This page was last updated on 24 April 2019, 9:11PM
Version 2.0se
- NEW! The female variation of the armor is finally here. No more placeholder. I'm no expert with armor or bodies, but I've done my best to make it look decent.
- Added new Knights themed tapestry to the room where the armor is found
- Fixed a few typos
- Fixed potential dark head bug on the NPC added in this mod
- Fixed several texture resolutions so they're standardized. Now NifSkope will stop yelling at me.
- Restructured Meshes/Textures. Models that were used multiple times with only a texture difference are now only used once, with the ESP applying texture changes directly. This drastically reduces the number of files in the BSA that the game has to load/search for. As well as shrinks the size the of mod.
- NIF files have been optimized for Skyrim SE finally. that I figured out how!
Version 1.9se
- Skyrim Special Edition update. Now compatible with Skyrim SE!
Version 1.9.5se
- Non-enchanted armor version now available. Once you find a certain journal with detailed information on the armor, you'll be able to craft it at a forge
- All armor (aside from the hood and cloak), require the Steel Smithing perk now. The armor is steel based, so naturally should require you know a little something about working steel at the forge.
- Fixed the dark face glitch on an NPC.
Version 1.9
- FROSTFALL Compatible. If you have Frostfall installed, Cloaks will offer protection from cold and rain.
- Mannequin displays finally got on my last nerve, so I built a new scripted display stand.
- Fix some issues with the armor's stats I've failed to address in the past. Such as items being tagged incorrectly (cloaks being called Light Armor instead of being clothing items)
- Lots of minor tweaks that have absolutely no effect on the player but satisfy my OCD. Things like organizing the data files.
- Tweaked the armor room a bit. it felt a little cramped, so I made it a little roomier.
Version 1.8
- Armor is now craftable
- Renamed the items to appear grouped in inventory. Ex: Divine Cuirass of the Battlemage, Dark Cuirass of the Battlemage
- Navmesh fixed inside, so followers will actually follow you inside, as intended
- Mannequins in the Hall now correctly display the armor (cannot be looted though still). This was done by semi-repairing Bethesda's glitchy, mostly disabled script. As a result, you'll now see, mostly, how Bethesda intended Mannequins to work. This ONLY affects the mannequins in the Hall. I did not touch the vanilla script or any locations outside this mod.
- Added some new lore to the armor, explaining in more depth why it's where it is
- Cleaned with TES5Edit
Version 1.7
- Fixed a problem with the Mannequins.. over and over and over. Have I mentioned I HATE Mannequins...?