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  1. jayserpa
    • premium
    • 8,425 kudos
    This mod helped big time, the FPS definitely went up and it was super needed for cells such as these.

    Unfortunately... My PC still couldn't take it. The cells are just too big and Dwemer Pipework Reworked made me crash while in the cell, even with the occlusion markers from this mod. Not this mod's fault, just a combination of older CPU + huge cell. I really wanted to get through the quest, so I ended up making a small mod that removes thousands of (unnecessary) pipes from Dumzbthar, so your PC won't have a meltdown like mine did while visiting the location. Mind you, there are still hundreds and hundreds of pipes in the cell, even with the patch, so the general aesthetic of the location is still there (and it's still quite taxing on your system), but not as much, since I've removed thousands of pipes lol.

    Putting it out here in case it helps anyone. I'd say... first try if Wartortle's mod is enough to get through the cell, if you're good, then good. If your PC is struggling, then add my mini plugin, while also using Room Markers for Dumbzbthar. Hope it helps someone!
    1. Wartortle
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      Awesome that you made that Jay, completely agree the amount of polys is crazy in that location. Only so much you can do in a wide open design. Thanks for the kind words!
  2. JeanA882
    • member
    • 32 kudos
    The dwemer pipework reworked have some optional texture and mesh performance files. I guess it can help with your mod? Thank you for the patch too.
  3. Geoeve07
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I use Nolvus and have modified it quite a bit, but I knew something was wrong as soon as I entered Dumzbthar. The area was making my frames drop enough to be noticeable which was somewhat rare. Nolvus has the dwemer pipe texture mod just so others know.

    The dungeon went by without too much issue, though I did notice I couldn't open my map at some point. It led to a CTD so I knew something fishy was up. I just didn't open my map. My problem was at the very end when you try to leave the core room. There is an elevator there which takes you back to an earlier part of the dungeon.

    I tried three times with CTDs before I went to check what might fix it. This mod, for whatever reason, fixed it. It also allowed me to open my map in the area. The FPS seemed better, but I didn't really stick around long as I installed this when I was essentially done there. I was able to exit cleanly and had no more issues. Thanks for the mod, saved me from having to teleport out with console commands or try other tricks.

    Just saying all of this for others who may be in a similar situation. It seems safe to install mid play through and fixed my specific issue. So if you have something similar going on, this may help.
  4. deleted89348808
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    This will be very useful since I got too many ctds before
  5. chumper100
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just worked Thank you very much !!
  6. Axarien
    • premium
    • 320 kudos
    This really saved me on an exisitng game. Fixed CTD on loading back into Dumzbthar proper from the core area. Also drastically improved FPS all over.
  7. rileymil
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Saved my ass as well, for anyone wondering, I was freezing as I walked into the Dumzbthar Core room before installing this, then installed this, disabled ENB from enbseries.ini, and walked through the rest of the dungeon staring at the floor. Lol. All good!
  8. hunlucansu
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    thank you so much man u saved my ass! cant endorse this enough <3
  9. zlostnypopolnik
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    I tried it on an existing save and it works. FPS is stable, it has greatly improved, unfortunately CTD still occurs (I know - 1. A new game is required since room markers are persistent). My game is of course heavily modded, I also use Dwemer Pipework Reworked, under normal circumstances I don't have CTDs.
  10. RamonXick
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    still freezing, this bug really annoying :/
  11. alfredini
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I tried this mod on a current game save, and from the main entrance on Dumzbthar, looking straight ahead inside I went from 39 fps to 70 fps, and all the first area was pretty stable with high fps. So it seems to work on a current game save.

    The Core also seems more stable but my fps went back to 39fps only when looking straight ahead from the elevator, and my game froze once, but the fps stabilized once I went further in and had way less freezes and CTDs.
    I wonder if whatever magical miracle was done to the main area could be applied to the Core as well?

    Thank you

    UPDATE: Upon further testing, even the CORE area shows improvement. I actually went from 30-36 fps to 39-45 fps on the heavy area, the rest was over 60 fps. CTD and freezes happened once only.