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About this mod

Adds 21 vanilla cuts from redguards, orcs and females to work on all male non beast player characters. Now also has some long nord beards available for non beasts too.

Permissions and credits
Ver.2b  Now without the bald spots ...mainly... and 21 cuts!! Includes the redguard braids, and some bushy nord beards available for non beast elves too as requested.

This mod was just something I did for myself because I wanted more vanilla hair options for my Nords...

So here is my Viking Nord Ragnar showing that real men can wear the scalps of Orcs regardless of gender!!

You get, for any non-beast male, 21 vanilla hair cuts, which includes bald and top knots/under cuts with shaved or stubbly sides options for the discerning Nord (Beasts don't need them as that's who I scalped them from)
This mod doesn't replace anything and doesn't effect NPCs, only non-beast male player characters as way of more options on the hair slider... so shouldn't conflict with anything.
Tis my first mod...

Ooh and Ragnar is in there too as the last male Nord preset if you want to run around as him. I recommend using Total Character Makeover by Scarla, a great mod that makes people prettier.
