About this mod
A simple smithing overhaul changing recipes, adding the ability to breakdown most armour and weapons, replicate certain artefacts without their enchantments, and upgrade unique levelled weapons and armour.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- German
- Changelogs
- Donations
Additional Credits:
- mattrk' PRUFEI - Protection for Recipes Using Favorite and Equipped Items
- PRUFEI powers Simple Smithing Overhaul and Simple Smithing Overhaul Simplified's breakdown protection. Items equipped and/or favourited can no longer be broken down.
Perk Mods Supported:
- Smithing Perks Overhaul SE
- No patch required.
- Patch for Vokrii and Weapons Armour Clothing and Clutter Fixes perk changes included in installer.
- Patch for Ordinator and Weapons Armour Clothing and Clutter Fixes perk changes included in installer.
- Patch for Adamant and Weapons Armour Clothing and Clutter Fixes perk and recipe changes included in installer.
Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Recipe Consistency Changes:
- Inspired by the changes made by CCOR.
- A simple baseline is:
- Boots = 3 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather - 2 leather strips
Cuirass = 5 primary - 2 secondary - 2 leather - 4 leather strips
Gauntlets = 2 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather - 2 leather strips
Helmet = 3 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather - 1 leather strip
Shield = 4 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather - 2 leather strips
Battleaxe = 3 primary - 2 secondary - 3 leather strips
Bow = 3 primary - 1 secondary - 2 leather strips
Crossbow = 4 primary - 1 secondary - 2 leather strips
Crossbow Enhanced = 1 crossbow - 2 secondary
Dagger = 1 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather strip
Greatsword = 3 primary - 1 secondary - 2 leather strips
Mace = 3 primary - 1 secondary - 2 leather strips
Sword = 2 primary - 1 secondary - 1 leather strip
War Axe = 2 primary - 1 secondary - 2 leather strips
Warhammer = 4 primary - 2 secondary - 3 leather strips
Arrows x24 = 1 primary - 1 firewood - 1 leather strip
Bolts x15 = 1 primary - 1 firewood - 1 leather strip
Bolts Exploding x15 = 1 salts - 15 primary bolts
Gear Breakdown
- Allows the majority of weapons and armour to be broken down into a small potion (about 1/3) of their main crafting ingredient.
- Jewellery (necklaces, rings, and circlets) cannot be broken down.
- Leather-based items can be broken down into Leather Strips at the Tanning Rack.
- Metal-based item can be broken down into their primary metal at the Forge.
- Some item can be broken down at either the Tanning Rack or Forge.
- 50 Arrows can be broken down into one primary metal ingot.
- The following materials cannot be broken down:
- Fur
Artefact Replication
- Allows the player to craft various artefact item once certain quest or quest stages have been completed, or the player has the original artefact item in their inventory or equipped.
- All artefacts replicas have no enchantments or special effects.
- Dragonpriest masks, including Miraak, can not be replicated.
- Miraak's Sword and staff can not be replicated.
- Below is a breakdown of all available Artefact Replication items and toggles:
- Requires the quest "Darkness Returns" to be completed.
- Requires either the Glass or Ebony Smithing perk.
- Include armour and weapons.
- Requires the quest "Touching the Sky" to be completed.
- Requires Advanced Light Smithing (Advanced Armours*) perk.
- Include Snow Elf (Ivory) armour and Auriel's Shield and bow replicas.
- Dawnguard Rune Axe, Hammer, and Shield
- Requires "Allow Faction Gear", "Dawnguard Items", and "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Require the quest "Lost Relic" to be completed all three times and the Advanced Heavy Smithing (Orcish Smithing*) perk.
- Harkon's Sword
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "Kindred Judgment" to be completed and the Ebony Smithing perk.
- Bloodskal Blade
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Final Descent" to be completed and the Advanced Heavy Smithing (Orcish Smithing*) perk.
- Dwarven Black Bow of Fate
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Kagrumez Gauntlet" to be completed and the Dwarven Smithing perk.
- Champion's Cudgel
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "March of the Dead" to be completed and the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Helm of Yngol
- See the Companions section in Faction Gear.
- Wuuthrad & Shield of Ysgramor
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "Glory of the Dead" to be completed and the Ebony Smithing perk.
- Masque of Clavicus Vile & The Rueful Axe
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "A Daedra's Best Friend" to be completed, the Ebony Smithing perk for the Masque replica, and the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk for the Rueful Axe replica. Both items can be crafted regardless of the player's choice in the quest.
- Ebony Mail & Blade of Sacrifice
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "Boethiah's Calling" to be completed and the Ebony Smithing perk.
- Ring of Hircine & Savior's Hide
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "Ill Met By Moonlight" to be completed, and the Advanced Light Smithing (Advanced Armours*) perk for the Savior's Hide replica. Both items can be crafted regardless of the player's choice in the quest.
- Volendrung
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Cursed Tribe" to be completed and the Daedric Smithing perk.
- Mehrunes' Razor
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires requires the quest "Pieces of the Past" to be completed and the Daedric Smithing perk. The player will only be able to craft the replica is they sided with Mehrunes Dagon.
- Ebony Blade
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Whispering Door" to be completed and the Ebony Smithing perk.
- Dawnbreaker
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Break of Dawn" to be completed and the Advanced Light Smithing (Advanced Armours*) perk.
- Mace of Molag Bal
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The House of Horrors" to be completed and the Daedric Smithing perk.
- Ring of Namira
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Taste of Death" to be completed.
- Spellbreaker
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Only Cure" to be completed and the Dwarven Smithing perk.
