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About this mod

Book Unity & Revamp Project is a sizable collection of patches to add some BCS (Book Covers Skyrim) love to a large number of mods. In addition to these brand new Revamp textures, the project also includes Unity options to streamline duplication of books between mods.

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  • German
  • French
As featured in MB's True Graphics and Immersion List

German Translation can be found here courtesy of PRieST47

About BURP

BURP (Book Unity & Revamp Project) started out as an attempt to standardize the book covers across my own installation. Using mods like LotD brings the old Book Covers Skyrim love to a huge proportion of the books in game, and there are many patches around which extend this to other mods. However... this often falls short (in my experience) when it comes to newly added books. That's where BURP comes in.

This was put together to bring the same BCS love to everything in my own game, which altogether comes out at a pretty big collection of mods that I've compiled here in the hope others will find them useful. BURP has been designed to complement existing book cover patches - not replace them. This means that if you only use BURP, then you will likely still have gaps where the generic vanilla book covers are still used.

The entire project to date introduces over 750 new book covers to the game, supporting over 100 different mods!

This collection has been compiled using the resources made available on the BCS page. Including a number of BCS journal textures that have been recycled for more widespread use alongside whole new textures unique to BURP.

BURP Unity

The first part of BURP is Unity. This is a collection of patches aimed to streamline book distribution from different mods. In other words, where multiple mods add the same book - these patches aim to take care of that and reduce each duplicated book to a single version. Needless to say, this can be something of a minefield but hopefully the collection to date helps out someone more than just me! 

Another part of Unity is book distribution. Many mods add their own unique books, and not just those which are quest related or region-specific. So the installer for BURP offers a collection of levelled list entries to redistribute books around the vanilla book and clutter lists.

BURP Revamp

Technically a further element of Unity, but ultimately Revamp is the design choice for certain books. It always bugged me when I would have most of the books in game that belong in a set appearing as such, but then some appearing as generic vanilla books because a different mods adds them as something slightly different. Herbane's Bestiary (LotD / BCS) and Skyrim Bestiary (Skyrim Immersive Creatures) being a prime example. In this example, BURP provides the Skyrim Bestiary books with Herbane's Bestiary style covers and (optionally) renames them to suit.

As stated above, not all book covers in the game are handled here. Some are left alone by design, others because they are already replaced by other mods. Even then, the BURP Revamp breathes new life into hundreds of books throughout the game.

BURP Options

Firstly, there are two main files on offer. One for the (recommended) desatured textures, and one for fully saturated. These were split into separate files to reduce download file sizes. Whichever you prefer (examples in the images tab), the installer also gives options for unifying book titles independently of the texture replacement. Unified titles generally tweak book titles to match other sorting mods which also change them, so it will be a case of matching them to whatever you currently have in game

BURP'd Mods

See below for a complete list of mods that have been BURP'd in one fashion or another so far.


Aethernautics *NEW*
Alternate Start: Live Another Life
Amethyst Hollows
Amorous Adventures
Ancient Hunter - Modular Leather Armour
Artifacts of Boethiah
Artifacts of Skyrim
Arthmoor's Shor's Stone
Aurora Village
Bards Reborn *NEW*
Become a Bard
Beyond Reach
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma
Black Sacrament Armour
Capital Whiterun Expansion
Capital Windhelm Expansion
Carved Brink
Civil War Neutrality
Cloaks of Skyrim
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
EasierRider's Dungeon Pack *Updated in 1.0*
ESO Imports *NEW*
The Floating Market
Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell
The Forgotten City
The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns
Haafstad and the Border of High Rock
Hammet's Dungeon Pack *Updated in 1.0*
Helgen Reborn
Ice Blade of the Monarch
Immersive Armours
Immersive Dungeons
Interesting NPC's
Kaidan 2 *NEW*
Know Your Enemy
konahrik's Accoutrements
Lakeview Extended
Land of Vominheim
LC Build Your Noble House
Lustmord Vampire Armor
Midwood Isle
Moon and Star
Moonpath to Elsweyr
Morrowloot Ultimate
M'rissi's Tails of Troubles
New Treasure Hunt
Nyhus and the Border of Cyrodiil
OBIS SE - Organized Bandits in Skyrim
Oblivion Artifact Pack
Obscure's College of Winterhold
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
Palaces and Castles Enhanced
Path of the Revenant
Phenderix Magic World
Pirates of the North
Practical Pirate Outfit
Project AHO
Rayeks End
Recorder - Standalone Follower
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Relics of Hyrule
The Republic of Maslea Ch. I
Rigmor of Bruma
Rigmor of Cyrodiil
Rigmor of Cyrodiil Dragonchild DLC
Royal Armoury
Rugged Rogue Outfits
The Scarlett - A Buildable Ship
Serenity - A Silent Moons Camp Overhaul
Shumer and the Fall of Allagard
Skaal You Need
Skyfall Estate Buildable
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Skyrim Realistic Conquering - All in One
Skyrim Sewers
Skyrim Underground
Song of the Green *NEW*
The Stone of Snow-Throat
Tactical Valtheim
Tavern Games - Mini Games in Skyrim
Teldryn Serious
There is No Umbra Ch.II
Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package
The Tools of Kagrenac
Treasure Hunter
Undeath Remastered
WestWind Misfit Mage (LE)
Wayshrines IFT (SWIFT) *NEW*
Wheels of Lull
Whiterun Valley - Hold Expansion
Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim

BONUS BURP - The 36 Lessons of DeserterX

In addition to all of the above choices, the installer includes an optional extra which BURP's the crafting manuals from DeserterX' armour mods. This Is separated out from the rest of BURP since most of the original books already come with unique covers. This options simply converts them into a collection: "The 36 Lessons of DeserterX", whilst also adding crafting books to the few sets which don't include them as standard. 



Installation & Requirements

1) Choose your main file based on texture saturation preference
2) Install with your favourite mod manager and follow the fomod steps - or extract manually if preferred.

There are no actual requirements for this mod. Only one slight exception being for the Glenmoril patch which needs assets (meshes & textures only) from Vigilant Book Covers

3)All included data files are espfe, so they won't take up precious space in your load order. They can also be merged if so desired.
4) IF you install any of the Unity patches, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to place them as high in your load order as possible. This is because they edit the REFR objects placing books into the game world. Such edits carry header level cell edits which will override mods intended to edit those cells. I personally review things like that in xEdit before loading them into a game, but I know that's not for everyone.
5) IF you install any of the levelled lists, you should take steps to properly incorporate them into your game - i.e. rebuilding your Bashed Patch or equivalent. Failure to do so will result in undesired overwriting of levelled lists.

6) There is an error in the current version fomod installer which selects the wrong Unity patch for ESO Imports & Bards Reborn. If you want/need to install this patch, simply extract manually to your data folder.



Obviously anything that edits the same book covers will conflict, this is why I have tried to ensure that BURP only changes books not covered by other mods. But if I've managed to get that 100% perfect right out of the gate... well yeah, it's a virtual impossibility.

Cell edits as mentioned above in the installation instructions. Not outright incompatibility, but enough to bug any fellow perfectionists if not managed properly. There is - to my knowledge - nothing in BURP that will result in game-breaking compatibility problems.



None of this would have ever been possible without DanielCoffey who kindly made all of the photoshop resources from BCS openly available.


My Mods