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About this mod

Mesh replacer for the blood potions in Dawnguard. Smaller, more compact and probably easier to drink from.

Permissions and credits
I never liked how strange the shape of the blood potion was. I'm not even sure how I'd hold it effectively to drink from. Therefore, I edited the mesh in Nifskope to make it similar in size to some of the minor potions. I also took the liberty to add environmental maps to the "golden" portion, using "bronze_e" as the cubemap. It's quite subtle, but it also depends on your cubemaps replacer.

There's also an ENB particle light version based on Awesome Potions Simplified by Revoith.


  • Choose one Main File of your choice
  • Install with your preferred mod manager
  • Make sure it overwrites other meshes, if you're using other replacers that touch the Potion of Blood (dlc01BloodPotion.nif).
  • If using one of the Optional Files, download and install Better Blood Potion by SavrenX first, then install my Optional Files and overwrite their mesh.


  • Should be compatible with everything, except for mods that also replace dlc01BloodPotion.nif

The mod is released as is and no patches are planned for other mods. However, you're free to use this mesh to publish patches if you want, without needing my permission.

Revoith for reference on ENB Light glow on potions
rudy102 for the ENB light textures