- Blade of Woe
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires either the quest "Death Incarnate", or "With Friends Like These..." and killing your 'host', to be completed and the Ebony Smithing perk.
- Targe of the Blooded
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the player to have witnessed the scene between Umana and Sulla Trebatius in Alftand Cathedral, and to have killed the victor and the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Amulet of the Elder Council
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Silence Has Been Broken" to be completed.
- Keening
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "Arniel's Endeavor" to be completed and the Dwarven Smithing perk.
- Chillrend
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires the quest "The Pursuit" to be completed and the Glass Smithing perk.
- Amulet of Articulation
- Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" to be toggled on.
- Requires requires the player to have completed the quest "Under New Management".
Snow Elf (Ivory)
Artefact Replication
Faction Gear
- Allows the player to craft various faction armour and weapon sets once certain quest or quest stages have been completed.
- All options can be toggled in the MCM.
- Below is a breakdown of all available Faction Gear toggles:
- Requires the quest "Alduin's Wall" to be completed.
- Requires the Advanced Heavy Smithing (Orcish Smithing*) perk.
- Wolf armour requires the quest "Proving Honor" to be completed.
- Wolf armour requires the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Wolf armour can only be crafted at the Sky Forge.
- Skyforge weapons require the player to be able to have completed the funeral at the Skyforge.
- Skyforge weapons require the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Added Nord Hero armour set. Offers the same protection as Orcish armour. Requires the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Requires the player to be able to have completed the funeral at the Skyforge.
- Added Helm of Yngol replica, "Nord Hero Horned Helm". Requires "Allow Artefact Replication" option to be active in the MCM.
- Requires the player to have completed the quest "With Friend Like These...", joining the Dark Brotherhood.
- Shrouded armour requires no perks to craft.
- Shrouded Reinforced armour requires the player to have located the assassin of old.
- Shrouded Reinforced armour requires Advanced Light Smithing (Advanced Armours*) perk.
- Requires the quest "Bloodlines" to be completed, siding with the Dawnguard (rejecting Harkon's offer).
- Dawnguard gear requires the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
- Basic Imperial items require the Steel Smithing perk to craft.
- Imperial Officer armour can be crafted once the player has completed the quest "Jagged Crown".
- Penitus Oculatus armour requires either the quest "Jagged Crown" OR "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!" to be completed.
- Basic Stormcloak items require the Steel Smithing perk to craft.
- Stormcloak Officer armour can be crafted once the player has completed the quest "Jagged Crown".
- Thieves Guild requires the player to have completed the quest "Meet the Family", yay! the bees are safe.
- Thieves Guild armour requires no perks to craft.
- Guild Master armour requires the player to have completed the quest "Under New Management".
- Guild Master armour requires Advanced Light Smithing (Advanced Armours*).
- Requires the quest "Bloodlines" to be completed, siding with the Volkihar Vampire Clan (accepting Harkon's offer), or the player to be a vampire.
- Vampire Royal Armour requires the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk, the rest of the items do not require any perks to craft.
- Includes the vampire necklaces and rings.
Dark Brotherhood
Thieves Guild
Other Faction Gear
- Allows the player to craft various other armour and weapons once certain quest or quest stages have been completed.
- All options can be toggled in the MCM.
- Below is a breakdown of all available Other Faction Gear toggles:
- Allows the crafting of bandit Fur armour.
- Requires no perks to craft.
- Disabled by default.
- Allows the crafting of draugr armour and weapons.
- Honed and supple weapons require the Advanced Heavy Smithing (Orcish Smithing*) perk to craft, all other armour and weapons perk require no perks to craft.
- Disabled by default.
- Allows the crafting of Executioner armour set and Executioner's axe.
- Requires no perks to craft.
- Allows the crafting of Falmer armour and weapons.
- Falmer armour and weapons require no perks to craft.
- Heavy Falmer armour require the Dwarven Smithing perk to craft
- Hardened Falmer armour, Honed and supple weapons require the Ebony Smithing perk to craft.
- Disabled by default.
- Allows the crafting of Forsworn armour and weapons.
- Requires no perks to craft.
- Disabled by default.
- Allows the crafting of Hold Guard armour, helmets, and shields once the player has become Thane of the respective Hold.
- Requires no perks to craft.
- Disabled by default.
- Allows the crafting of Elven Light armour.
- Requires no perks to craft if the player is a High Elf, and the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk any other race.
- Allows the crafting of various other items:
- Pickaxe
- Woodcutters Axe
- Silver sword and greatsword, requires the Basic Smithing (Steel Smithing*) perk.
Hold Guard
Thalmor Elven
Unique Item Level Upgrade
- Allow the player to upgrade levelled unique items at the forge once the player reaches the required level.
- Upgrading item require 1 primary component, 1 special component (if applicable), and the Arcane Blacksmithing perk..
- The following item can be upgraded:
- Amulet of Articulation
Gauldur Blackblade
Gauldur Blackbow
Mage's Circlet
Miraak's Mask
Miraak's Staff
Miraak's Sword
Nighingale Armour and Weapons
Shield of Solitude
The Pale Blade
Patches Available For:
- Reliquary of Myth
- Included in main installer.
- Consistency changes.
- Included in main installer.
- Item and recipe consistency changes for MorrowLoot Ultimate and Reliquary of Myth.
- Available in mod installer. Soon™.
- Available in mod installer. Soon™.
- Available in mod installer. Soon™.
- Available in mod installer.
MorrowLoot Ultimate
Creation Club Integration - Armours
Creation Club - Misc Patches
Crossbow Integration (Including Creation Club)
Unique Uniques SE Re-Ported
... more patches may be requested