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Tsaxaman - JaySerpa

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About this mod

Addon for Pumping Iron that makes Gopher's mod work both ways: Your character can now lose muscle if you don't exercise. It also adds an ability that allows you to stay active (by doing push-ups!) even if you're not out fighting or increasing your physical skills.

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Stay In Shape - A Pumping Iron Addon

This is a very simple addon for Pumping Iron that adds two small tweaks:

  • Lose Weight (In 10 Easy Steps): Upon sleeping, if you haven't increased any physical skills recently (1h, 2h, smithing, etc.), you might now lose some "weight". Weight here meaning muscle: you will decrease in size basically. The original Pumping Iron only goes in one direction (bulking up). 

  • Push-Up Time: Give me 20! Upon installing the mod, you will get an ability called "Stay in Shape". Using this ability will have your character perform some push-ups. This ability works together with Pumping Iron, increasing your muscles after a good night sleep. The amount of muscle you gain via this ability is quite small, but enough to prevent you from losing muscle. The point of this being small is that I still want for the player to gain muscle naturally throughout the game, but you might use the ability for roleplaying reasons or to avoid losing weight if you haven't been outside fighting for some time.

The mod is also compatible with Immersive Interactions via a small patch: Using the "boxing animation" also contributes (very slightly) to muscle growth.



  • DAR (Just DAR, no need for FNIS/Nemesis)
  • Pumping Iron (Original mod MUST be installed)


The Push-Up Animations

The animations have been created by the amazing Tsaxaman. There are 3 different animations, depending on the "strength" of your character. Strength is a combination of current weight (weight/muscle slider, not carry weight) and current available stamina

Keep in mind, the longer your character can last doing push-ups, the more muscle-growth they will accumulate from them. From left to right:

  • Weak: If you have low weight and stamina, your character will struggle to do push-ups and their stamina will decrease very fast during the animation.
  • Average: If you have average weight and stamina, your character will still struggle doing push-ups, but much more graciously.
  • Strong: If you have a bulked character and enough stamina, your character will perform push-ups effortlessly, costing them less stamina.


Short FAQ

  • What's the point? If you're using Pumping Iron and would like it to be a bit more dynamic (gain AND lose weight), this mod might interest you. The push-up animation is also a nice bonus to give something for your character to do before going to bed.

  • Why would my character do push-ups? Some variation of the modern day push-up has been performed by humans and mer for thousands of years (perhaps even longer, sadly early sapiens forgot to pass us their training routines), so I don't think it's out of place in the medieval-like world of Skyrim. Here's a fun challenge for you though. #SkyrimPushUpChallenge: If you make your character do push ups, you better give me a couple too while the animation plays. The real life "Stay in Shape" mod. Go, go, go!

  • Can you add X? Probably not, this is a small release. Please don't ask me to add a nutrition system, a calorie balance with intermittent fasting, keto diets or anything similar, I have enough of that IRL (lol). I am open to tweaking the numbers included here if you feel push ups last too long/short, if you want more training per push-up, etc. Also, if you convince Tsaxaman to create more animations, I can implement them. (Flexing animation would be cool, just saying!)

  • Performance? I never installed Pumping Iron thinking "why add another intensive mod for something I can do myself via ShowRaceMenu", but after looking at the behind the scenes of the mod... it's so simple that there's no reason not to install it if you're into this sort of thing. Same goes for this addon.

  • What's next? Ever noticed how it's either "no music" OR "I'm Mozart" when it comes to being a bard in mods? Well, I have something in the works...


A Good Cause

This small mod came up as a way to contribute towards a good cause. A fellow modder is currently struggling financially while having to look after his wife with cerebral palsy. Dobromusl could use a hand in these shitty times, so visit his profile and consider contributing directly to him and his family if you are able to. 100% of the DP generated by the downloads of this mod will go directly towards his family.

Kudos to Tsaxaman for literally forcing me gently asking me to put together this mod. The animations turned out great, I discovered how cool and simple Pumping Iron is (Kudos to Gopher!) and on top we're helping someone in need inside this community. Nice!

As always, thanks for reading and stay safe (and in shape) out there!
