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QuestionableKhajiit and NordwarUA

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  1. Farazon1234
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    A file of a non replacer would be cool just for the player and companions.
  2. Garmagic
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    I'm having a problem with the mapping of the female guard armor of all the holds. The textures are all over her body! It's a complete mess.

    1. Garmagic
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      I somehow managed to fix it ONCE but then the problem happened again. I believe it has to do with CBBE because I saw this armor on the tool and the mapping is a mess. I believe you need to fix it when you can.
    2. pigletsfigments
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you are building CBBE meshes for it, but its not compatible with CBBE

      you can reinstall this mod after building meshes with bodyslide, or make bodyslide skip these meshes, and then they will look fine in game
    3. Farazon1234
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      I hope someone makes a patch for CBBE and bodyslide because this looks sweet.
  3. Garmagic
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Can I make a request?

    You're probably familiar with Nordwar's Sons of Skyrim Mod, right? That mod changes the armor of most of the city guards except for the Whiterun, Markath and Solitude. I suppose it may have to do with the Ukranian war (he lives there) so it makes sense that he had to stop his work but it feels very unimmersive to walk into those cities with the city guard wearing short sleeves, so... Is it possible that you can make a version of this mod that can replace the body armor of the city guards I just mentioned? These armors you made feel even more realistic than the short sleeved vanilla versions, considering how cold it is.
    I mean, come on, even Oblivion got that right, and it was based on the south!

    So let me know if you can do that. Alternatively, tell me if it's okay to install this mod even while having SoS (not to be confused with the OTHER SoS lmao) on a different load order.
    1. Garmagic
      • member
      • 108 kudos
      Okay never mind lol
      I decided to test if installing it created a conflict between the mods but there's not a single issue. Sons of Skyrim remains unaffected and the vanilla city guard armor is replaced by your version and therefore feels more immersive. All is right with the world :)
      Here's an endorsement for you!
  4. vaieroth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance a patch for "Improved Closedface Helmets" be made? This mod and ICH is incompatible with each other and gives the guards and stormcloaks the vanilla helmet with the optional helmets textures.

    Link to mod
  5. ZarakJohnson
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Will this patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn also work for this mod? 

    Simply Realistic Armor and Weapons - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch

    Since both this current mod and Simply Realistic Armor and Weapons are both your mods, I'm assuming they both use the same meshes for the guard armor replacer, but I just wanted to make sure.
    1. ZarakJohnson
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      And by the way, this is exactly the kind of guard armor replacer I was always hoping for. The guards look awesome with this gambeson, it's simple, and no plug-in to worry about compatibility. I just wish there was a standalone with a different color for my player character to wear because of how good I think this looks. 
  6. Motenator
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    BTW after seeing this mod in a YouTube video, i spent hours trying to find this mod.  whatever i typed, the other guards replacer and its related mods kept showing instead.
  7. Motenator
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    would be neat if you can make it so we can see the wearer's face through the helmet openings
  8. SeanJohnRawn
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    This is a really great mod. I hope you are able to keep working on this
  9. thenemesisofendor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Absolutely love your work! Could you make something similar for the Imperial Legion? For a 'Simply Realistic Imperial Legion' that does not look like Bad Rome Cosplayers?
  10. jothardan
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I want to kiss you man, I was looking for an armor replacer with no ESP.