behavior Engine from here

5.       NEMESIS Creatures Patch from here

6.       Download the tutorial from the Files tab and follow it exactly. With luck, it should work perfectly ;)

1.       I do not use Vortex or NMM, and so I cannot help with installing these mods using Vortex or NMM. Please do not get upset at me
          or complain about that. There is another mod on Nexus that shows how to do that. Please search for it or learn how to use MO2 :)
2.       Some folks have not been able to make this work in certain rare cases. This is usually due to their load order having a mix of mods
          that use proprietary methods to work with FNIS or Nemesis (whichever one they use). Because of that, I am unable to suggest how
          to make them work together. Apologies in advance if this does not work for you _/\_